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Protected Nation

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Well this thread certainly exploded overnight.

Shane's post to it is a good read; thanks for writing that. It is worrying that the GGA allow an NPO member to host their forums and be in their governmental IRC; that really is colony status, particularly taken with Ironchef's post on the GGA boards and Dephire's post here which started the discussion.

Not having a skin is no reason not to move forums from an insecure location. If necessary you can live with an unskinned board for a few days; forum skins are not that hard to find or make (and if you don't have anyone who can do it, $15m to a graphical designer would get you one I'm sure). The only reason I can see for still being on NPO-controlled boards is either direct pressure from the NPO to maintain dominion over GGA, or indirect pressure through the triumvirs to stall the process.

It is an interesting point about the initial expulsion* that Degen was also present in that meeting. If Shane was plotting against the GGA's allies, then so was Degen. That really gives the lie to that line of defence. And, as I said earlier, Shane has gone to an alliance which has most of the same allies as the GGA – so clearly he is not rabidly anti-NPO or anti-IRON. I think you can see from his post that he is pro-sovereignty and pro-thought – things which are clearly beyond the pale in the GGA.

Would GGA be rolled if they were cast off? That depends if the many alliances they have wronged over the years (never using their own strength, always using their allies as leverage) could get over their laughter at the GGA's dramatic fall from grace to actually declare war. The GGA are not even a worthwhile enemy these days. But sometimes a rolling is needed to exorcise past demons: ask Polaris about that, or even Pacifica, who would claim that GW1 was vital to their successes since then. Until the GGA comes out from under Pacifica's skirt, there will be no incentive for any other alliance to take them seriously, and no incentive for thinking nation rulers to join (or remain) there. You've already joined the ICP and CSN as alliances to lose a sanction in peacetime and there's a reason for that.

Re NSO: Sileath's post was not classy, and clearly not sanctioned (see Corinan slapping down the gag order). But the GGA doesn't care about CBs, it only cares about whether it can bring its big brothers to the fight – it couldn't even take NSO alone.

Hell, i'd convert them off of IVF and make them a little skin for 3 mil and 50 tech.

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He must have mixed up his words. What he wanted to say was Valhalla was going to roll the GGA if they dared leave their side. :awesome:
Well once they did that update strike with GR I think all woulda broken loose, no? Then again it's just typical don't leave the bloc scare tactics that have been around since WUT.

Wow, it's like I never issued a gag order at all!

Shut. Up.

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I didn't fail Shane, but you are quick to point figures when I have directed nothing towards you. Shows a lot about your character.


If he would refuse protection then post that long winded piece of crap, then at least I would have respect for his character.

As it is, he is just another whinny weasel in this sesspool of a thread ;)

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Wow, it's like I never issued a gag order at all!

Shut. Up.

try PMing. it works better in a thread that moves really fast, and then there's no "oh i didn't see it excuse". it always got me, anyways.

well, no, it didnt, but it could.

Edited by hizzy
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Spoken like someone who has never been under the NPO's thump. Which is actually a credit to your alliance, but still.

Oh, we know how it is, don´t be fooled. Just let me remind you about the little incident forcing VE to disband, about GOONS and their love to Grämlins.

Why do you think Grämlins developed an all hell will break loose complex back then. We know exactly how it feels and prepared for it.

I can´t say much about the topic i think embassaring is the best description. I´m dead serious here i wish GGA the best to sort the mess and rise form the ashes. I can´t speak for the Grämlins but personaly there is no ill will against you, no down looking, no hidden laughing. The past is past.

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If he would refuse protection then post that long winded piece of crap, then at least I would have respect for his character.

As it is, he is just another whinny weasel in this sesspool of a thread ;)

Atleast he's not afraid to use his own mind, and think his own thoughts.

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Pezstar said your alliance was weak. Not being able to handle yourself in war is pretty much the definition of weak. So no, it's not irrelevant. The point I am making is that while even NPO might not be able to stand against the combined forces of the world, when it does go to war as a part of the bloc mass, it contributes to the war effort for its side at a level comparable to its size. GGA does not.

No Delta, that is not the point you were making. Your point was directed towards a one on one conflict, it's a couple posts up if you need to refresh your memory. Ironchef's post was addressing the incontrovertible fact that so far no alliance in CN has been able to overcome a bloc disadvantage.

In regards to your new point of argument, it's arguably more subjective so it needs not be addressed since, again, it is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

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I can´t say much about the topic i think embassaring is the best description. I´m dead serious here i wish GGA the best to sort the mess and rise form the ashes. I can´t speak for the Grämlins but personaly there is no ill will against you, no down looking, no hidden laughing. The past is past.

Thank you Steelrat, your comments are most appreciated in a dark hour for us.

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No Delta, that is not the point you were making. Your point was directed towards a one on one conflict, it's a couple posts up if you need to refresh your memory. Ironchef's post was addressing the incontrovertible fact that so far no alliance in CN has been able to overcome a bloc disadvantage.

In regards to your new point of argument, it's arguably more subjective so it needs not be addressed since, again, it is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

You can brush it off all you want, but it's not going to change the fact that you have the weakest military stats of any alliance your size and several considerably smaller than you, that your nation building skill as an alliance has literally been a joke for months and that having fought GGA and more recently on the same side as GGA, I've never been impressed with your military in the slightest. And I'm leading an alliance approximately half your size that isn't known for being a military powerhouse in the first place.

No one looking at the prospect of war in the last two years has considered GGA to be a heavy hitter. You bring numbers to the table and nothing else, and literally everyone knows it. If you can shape up your alliance and get it functioning properly, more power to you, but don't think anyone is under any illusions about its current state of affairs, including your own leadership.

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Refuse the protection then, if he is not afraid ;)

There is smart, there is foolish and then there is idiotic.

Shaneprice's acceptance of VE's protection was smart. The perceived actions of GGA in this thread are foolish. You're post is idiotic.

Edited by AirMe
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I can´t say much about the topic i think embassaring is the best description. I´m dead serious here i wish GGA the best to sort the mess and rise form the ashes. I can´t speak for the Grämlins but personaly there is no ill will against you, no down looking, no hidden laughing. The past is past.

There's no hidden laughter anywhere. It's splattered all over the boards.

Refuse the protection then, if he is not afraid ;)

Is this a challenge to Shaneprince, or GGA? :awesome:

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Speech also has consequences. This you should understand. ;)

No, actions have consequences as it should be. However people being afraid to speak out because of attitudes like yours is what has made the world a dull place.

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Judging from his action as a GGA leader, he doesn't know the difference.

He knows far better than you, little one.

Step up to the leadership level sometime, see how things really are in this little world of ours. You'll be quite disappointed in the treatment of Shane.

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No, actions have consequences as it should be. However people being afraid to speak out because of attitudes like yours is what has made the world a dull place.

If you think it is dull, make it less so. Why complain to me? No one is preventing you to do it right?

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Speech also has consequences. This you should understand. ;)

Maybe instead of ;) mindlessly threatening ;) everyone who speaks out against you you could look to address the problems that draw criticism your way in the first place? Or is that too radical for you?

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Maybe instead of ;) mindlessly threatening ;) everyone who speaks out against you you could look to address the problems that draw criticism your way in the first place? Or is that too radical for you?

That would require free thought. <_<

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If you think it is dull, make it less so. Why complain to me? No one is preventing you to do it right?

"Come out of peace mode and say that!"

"Free speech is great, but it has consequences if you say the wrong thing!"

"Do something about it!"

You're like a walking party line, aren't you?

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