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Trouble at the MCXA?

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It's posts like this that show us that you belong in TSO with the rest of the rabble.

Once again, that is between myself and NADC, and does not concern the little people, like yourself, at all.

It's posts like yours that make me ignore anything by people I don't know and aren't mentioning my or my alliance's name. See how that works? I mind my own business. You might try it sometime.

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Can you leave now? Us adults are trying to have a discussion, and your random and childlike contributions don't exactly contribute to anything.

You do realize that this is the declaration thread for his alliance, right? You're the one that's taking this in a different direction.

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You do realize that this is the declaration thread for his alliance, right? You're the one that's taking this in a different direction.

You do realize that his alliance has started a serious debate, right? He's the one posting a spammy post in the middle of it, that contributes not at all to the topic at hand. And thanks, but I don't think I can take all or even most of the credit for that. The active AP posters have taking this thread in that direction, and its relevant to the OP. I didn't say that his post was spam because you are right, it does tie into the op. I did however point out that he doesn't actually argue points and instead just decided to talk about how awesome TOP is and post their flag in the middle of the rest of us posting serious things. I'd feel bad if it didn't entertain me so.

Edit: And, he has posted multiple times before this and his post could easily have been edited into one of those earlier posts of mindless hailing :)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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You do realize that this is the declaration thread for his alliance, right? You're the one that's taking this in a different direction.

He's discussing the important matters of TSO. watchman is sucking up to his protectors and bragging about his flag.

Why are you criticizing him, again?

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And, finally, I have an issue with saying that MCXA was never going to bring up charges on TSO. The presence of TOP is enough of a deterrent, so much so that I'm sure MCXA immediately threw away any notion of revenge the second they found out TOP was protecting TSO. Or perhaps they were so damn depleted of leadership that charging their former alliance mates with treason was simply not an option, not because friendship between the alliances exists, but because there are no means of prosecuting any TSO member for crimes. Especially when they've got several beatsticks who go by names like TOP, Citadel, Continuum, ect ect.

The rest of your post has been discussed to death in this thread, so I'll skip that.

TSO already knew it wasn't going to be attacked when they came to TOP. If MXCA (our MDP partner) was going to declare on them do you really think we'd step in and protect them? And you realize that MXCA is in Q, right?

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You do realize that this is the declaration thread for his alliance, right? You're the one that's taking this in a different direction.

And you realize that he's used up his hail post like 20 pages back? I mean how many times can one just restate the same dribble that has been pounded in their head? On second thought don't answer that.

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And you realize that he's used up his hail post like 20 pages back? I mean how many times can one just restate the same dribble that has been pounded in their head? On second thought don't answer that.

He seems to do it in every thread, so why not here as well?

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He's discussing the important matters of TSO. watchman is sucking up to his protectors and bragging about his flag.

Why are you criticizing him, again?

I criticized him for flaming someone who was posting about his own alliance's new flag and new protectorate agreement in a thread about the creation of a new alliance where the protectorate was announced.

The fact that multiple people jumped all over his post instead of ignoring it makes it seem like people are more interested in trolling than the topic that you want to discuss so badly.

Edited by Joe Kremlin
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I criticized him for flaming someone who was posting about his own alliance's new flag and new protectorate agreement in a thread about the creation of a new alliance where the protectorate was announced.

The fact that multiple people jumped all over his post makes it seem like people are more interested in trolling than discussing things that have been already been discussed 10 pages back.

I did not flame, I pointed out that he was no involved in the discussion and he should stop acting like a 10 year old and either contribute or not post. As has been said, he had posted mindless hails before and so people aren't really tolerant of him posting more in the middle of a debate.

I think people are interested in it because its funny what he did, not because its trolling.

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He seems to do it in every thread, so why not here as well?



The OP represents TSO's declaration of existence. I had not yet thanked our protectors or gawked at our flag. I apologize for the interruption. While I, a TSO member, appreciate all the input that the Nemesis Trium has offered, I think it is more important that such criticism be limited and the real purpose for our announcement be recalled.

Also, private channels are always open for unrelated personal communications to me.

It says something about the environment surrounding this discussion that a flag hail gets shredded. Best of luck with your further diplomatic efforts.

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Once again, that is between myself and NADC, and does not concern the little people, like yourself, at all.

It's posts like yours that make me ignore anything by people I don't know and aren't mentioning my or my alliance's name. See how that works? I mind my own business. You might try it sometime.

You're so dismissive and superior, Grinder the NADC Applicant. It's hot. :wub:

Since I mentioned both your name and your alliance's name you won't ignore me, right? I mean, I know that you're big and important and applying and stuff, but hey. Thanks for the time, and best of luck being a big fish in the small pond that is your new alliance. Maybe you'll be the one to finally lead them out of mediocrity and irrelevance once and for all!

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Personally I would as well, they couldn't stop them from finding someone to treaty with them in their current weakened state regardless, as has been stated. They need to recover internally before trying anything on TSO, as was stated by Sponge earlier, if they wanted to at all.


If the MCXA has any legitimate concern they can bring it up with us. We are not in the business of protecting people that our allies feel slighted by. If we were, we wouldn't have cleared the treaty with the remaining MCXA government before committing to the treaty. And even now that we have signed the treaty, you may notice it has an expiry date as well as a cancellation clause. If any interested parties have any reason to feel that the protection should be lifted, they are welcome to come to us and state their case.

I don't doubt with TOP mediating things won't get hot, but they were diverging on separate paths for a reason, and that's the reason for the alliance split. Now, if those paths are as different as is required to split an alliance, I doubt they are going to be meeting in the middle for tea and crumpets. And I see your point now, but the fact that it did occur rapidly or the fac they were planning it still would have destabilized MCXA quite a lot.

They don't have to "meet in the middle" to remain on good terms. The whole point of the split was so that their inability to reach an agreeable compromise no longer prevented either party from floating their own boats. I see no reason that this disagreement on how to run an alliance should lead to war or even animosity. Especially considering that both parties can now get on with running their respective alliances however they want to without really worrying about what the other thinks about it.

But yet, they were appointed to serve the membership the best they could. They failed in this clearly by leaving the alliance in a desperate position, and I don't quite understand how a large chunk of an alliance's leadership can be regulated to being called a dissatisified group, when its a lot more than that. That group represented MCXA to the world and to the alliance, and to have them leave and be plotting to leave is a huge blow to the alliance internally and externally. The results are clear.

I don't think it's for me or you to say whether they failed or were successful as government members of the MCXA. More to the point, what I think Saber was trying to explain is that it doesn't really matter. What matters is what the MCXA and TSO think (and TOP, I guess to a lesser extent). And all parties seem to at least be content with the outcome. What more needs to be said?

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The OP represents TSO's declaration of existence. I had not yet thanked our protectors or gawked at our flag. I apologize for the interruption. While I, a TSO member, appreciate all the input that the Nemesis Trium has offered, I think it is more important that such criticism be limited and the real purpose for our announcement be recalled.

Also, private channels are always open for unrelated personal communications to me.

It says something about the environment surrounding this discussion that a flag hail gets shredded. Best of luck with your further diplomatic efforts.

(OOC)The OP is actually a joke that was deemed illegal by the CN mods, but eh.(OOC)

I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a need to hail each part of an announcement individually (OOC:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49561&st=0&p=1291553entry1291553 <-- earlier hail). I'll read my hail manual better next time.

That's too bad that you want to forget about the drama that has appeared in this thread, I'm sure much of your alliance does as well. However, I just like to see how things are explained and the changing in stories by the government of TSO has confused me, and so I have continued posting in this thread (see the post by delta around page 21). The real purpose of this announcement was a DoE, but that's offtopic now as the subject has changed to what is going on with MCXA, TSO, and TOP. Your post didn't contribute and was just a glorified hail.

It says something about a person when they feel a need to flaghail, apparently as well :/.

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(OOC)The OP is actually a joke that was deemed illegal by the CN mods, but eh.(OOC)

I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a need to hail each part of an announcement individually (OOC:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49561&st=0&p=1291553entry1291553 <-- earlier hail). I'll read my hail manual better next time.

Oh Bob, you ignorant twit, that hail post only shows that he's disappointed about a rick roll, but is also proud of his new home. While I can see you would see the similarities between that post and his later one they are inherently different. The later post clearly says that he is superior to be "flame-baited" and further shows his love for his new home and flag.

For shame bob, I honestly expected more out of you.

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Thank you very much for bringing this back on topic.


If the MCXA has any legitimate concern they can bring it up with us. We are not in the business of protecting people that our allies feel slighted by. If we were, we wouldn't have cleared the treaty with the remaining MCXA government before committing to the treaty. And even now that we have signed the treaty, you may notice it has an expiry date as well as a cancellation clause. If any interested parties have any reason to feel that the protection should be lifted, they are welcome to come to us and state their case.

There is nothing wrong with what you are saying here, and I don't think its anyone's business attacking TSO for any reason besides MCXA as has been stated before in this thread.

They don't have to "meet in the middle" to remain on good terms. The whole point of the split was so that their inability to reach an agreeable compromise no longer prevented either party from floating their own boats. I see no reason that this disagreement on how to run an alliance should lead to war or even animosity. Especially considering that both parties can now get on with running their respective alliances however they want to without really worrying about what the other thinks about it.

I was interpreting Saber's comment as him saying that they could become allies again, when divergent paths that split alliances don't typically end up uniting them as allies. As said, I have full confidence in TOP's ability to keep them on good terms with each other regardless.

I don't think it's for me or you to say whether they failed or were successful as government members of the MCXA. More to the point, what I think Saber was trying to explain is that it doesn't really matter. What matters is what the MCXA and TSO think (and TOP, I guess to a lesser extent). And all parties seem to at least be content with the outcome. What more needs to be said?

I would typically agree, but due to the massive loss of strength and activity from MCXA, and the fact that they took with them most of it, they helped hurt, almost cripple MCXA in the short term. While it may be better in the long run, its still a massive blow to MCXA. Again, 60 people voting elections, 20-30 active members (who probably all voted) leaving. And to MCXA, I apologize if these numbers aren't true, but it was stated earlier on by various people with no objections so I assume it was accurate. Back on track, when a government costs its members that much strength and the like, its hard to call them successful. As has been said earlier by Sponge, CIN comes to mind in this scenario.

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