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UCN Announcement

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The Great Shizfunkle

Date of signing

UCN: Dec. 19, 2007

TTK: Dec. 25, 2007


The following alliances of the Templar Knights Alliance (TTK) and the United Commonwealth of Nations (UCN) hereby affirm their friendship with this Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty.

Article I:

Neither of the undersigned alliances shall declare war or otherwise engage in offensive action against each other. Neither of the undersigned alliances may aid the enemy of the other undersigned alliance during the time of an ongoing conflict. Should military action be taken by a single nation from one alliance against another, the defending nation may take action, but diplomatic action is to be taken before any further military action is to take place.

Article II:

Members of both alliances are highly discouraged from publicly stating inflammatory remarks. They are, however, not prohibited from such remarks, but any statements of disrespect may be looked upon as a stain on TTK/UCN relations.

Article III:

Neither alliance shall engage in espionage activities against the other alliance.

Article IV:

Neither alliance shall aid the enemy of any of the undersigned, be it military aid, coercion, or any other forms of aid.

Article V:

Both alliances may request help from each other in the time of military or political conflict, be it direct or indirect military aid, intelligence information, or political pressure. Alliances are expected to fulfill these requests, but are ultimately not obligated to do so.

Article VI:

Both alliances are expected to generally expected to share intelligence information, and to voice their support for each other in the political arena.

Article VII:

Should any of these terms be violated, this document may be terminated immediately. Should either party wish to terminate this document for any other reason, they are to give a notification of the cancellation 72 hours prior to the actual cancellation.

Signed for TTK,

Elder Council








Danome, Grand Master

Bud the !@#$%^&, External Preceptor

Mornenion, Internal Preceptor

Signed for UCN,

Council of Five

Jonnygozy, Secretary General



Mustakrakish II, Minister of Foreign Affairs

This treaty was signed in 2007 a considerable amount of time ago, but all things must come to a end

United Commonwealth of Nations over 72 hours ago notified The Templar Knights to the cancellation of the PIAT between our Alliances.

Reasons where given in private

This is the official notice to bob that this treaty does not exist no more

o/ UCN

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Sometimes its necessary to clean up those treaties that have been long forgotten. In my opinion its better to cancel treaties like this one, instead of having a piece of paper that has no meaning other than a past relationship.

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Just to clarify, there was no fallout or disagreement between UCN and TTK. Nothing happened between us, and that is the reason we are canceling the treaty. We still view the folks at TTK positively, and if the opportunity allows us another treaty, we would jump at the chance.

o/ TTK

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This treaty was signed in 2007 a considerable amount of time ago, but all things must come to a end

United Commonwealth of Nations over 72 hours ago notified The Templar Knights to the cancellation of the PIAT between our Alliances.

Reasons where given in private

This is the official notice to bob that this treaty does not exist no more

o/ UCN


Grammar, my good sir, grammar. It should be "an end", not "a end"... and please lose the double negatives. You basically just told everyone that the treaty still exists, which I'm sure was not your intended purpose. I'm pretty sure I visibly twitched when I read that.

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Nut is an Aussie, of course he's going to use bad grammar :P

And yes, he's in another alliance. I don't think I should have to explain how hard it is to find an alliance that fits you, you can't blame a guy for that. He's been friends with UCN for a long time, it didn't come as any surprise when he joined.

To TTK, it's just a shame we couldn't have kept up good contact between us. As Pops said, we still view you positively. :wub: Redneck and Tierra

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Just to confirm, what popsumpot said is very accurate with TTK's perspective too. Inactivity killed this treaty more than anything. I, and TTK look forward to the opportunity to get to know UCN better, and maybe we can return this relationship further down the line, and build it back up again.


MoFA for TTK

(ignore the Sig, i'm getting a new one sooner or later - the benefit of this recent promotion, i don't have to have that sig anymore, as with deepest regrets its become obsolete. I shall cry myself to sleep tonight. -_-)

Edited by Cyphon88
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