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Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head.

I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.

You realize it was GGA that made the thread become about them, right? Geez, you mean despite their posts we're not allowed to criticize them? This is a public forum and if you act like an idiot expect to be called out on it.

We're the ones tearing our character down? At least we have one anyway, all GGA has at the moment is Big Brother telling them how to run their alliance and all you do now is just !@#$%* and moan that people are sharing their opinions on a public forum.

You start the GW then sir, for you have the bullet yet not the courage.

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I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

You are hilarious. Q is hardly one to talk here.

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Vox hardly counts as it's already expected regardless the topic of the thread, oh self-righteous one.

I guess Umbrella and MK don't count either?

That's just page 1.

I can jive with what KingSrqt said about needing to have an opinion if the alliance the anouncement is about is an ally or you are considering ties to them. However, this is clearly not the case and he knows it. This is just a bunch of blowhards taking the royal piss out of another alliance for maybe a poor handling of an internal situation. It's hardly worth all the attention in and of itself. the only reason it garnered attention was because GGA has been a polarizing entity the last few months. Some love them some hate them. All this has done is given the closet haters an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and kick them while their down. While I admire your enthusiasm you people are dragging yourselves through the mud at the same time. Doing nothing more than showing your true colors. I don't claim to be the most honorable member of this community but there are some here in this thread who do and it's astonishing to see them fall to what they claim to despise.

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I guess Umbrella and MK don't count either?

That's just page 1.

I can jive with what KingSrqt said about needing to have an opinion if the alliance the anouncement is about is an ally or you are considering ties to them. However, this is clearly not the case and he knows it. This is just a bunch of blowhards taking the royal piss out of another alliance for maybe a poor handling of an internal situation. It's hardly worth all the attention in and of itself. the only reason it garnered attention was because GGA has been a polarizing entity the last few months. Some love them some hate them. All this has done is given the closet haters an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and kick them while their down. While I admire your enthusiasm you people are dragging yourselves through the mud at the same time. Doing nothing more than showing your true colors. I don't claim to be the most honorable member of this community but there are some here in this thread who do and it's astonishing to see them fall to what they claim to despise.

I love you MN, but this is the equivalent of Bill Clinton saying he did not have sexual relations with that woman with her under the desk, and handling free speech like that in any alliance is simply stunning, not to mention the whole NPO leadership INVITED into GGA's private gov channel, something even protectorates arent forced to do.

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I guess Umbrella and MK don't count either?

That's just page 1.

I can jive with what KingSrqt said about needing to have an opinion if the alliance the anouncement is about is an ally or you are considering ties to them. However, this is clearly not the case and he knows it. This is just a bunch of blowhards taking the royal piss out of another alliance for maybe a poor handling of an internal situation. It's hardly worth all the attention in and of itself. the only reason it garnered attention was because GGA has been a polarizing entity the last few months. Some love them some hate them. All this has done is given the closet haters an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and kick them while their down. While I admire your enthusiasm you people are dragging yourselves through the mud at the same time. Doing nothing more than showing your true colors. I don't claim to be the most honorable member of this community but there are some here in this thread who do and it's astonishing to see them fall to what they claim to despise.

Hmmm yes cooking up nonexistent casus bellis to attack and potentially force the total destruction of another alliance over is totally equivalent to trolling somebody. We'd better pack it up guys, we're just as bad as them -_-

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I guess Umbrella and MK don't count either?

That's just page 1.

I can jive with what KingSrqt said about needing to have an opinion if the alliance the anouncement is about is an ally or you are considering ties to them. However, this is clearly not the case and he knows it. This is just a bunch of blowhards taking the royal piss out of another alliance for maybe a poor handling of an internal situation. It's hardly worth all the attention in and of itself. the only reason it garnered attention was because GGA has been a polarizing entity the last few months. Some love them some hate them. All this has done is given the closet haters an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and kick them while their down. While I admire your enthusiasm you people are dragging yourselves through the mud at the same time. Doing nothing more than showing your true colors. I don't claim to be the most honorable member of this community but there are some here in this thread who do and it's astonishing to see them fall to what they claim to despise.

Do you realize these are the same people who congratulated GGA on their announcement not two days ago? Of course that doesn't fit in for your fantasy white and black world, but do carry on.

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Well now it looks like Planet Bob now has all of the evidence that was used against me. I was not going to share it as I felt it was up to the GGA as to how much they wanted to bury themselves in this mess. For the record, I still do not condone spying, but this thread has taken a life on its own. Also for the record...the NPO also hosts another alliance on Bob...but I am uncertain as to who it was. I believe it is IRON but I could be mistaken. I do know that there is another though.

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My my my, is there any way to invoke a mercy rule on this thread?

Of course. It's rather simple. As CN's MercyFallout, I say this thread keeps going.


More on topic:

GGA, I really hope that you all are preparing for the tempest that will be unleashed because of your recent plummet in PR (not like it was good to begin with). If you aren't, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Of course. It's rather simple. As CN's MercyFallout, I say this thread keeps going.


More on topic:

GGA, I really hope that you all are preparing for the tempest that will be unleashed because of your recent plummet in PR (not like it was good to begin with). If you aren't, I wouldn't be surprised.

There you have it folks. Don't say I didn't at least try.

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Well now it looks like Planet Bob now has all of the evidence that was used against me. I was not going to share it as I felt it was up to the GGA as to how much they wanted to bury themselves in this mess. For the record, I still do not condone spying, but this thread has taken a life on its own. Also for the record...the NPO also hosts another alliance on Bob...but I am uncertain as to who it was. I believe it is IRON but I could be mistaken. I do know that there is another though.

If you're right on IRON that would make at least three alliances' boards that the NPO hosts and or has direct control over. Thats pretty impressive.

Edited by Ragashingo
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Do you realize these are the same people who congratulated GGA on their announcement not two days ago? Of course that doesn't fit in for your fantasy white and black world, but do carry on.

That's exactly the point WC. Not only do they care too much about what an alliance does that is not their own but they are two-faced about it.

60 pages? Seriously? Over what? Nothing that concerns anyone and that is in and of itself that big of a deal. Maybe NPO is exerting more influence than most of us would accept for our own alliance. Does it affect you directly? Hell, does it even affect you indirectly? No on both counts? Then your just talking !@#$ to talk !@#$ and you are a tool. This isn't directed at any individual just everyone in general. Even me. This don't only apply to this thread but every thread.

Talk away though. Far be it from me to stop you. Just thought you guys might wanna see what you've become and maybe at least change your tactics. I know perfectly well that is asking too much from this group but hey someone needs to point it out to you. You obviously can't see it for yourselves how horrible your acting.

(Vote magicninja for humanitarian of the year, also Vanguard sucks)

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Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head.

I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.

I see what you are trying here :rolleyes:

Slayer tried it and failed, GGA ridiculed itself we are just having good laughs here, try to blame outside people for what is happening in GGA is ridiculous. And quite frankly, you would be laughing with us if they weren't allieds with your or with TPF who protects your alliance(I think).


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<stuff was said>

I love it when ignorantninja posts. He always makes himself seem so intelligent. Here's to magicninja, savior of GGA, proliferator of all that is fair and right in the cyberverse! Give me a break. What is your angle for protecting GGA? Oh wait, you have something on your nose.

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That's exactly the point WC. Not only do they care too much about what an alliance does that is not their own but they are two-faced about it.

60 pages? Seriously? Over what? Nothing that concerns anyone and that is in and of itself that big of a deal. Maybe NPO is exerting more influence than most of us would accept for our own alliance. Does it affect you directly? Hell, does it even affect you indirectly? No on both counts? Then your just talking !@#$ to talk !@#$ and you are a tool. This isn't directed at any individual just everyone in general. Even me. This don't only apply to this thread but every thread.

Talk away though. Far be it from me to stop you. Just thought you guys might wanna see what you've become and maybe at least change your tactics. I know perfectly well that is asking too much from this group but hey someone needs to point it out to you. You obviously can't see it for yourselves how horrible your acting.

(Vote magicninja for humanitarian of the year, also Vanguard sucks)

What else is there to do in alliance politics. They're not two faced, the general populace calls it as it sees 'em. They can respect good and honorable decisions and will rip on you for being dumb and attempting to spin your way out of it. Honestly get over it, GGA is still one of the biggest alliances and has a pretty high political position so it affects everyone.

God, you complain about people posting in a thread all the damn time, take your own advice.

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That's exactly the point WC. Not only do they care too much about what an alliance does that is not their own but they are two-faced about it.

60 pages? Seriously? Over what? Nothing that concerns anyone and that is in and of itself that big of a deal. Maybe NPO is exerting more influence than most of us would accept for our own alliance. Does it affect you directly? Hell, does it even affect you indirectly? No on both counts? Then your just talking !@#$ to talk !@#$ and you are a tool. This isn't directed at any individual just everyone in general. Even me. This don't only apply to this thread but every thread.

Talk away though. Far be it from me to stop you. Just thought you guys might wanna see what you've become and maybe at least change your tactics. I know perfectly well that is asking too much from this group but hey someone needs to point it out to you. You obviously can't see it for yourselves how horrible your acting.

(Vote magicninja for humanitarian of the year, also Vanguard sucks)

I do not necessarily endorse the whole dramatic atmosphere created in this thread. However, if an alliance's internal issues are outlined in a public environment (ergo, this very forum), then it is not only inevitable that dozens upon dozens will voice their opinion on the matter, bicker, use hyperbole and whatnot...

...Well, what else is to be expected, other than many discussions/arguments and a huge thread? If the perceived issue is deemed relevant, shocking and/or outrageous enough for one, two or many to keep talking about it, then so be it.

If there was never any kind of outside repercussion for an alliance's handling of internal affairs, then Cybernations would be an utterly melancholic place until a war came about.

Edited by V The King
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Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head.

I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.

Amen. The Right Reverend MagicNinja will greet visitors in the Pastor's Parlour following the Doxology.

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I see what you are trying here :rolleyes:

Slayer tried it and failed, GGA ridiculed itself we are just having good laughs here, try to blame outside people for what is happening in GGA is ridiculous. And quite frankly, you would be laughing with us if they weren't allieds with your or with TPF who protects your alliance(I think).


I'm not blaming anyone for what happened at GGA. I don't even care all that much. It's their business and I wish them luck. What I can't stand is the sheer lack of tact in this thread but hey I'm no one to be preaching to people about tact, which in fact makes it even more sad that I am, but come on all this over something that is nothing of any importance to anyone outside GGA and it's allies.

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What I can't stand is the sheer lack of tact in this thread but hey I'm no one to be preaching to people about tact, which in fact makes it even more sad that I am, but come on all this over something that is nothing of any importance to anyone outside GGA and it's allies.

Nah, it just makes you a hypocrite.

Not really anything sad about that, it just is.

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I'm not blaming anyone for what happened at GGA. I don't even care all that much. It's their business and I wish them luck. What I can't stand is the sheer lack of tact in this thread but hey I'm no one to be preaching to people about tact, which in fact makes it even more sad that I am, but come on all this over something that is nothing of any importance to anyone outside GGA and it's allies.

Heh. The person kicked out of GGA was considering putting GGA on a path away from the NPO and its allies. A major alliance switching "sides" affects pretty much everyone.

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