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you tried and you got caught, and that's why TSO got formed more than a month ahead of schedule and why you're now paying 1.7 billion for your right to use the rest of Planet Bob's oxygen.

I wouldn't be parading around talking about what you coulda and woulda if I was in your shoes.

I love how all you guys keep thinking we tried to destroy them...When it would have been so simple for us to cancel all of their treaties and delete their forums. Oh...but what did we do? We ensured all their treaties were kept and we gave them the forums that we have paid for a year.

carry on with your tin-foil hats...

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I love how all you guys keep thinking we tried to destroy them...When it would have been so simple for us to cancel all of their treaties and delete their forums. Oh...but what did we do? We ensured all their treaties were kept and we gave them the forums that we have paid for a year.

carry on with your tin-foil hats...

Funny thing that - MCXA's forums aren't doing so hot right now from what I hear.

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If you did nothing wrong, why a public statement that you are paying them $1.7bn?

Now, I think it was mostly incompetence and not malice, but the fact is you know you did something wrong and are now accepting that and paying for it. That is a good thing. Don't mess up this thread with all the same 'we did nothing wrong' stuff that you ran to 70 pages with last time.

OOC Edit: Heh, MCXA's boards are down <_<

Edited by Bob Janova
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If you did nothing wrong, why a public statement that you are paying them $1.7bn?

Now, I think it was mostly incompetence and not malice, but the fact is you know you did something wrong and are now accepting that and paying for it. That is a good thing. Don't mess up this thread with all the same 'we did nothing wrong' stuff that you ran to 70 pages with last time.

Stop killing my joy

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Funny thing that - MCXA's forums aren't doing so hot right now from what I hear.

even MCXA isn't accusing us of that...Why would we hack them(ooc: illegal) when we could have deleted them(ooc:legal)? That just doesn't make any sense

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The forum software wasn't deleted but most of the data was.

Ah ok, I was not aware of the exact situation. Well my initial reaction to that is that someone got a little crazy in the admin cp...but once again I will not know, perhaps I shall have to read the tattler to see what happens?

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Here I go.

Firstly, there shouldn't be an overwhelming reaction merely because money was offered as a 'gift' or as an offering for forgiveness. Throughout history, this has occurred literally dozens of times, spanning from ravaging wars to minor excursions. Believe me, money has been offered for more redundant reasons throughout CN's history. TSO has the right to exist, but as respectable former government, it is their duty to leave under different circumstances, seemingly more respectable and appropriately executed. Yes, we as individuals in society or even Planet Bob are not perfect, but TSO understands the situation could have been handled more efficiently than it did. Their eagerness to start their own legacy engulfed their rationality to a certain extent, thus not analyzing the situation properly and thus acting without constructively considering its potential consequences -- and if they did, it provides more reasoning for such actions like this one, giving money for forgiveness as a sign of good-will.

This is the first step to better times, with two actively functioning alliances which excel in diplomacy the times will get better before they get worst. TSO made a mistake and their using RATIONALITY - yes, !@#$@#$ rationality - to fix it. They aren't being narrow minded, they are owning up to their actions - yes, I am strongly against what they did, but it is their will to control their own actions and to repair them accordingly. Some Cybernations' inhabitants are completely illogical because when they are apologizing for their fallacies, or a respected member of their alliance is apologizing for their own individual fallacies, they are highly praised for such actions, however when it is someone or an organization which they either despise or aren't afflicted to, the alliance or individual is scrutinized for such actions until their existence is diminished. For a game which praises itself for political fundamentals and diplomacy, records and actions follow individuals and organizations like a girl attending high school whom likes to sleep around. She can change, but she'll always be looked down upon because people can't let !@#$ go unless it is them asking for forgiveness - and that gossip girl who consistently spreads the stories doesn't help either..

This being said, none of this matters. Yes, they will be remembered for such redundant actions, but they have trumped it with forgiveness and offering money as a sign of forgiveness and peace. People are completely shocked and awed merely because money was used, but in a game where money can fix things such as stats, it is perfectly logical. People may claim MCXA is shattered by TSOs' actions, yes, I believe this, but don't be that gossip girl. Both parties, along with TOPs' mediation, has effectively agreed to a proposal in which all parties are satisfied and it is time to move forward. TSO willingly agreed to such aid transactions and if those who are complaining about this 'forgiveness offering' are so upset, realize TSO agreed and were 'planning on it anyways' since they will never forget their roots. Yes, maybe you wouldn't have done it, but most likely, you weren't directly involved in the matter and each situation has its own mitigating circumstances. THEY agreed, THEY will move on, YOU should to. Grow up. Don't be that gossip girl. Everyone hates her. And chances are, she is just pissed she isn't getting laid.

May all parties continue on.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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as a former MCXA member with many friends remaining in MCXA id like to thank the TSO members who claim they could have cancled treaties and had us nuke each other for chosing the lesser evil.

that and im sure it would have been alot harder for TSO to find someone to protect them had they done this.


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Here I go.

Firstly, there shouldn't be an overwhelming reaction merely because money was offered as a 'gift' or as an offering for forgiveness. Throughout history, this has occurred literally dozens of times, spanning from ravaging wars to minor excursions. Believe me, money has been offered for more redundant reasons throughout CN's history. TSO has the right to exist, but as respectable former government, it is their duty to leave under different circumstances, seemingly more respectable and appropriately executed. Yes, we as individuals in society or even Planet Bob are not perfect, but TSO understands the situation could have been handled more efficiently than it did. Their eagerness to start their own legacy engulfed their rationality to a certain extent, thus not analyzing the situation properly and thus acting without constructively considering its potential consequences -- and if they did, it provides more reasoning for such actions like this one, giving money for forgiveness as a sign of good-will.

This is the first step to better times, with two actively functioning alliances which excel in diplomacy the times will get better before they get worst. TSO made a mistake and their using RATIONALITY - yes, !@#$@#$ rationality - to fix it. They aren't being narrow minded, they are owning up to their actions - yes, I am strongly against what they did, but it is their will to control their own actions and to repair them accordingly. Some Cybernations' inhabitants are completely illogical because when they are apologizing for their fallacies, or a respected member of their alliance is apologizing for their own individual fallacies, they are highly praised for such actions, however when it is someone or an organization which they either despise or aren't afflicted to, the alliance or individual is scrutinized for such actions until their existence is diminished. For a game which praises itself for political fundamentals and diplomacy, records and actions follow individuals and organizations like a girl attending high school whom likes to sleep around. She can change, but she'll always be looked down upon because people can't let !@#$ go unless it is them asking for forgiveness - and that gossip girl who consistently spreads the stories doesn't help either..

This being said, none of this matters. Yes, they will be remembered for such redundant actions, but they have trumped it with forgiveness and offering money as a sign of forgiveness and peace. People are completely shocked and awed merely because money was used, but in a game where money can fix things such as stats, it is perfectly logical. People may claim MCXA is shattered by TSOs' actions, yes, I believe this, but don't be that gossip girl. Both parties, along with TOPs' mediation, has effectively agreed to a proposal in which all parties are satisfied and it is time to move forward. TSO willingly agreed to such aid transactions and if those who are complaining about this 'forgiveness offering' are so upset, realize TSO agreed and were 'planning on it anyways' since they will never forget their roots. Yes, maybe you wouldn't have done it, but most likely, you weren't directly involved in the matter and each situation has its own mitigating circumstances. THEY agreed, THEY will move on, YOU should to. Grow up. Don't be that gossip girl. Everyone hates her. And chances are, she is just pissed she isn't getting laid.

May all parties continue on.


a breath of non-biased fresh air

great post

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Here I go.

Firstly, there shouldn't be an overwhelming reaction merely because money was offered as a 'gift' or as an offering for forgiveness. Throughout history, this has occurred literally dozens of times, spanning from ravaging wars to minor excursions. Believe me, money has been offered for more redundant reasons throughout CN's history. TSO has the right to exist, but as respectable former government, it is their duty to leave under different circumstances, seemingly more respectable and appropriately executed. Yes, we as individuals in society or even Planet Bob are not perfect, but TSO understands the situation could have been handled more efficiently than it did. Their eagerness to start their own legacy engulfed their rationality to a certain extent, thus not analyzing the situation properly and thus acting without constructively considering its potential consequences -- and if they did, it provides more reasoning for such actions like this one, giving money for forgiveness as a sign of good-will.

Merely because it has been done before and for possibly less valid reasons does not make it right. Accepting money for a seemingly serious issue like this trivializes the whole issue. If it was so minor it could be solved with a quick cash payment, why does this thread exist at all?

This is the first step to better times, with two actively functioning alliances which excel in diplomacy the times will get better before they get worst. TSO made a mistake and their using RATIONALITY - yes, !@#$@#$ rationality - to fix it. They aren't being narrow minded, they are owning up to their actions - yes, I am strongly against what they did, but it is their will to control their own actions and to repair them accordingly. Some Cybernations' inhabitants are completely illogical because when they are apologizing for their fallacies, or a respected member of their alliance is apologizing for their own individual fallacies, they are highly praised for such actions, however when it is someone or an organization which they either despise or aren't afflicted to, the alliance or individual is scrutinized for such actions until their existence is diminished. For a game which praises itself for political fundamentals and diplomacy, records and actions follow individuals and organizations like a girl attending high school whom likes to sleep around. She can change, but she'll always be looked down upon because people can't let !@#$ go unless it is them asking for forgiveness - and that gossip girl who consistently spreads the stories doesn't help either..

That analogy assumes there is actually change involved. That being said, this is perfectly logical for TSO. My real issue here is with MCXA.

This being said, none of this matters. Yes, they will be remembered for such redundant actions, but they have trumped it with forgiveness and offering money as a sign of forgiveness and peace. People are completely shocked and awed merely because money was used, but in a game where money can fix things such as stats, it is perfectly logical. People may claim MCXA is shattered by TSOs' actions, yes, I believe this, but don't be that gossip girl. Both parties, along with TOPs' mediation, has effectively agreed to a proposal in which all parties are satisfied and it is time to move forward. TSO willingly agreed to such aid transactions and if those who are complaining about this 'forgiveness offering' are so upset, realize TSO agreed and were 'planning on it anyways' since they will never forget their roots. Yes, maybe you wouldn't have done it, but most likely, you weren't directly involved in the matter and each situation has its own mitigating circumstances. THEY agreed, THEY will move on, YOU should to. Grow up. Don't be that gossip girl. Everyone hates her. And chances are, she is just pissed she isn't getting laid.

I highly doubt anyone is shocked or awed. And money may fix stats, but it can't buy trust, or replace a large part of MCXA's active core. Very nice how thorough you were with the analogy though.

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Merely because it has been done before and for possibly less valid reasons does not make it right. Accepting money for a seemingly serious issue like this trivializes the whole issue. If it was so minor it could be solved with a quick cash payment, why does this thread exist at all?

That analogy assumes there is actually change involved. That being said, this is perfectly logical for TSO. My real issue here is with MCXA.

I highly doubt anyone is shocked or awed. And money may fix stats, but it can't buy trust, or replace a large part of MCXA's active core. Very nice how thorough you were with the analogy though.

The thread exist because people like to blow things out of proportion. This thread exists because TSO made a booboo and are using a band aid to correct the issue mate - especially since it was a public outcry. Their forgiveness should be a public announcement in an attempt to display their understanding of their mistakes and thus show CN their understanding and actions in attempt to fix the situation.

That analogy assumes there is actually change involved. That being said, this is perfectly logical for TSO. My real issue here is with MCXA.

By accepting their gift of forgiveness, MCXA has actively agreed to move on. They understand TSO made a mistake and have attempted to fix the situation logically and constructively. This, in good faith, is much better than TSO not offering anything at all, THEN their wouldn't be change. Change will come in time, it doesn't happen overnight, but MCXA isn't hounds. Of course they were hurt, but now they received a form of compensation which both paries are decently satisfied with if having a mutual agreement. MCXA are my allies, I am not so much as worried because I know they are big boys and have agreed to this is a resolution - they are smart enough to make decisions for themselves at this point. Some could argue it isn't enough or it is too much, either way it is something and MCXA has agreed to it nevertheless.

I highly doubt anyone is shocked or awed. And money may fix stats, but it can't buy trust, or replace a large part of MCXA's active core. Very nice how thorough you were with the analogy though.

Many are shocked. Read the thread. Money can purchase stats which will increase the power of their current core, which is more important. Their core would have left regardless, just the method they chose in doing so was unorthodox in many viewpoints spanning from both sides. Trust, perhaps, but that is time. Time will decide everything, but I am sure MCXA is a lot less hostile with the current situation than they formerly was. Time is the main variable in this equation, but I am sure MCXA will always be hurt, but they also understand TSO is trying, and at this point, it is all they got. I am not expecting TSO to be praised like Saints, but this is a starting point.

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I do not think your analysis would reach this conclusion if you knew the whole story behind this affair instead of fragments of truth and much speculation.

Look, I understand the whole mantra of "things happening in the background" blah blah blah ... Would my viewpoint change if I had access to all the back and forth between all the parties involved? Maybe, but the bottom line is you brought this thread to the public and let the public review it and make a decision on the facts that have been presented so far. You can't contain backlash and peoples thoughts by claiming "there's more to it than what you know" because then it begs why even bother putting this whole thread together in the first place? If you have some totally exposing proof that the negative viewpoints being espoused at TSO are not valid and peoples thinking that TOP made a wrong decision in protecting TSO, let it out. It will only solidify your position and prove you acted in the appropriate manner. Till that full disclosure is obtained, please refrain from using the "you don't know the WHOLE truth" line.

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Here I go.

Firstly, there shouldn't be an overwhelming reaction merely because money was offered as a 'gift' or as an offering for forgiveness. Throughout history, this has occurred literally dozens of times, spanning from ravaging wars to minor excursions. Believe me, money has been offered for more redundant reasons throughout CN's history. TSO has the right to exist, but as respectable former government, it is their duty to leave under different circumstances, seemingly more respectable and appropriately executed. Yes, we as individuals in society or even Planet Bob are not perfect, but TSO understands the situation could have been handled more efficiently than it did. Their eagerness to start their own legacy engulfed their rationality to a certain extent, thus not analyzing the situation properly and thus acting without constructively considering its potential consequences -- and if they did, it provides more reasoning for such actions like this one, giving money for forgiveness as a sign of good-will.

This is the first step to better times, with two actively functioning alliances which excel in diplomacy the times will get better before they get worst. TSO made a mistake and their using RATIONALITY - yes, !@#$@#$ rationality - to fix it. They aren't being narrow minded, they are owning up to their actions - yes, I am strongly against what they did, but it is their will to control their own actions and to repair them accordingly. Some Cybernations' inhabitants are completely illogical because when they are apologizing for their fallacies, or a respected member of their alliance is apologizing for their own individual fallacies, they are highly praised for such actions, however when it is someone or an organization which they either despise or aren't afflicted to, the alliance or individual is scrutinized for such actions until their existence is diminished. For a game which praises itself for political fundamentals and diplomacy, records and actions follow individuals and organizations like a girl attending high school whom likes to sleep around. She can change, but she'll always be looked down upon because people can't let !@#$ go unless it is them asking for forgiveness - and that gossip girl who consistently spreads the stories doesn't help either..

This being said, none of this matters. Yes, they will be remembered for such redundant actions, but they have trumped it with forgiveness and offering money as a sign of forgiveness and peace. People are completely shocked and awed merely because money was used, but in a game where money can fix things such as stats, it is perfectly logical. People may claim MCXA is shattered by TSOs' actions, yes, I believe this, but don't be that gossip girl. Both parties, along with TOPs' mediation, has effectively agreed to a proposal in which all parties are satisfied and it is time to move forward. TSO willingly agreed to such aid transactions and if those who are complaining about this 'forgiveness offering' are so upset, realize TSO agreed and were 'planning on it anyways' since they will never forget their roots. Yes, maybe you wouldn't have done it, but most likely, you weren't directly involved in the matter and each situation has its own mitigating circumstances. THEY agreed, THEY will move on, YOU should to. Grow up. Don't be that gossip girl. Everyone hates her. And chances are, she is just pissed she isn't getting laid.

May all parties continue on.


nice, dude... i hear ya.

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Here I go.

Firstly, there shouldn't be an overwhelming reaction merely because money was offered as a 'gift' or as an offering for forgiveness. Throughout history, this has occurred literally dozens of times, spanning from ravaging wars to minor excursions. Believe me, money has been offered for more redundant reasons throughout CN's history. TSO has the right to exist, but as respectable former government, it is their duty to leave under different circumstances, seemingly more respectable and appropriately executed. Yes, we as individuals in society or even Planet Bob are not perfect, but TSO understands the situation could have been handled more efficiently than it did. Their eagerness to start their own legacy engulfed their rationality to a certain extent, thus not analyzing the situation properly and thus acting without constructively considering its potential consequences -- and if they did, it provides more reasoning for such actions like this one, giving money for forgiveness as a sign of good-will.

This is the first step to better times, with two actively functioning alliances which excel in diplomacy the times will get better before they get worst. TSO made a mistake and their using RATIONALITY - yes, !@#$@#$ rationality - to fix it. They aren't being narrow minded, they are owning up to their actions - yes, I am strongly against what they did, but it is their will to control their own actions and to repair them accordingly. Some Cybernations' inhabitants are completely illogical because when they are apologizing for their fallacies, or a respected member of their alliance is apologizing for their own individual fallacies, they are highly praised for such actions, however when it is someone or an organization which they either despise or aren't afflicted to, the alliance or individual is scrutinized for such actions until their existence is diminished. For a game which praises itself for political fundamentals and diplomacy, records and actions follow individuals and organizations like a girl attending high school whom likes to sleep around. She can change, but she'll always be looked down upon because people can't let !@#$ go unless it is them asking for forgiveness - and that gossip girl who consistently spreads the stories doesn't help either..

This being said, none of this matters. Yes, they will be remembered for such redundant actions, but they have trumped it with forgiveness and offering money as a sign of forgiveness and peace. People are completely shocked and awed merely because money was used, but in a game where money can fix things such as stats, it is perfectly logical. People may claim MCXA is shattered by TSOs' actions, yes, I believe this, but don't be that gossip girl. Both parties, along with TOPs' mediation, has effectively agreed to a proposal in which all parties are satisfied and it is time to move forward. TSO willingly agreed to such aid transactions and if those who are complaining about this 'forgiveness offering' are so upset, realize TSO agreed and were 'planning on it anyways' since they will never forget their roots. Yes, maybe you wouldn't have done it, but most likely, you weren't directly involved in the matter and each situation has its own mitigating circumstances. THEY agreed, THEY will move on, YOU should to. Grow up. Don't be that gossip girl. Everyone hates her. And chances are, she is just pissed she isn't getting laid.

May all parties continue on.

there we go,

one of the best, if not the best, post within this thread.

with this said, can i now have your babys ejay, and if you would add some sugar plz?

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The thread exist because people like to blow things out of proportion. This thread exists because TSO made a booboo and are using a band aid to correct the issue mate - especially since it was a public outcry. Their forgiveness should be a public announcement in an attempt to display their understanding of their mistakes and thus show CN their understanding and actions in attempt to fix the situation.

By accepting their gift of forgiveness, MCXA has actively agreed to move on. They understand TSO made a mistake and have attempted to fix the situation logically and constructively. This, in good faith, is much better than TSO not offering anything at all, THEN their wouldn't be change. Change will come in time, it doesn't happen overnight, but MCXA isn't hounds. Of course they were hurt, but now they received a form of compensation which both paries are decently satisfied with if having a mutual agreement. MCXA are my allies, I am not so much as worried because I know they are big boys and have agreed to this is a resolution - they are smart enough to make decisions for themselves at this point. Some could argue it isn't enough or it is too much, either way it is something and MCXA has agreed to it nevertheless.

And when I see actual change, as opposed to buyoffs, my opinion of TSO and or MCXA will change accordingly.

Many are shocked. Read the thread.

Disgusted perhaps. If anyone is genuinely shocked they haven't been paying attention.

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Look, I understand the whole mantra of "things happening in the background" blah blah blah ... Would my viewpoint change if I had access to all the back and forth between all the parties involved? Maybe, but the bottom line is you brought this thread to the public and let the public review it and make a decision on the facts that have been presented so far. You can't contain backlash and peoples thoughts by claiming "there's more to it than what you know" because then it begs why even bother putting this whole thread together in the first place? If you have some totally exposing proof that the negative viewpoints being espoused at TSO are not valid and peoples thinking that TOP made a wrong decision in protecting TSO, let it out. It will only solidify your position and prove you acted in the appropriate manner. Till that full disclosure is obtained, please refrain from using the "you don't know the WHOLE truth" line.

I understand you're bored but we'd prefer NOT to crank the drama up to 11 by going public.

I'd ask you not to make assumptions about the relationship between MCXA and TSO based on information provided by a party that wants both alliances dead. If it had anything to do with you, I'm sure both parties would be willing to share details.

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