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My take on Jarheads v New Pacific Order


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WARNING: This is just my OPINION. You may or may not disagree.

As I understand, the Jarheads (made up of many people who watched the Youtube advertisment) and the New Pacific Order (A domininant, well devoloped, and number one alliance in the CN rankings) are at war. Everyone has thier own opinion on this war, and I am here to state mine.

The NPO has always been a domininant power in the CN 'Cyberverse' they have passed many treatys, trying to keep as much peace and harmony throughout CN as they can. The Jarheads, made up of many nations who saw the recruitment video, have plowed through the rankings and now have over 300 members. They grew at an extreme rate because (as I have heard) they ripped of IRON for aid to attack NPO.

I, personally, have decided to support the Jarheads cause. Many people will argue with this desicion I have made. I have reasons why, which are debatable.

1. NPO has been the overwhelming power in the CN for many months. They are practicly unreachable, and they will only get stronger. One strong point is their charter which states that when a red nation is attacked, the attacking nation will be attacked back. This is making many alliances, like my own, fearful of attacking and tech raiding a red nation. Since NPO receives loads of new members everyday, many nations are turning to the red side.

This charter is unjust, and is secretly frustrating many alliance members, like myself. Of all the alliances I have checked out, a vass majority of them has a ban on attacking a red nation. This is just silly. A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

2. In the real world, every country has opposers and anti-everything persons. These people can start riots and mini skirmishes, which may lead to the outbreak of war. This is how the civil war happened in the United States. One side got upset, and a war broke out.

I am not sure if there are any rebelious people in the NPO, but if there is, they can easily spread their ideas into other peoples heads in the alliance, causing a rebellion, or maybe even a coup. If the person is caught before something like this happens and is kicked out the the alliance, he/she can still spread his/her ideas throughout CN, and make the NPO look bad for doing such a thing to that member.

3. This is very vague point here, but all great nations/alliances fall at some point or another. Take for example Napoleons French Empire, Hitlers Germany, All of Great Britains Colonys and the Soviet Union. All of these nations used to be (or could have been) giant super powers, but lost power throughout time.

Maybe this is NPOs time. Who knows.

Well there are my points. Maybe they changed your mind about things, maybe they didnt. Either way, this war will decide an important date in history for either alliance.

Comment away if you wish

Edited by JimmyChang
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Jarheads can't hit Pacifica. All they will get are small nations incapable of reaching to the upper echelons. Sure they can obliterate the lower ranks, but that can only go on for so long. The only result I see coming of this is a drop in new active members (being discouraged by the wars) for a few days and thats it.

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a vass majority of them has a ban on attacking a red nation. This is just silly. A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

You are incorrect.

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An nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

I don't think you meant what you wrote there.

But it could also be said, properly,

An alliance should be able to attack any alliance that is conspiring against it without having to worry JimmyChang thinking it is wrong
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Well....the fact of the matter, JimmyChang, is that even if Jarheads managed to increase their numbers 10 fold, all they could do was rampage around the very smallest nations. Judging from their source, and the instructions they're receiving (such as collecting taxes first), they won't have much capacity for growth and because of the lack of discipline that will follow from 300+ nations streaming into the game but not having solid leadership they'll probably start attacking everyone and getting attacked back; eventually they will either all leave Bob, or will leave Jarheads and turn to other alliances.

To address one of the more distressing points of what you just wrote

A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

Because NPO has the military means to protect those that they've sworn to protect, you might as well consider all unaligned Red nations as not unaligned but as a proxy alliance for NPO.

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why is it horrible?

I wont be insulted, this is just my first going at this

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it so rudely, and now no doubt others will follow to rip this apart and mock you. I apologize for my part in this soon to be cruel cruel thread.

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It's not that nations aren't allowed to attack an unaligned red nation, it's that it wouldn't be wise; because of the Moldavi and Revenge Doctrines, any attack on an unaligned red nation would have disaster results for the attacker.

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I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it so rudely, and now no doubt others will follow to rip this apart and mock you. I apologize for my part in this soon to be cruel cruel thread.

lol its ok, just seein what people think

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The issue I have with this war at this point is the fact that numerous Jarheads members are going after people who have nothing to do with the situation.

Look at their current war list. If you look at the aggressive wars, these guys are hitting everyone they can get their mitts on. Besides attacking the NPO, other alliances who have attacked them, and the unaligned (not just on red btw), they've hit people from: Ragnarok, Guru Order, TDO, ODN (who actually declared back in-game as a result), Galactic Imperium, LOSS, VE, and MHA. I can't be bothered to take screenies of every single one of those, so you'll have to go look for yourselves.

This could mean one of a couple things:

1. Jarheads doesn't care what anyone's alliance is and simply has a "hit everything in range that moves if you have slots left" policy.


2. The JH government simply doesn't have enough sway over its rapidly growing membership to call off and/or dismiss numerous rogues.

I had sympathy for them at one point because of the vitriol they had to put up with from a certain ex-member of theirs, but if either of these is true, I cannot possibly support their side. I'm guessing #2 is probably closer. If it's #1, I'm staying DEFCON 1 indefinitely because of my small stature :ph34r:

EDIT: forgot an alliance.

Edited by Uralica
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I don't really think Jarheads are going to be bringing down anyone.

As an aside, there are no rights to do anything, including attacking whoever you want, rights are whatever you can enforce.

Im not saying its happening now, but they have influenced many people.

I also should say that if the Jarheads fail, I will not mind. It will just be a little skirmish for NPO, compared to other wars it has fought in.

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Of all the alliances I have checked out, a vass majority of them has a ban on attacking a red nation. This is just silly.

This shows that the plan is working.

A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

You can attack anyone you want. But there are repercussions.

What you want is to be able to attack anyone you want, but you don't want anyone else to be able to attack you.

I don't think you would be happy if NPO nations started attacking anyone they wanted to attack and screaming 'But No Repercussions!"

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Just a couple of things.

The NPO has always been a domininant power in the CN 'Cyberverse' they have passed many treatys, trying to keep as much peace and hegemony throughout CN as they can.


The Jarheads, made up of many nations who saw the recruitment video, have plowed through the rankings and now have over 300 members. They grew at an extreme rate because (as I have heard) they were send aid willingly by IRON for growth.


I support Jarheads because they are a large group of new players (which is something I feel this game desperately needs), who did absolutely nothing wrong.

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First of all, thanks for the discussion starter. :)

Here's just a few things that I had problems with.

1. NPO has been the overwhelming power in the CN for many months. They are practicly unreachable, and they will only get stronger. One strong point is their charter which states that when a red nation is attacked, the attacking nation will be attacked back. This is making many alliances, like my own, fearful of attacking and tech raiding a red nation. Since NPO receives loads of new members everyday, many nations are turning to the red side.

I feel obliged to point out that there are many, many unaligned nations outside of the red sphere. You are right to be afraid of attacking red nations, but should know that the alternatives are hardly scarce. Alliances should be even more scared; remember that the Devildogs, Jarhead's origin, was ZIed for attacking red nations and showing disrespect to the NPO.

This charter is unjust, and is secretly frustrating many alliance members, like myself. Of all the alliances I have checked out, a vass majority of them has a ban on attacking a red nation. This is just silly. A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

I would argue that every nation has the right to simply build their nation in peace and without being attacked ruthlessly while they still learn how to play. The right to war should be held less sacred than the right to peace.

That being said, the overwhelming trend in CN's history supports the right to war.

3. This is very vague point here, but all great nations/alliances fall at some point or another. Take for example Napoleons French Empire, Hitlers Germany, All of Great Britains Colonys and the Soviet Union. All of these nations used to be (or could have been) giant super powers, but lost power throughout time.

As has been pointed out, it is largely impossible for this to happen due to existing differences in strength, at least from the Jarheads war.

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I support Jarheads because they are a large group of new players (which is something I feel this game desperately needs), who did absolutely nothing wrong.


I know you really don't want to get this point, but I'm going to repeat it here anyway.

The only Jarheads we are interested in are the original 52+ nations. All new nations are being given options too avoid this war. If they decide to stay, however, and participate in the war then all bets are off. We have had some interesting exchanges between some of the new nations. They seem like they will be good additions to the game if they decide to stay. It is clear that they are only here because their Runescape friends are here, though.

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A nation should be able to attack any nation within any alliance without having to worry about the entire NPO squad hounding over them.

You'll find that if you attack nations in other alliances you won't have to worry about any NPO squad hounding over you... you'll be dealing with the said alliance's military instead. If nations should be given the right to attack any nation within any alliance, why should alliances bother protecting their own nations? Or would you have wars flaring up all over the place instead?

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I know you really don't want to get this point, but I'm going to repeat it here anyway.

The only Jarheads we are interested in are the original 52+ nations. All new nations are being given options too avoid this war. If they decide to stay, however, and participate in the war then all bets are off. We have had some interesting exchanges between some of the new nations. They seem like they will be good additions to the game if they decide to stay. It is clear that they are only here because their Runescape friends are here, though.

Okey, so here are my questions.

1. What have all of the original 52 nations done that you feel the need to attack them?

2. What peace options have you provided to those 52 nations?

3. Have you specifically not engaged the rest of the nations in the Jarheads alliance (except the aforementioned 52)

[OOC] And perhaps most importantly,

4. Why do you feel the need to rob the rest of the nations of their community, for which they joined the game? And don't you think that by doing so, you will cause many of them to quit? And if so, would you not agree that this is a negative outcome for CN?

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