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Trouble at the MCXA?

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In fairness to Neuromancer, I disagree. Sure he contradicted himself several times, but since his resignation from TSO he has shown us that he is so emotional about this affair, and irrational in his love for the super-cool members of TSO that no one can really take issue with whatever it is he thinks he is arguing. After all, aside from the recruitment issue he spun (at least to those of us with the crap covered glasses), what new issue has he raised that makes TSO look bad? Pretty smart, actually.

Oh Nos! He has seen through my plot!

Shoot, should I make jokes about necrophilia now? Or just go nuke rogue?

^^ kidding there. I think going Nuke Rogue is moronic.

Necrophilia, however, is frickin hilarious.

Edit: Whoop's Forgot the point. I'm just havin fun here. If I really thought it would be "Fun" to insult the heck out of the NPO and the rest of Continuum... I would.

Now, for most of my time in CN, my idea of fun has been just chillin, making friends, connecting with people and with other alliances. But... Something Snaped in my head at the rampant myopic block-headed short sighted stupidity in this thread. So... I've decided to have a different sort of fun.

Until I get bored.

NOTE: Insulting NPO and Continuum is an example. I love pretty much all of the alliances in Continuum. And I have nothing but respect for the NPO at their skill and organization.

Edited by Neuromancer7
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I think the Sanction race is longer. It MIGHT be the longest thread that's actually embracing the futility of trying to DISCUSS something.

But I don't know if it's worth trying to make a Wiki page of epic threads.

Note: I'm not trying to claim that this thread is epic... Merely that I am.

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I think this thread broke the record for being the longest topic in CN forums or perhaps any forums.

lets make a Cn Wiki About this topic :P

Longest topic in CN was on the Maroon forum back when every Color had it's own board. It was 2,580 pages long.

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Longest topic in CN was on the Maroon forum back when every Color had it's own board. It was 2,580 pages long.

Well, so this could still make first for single alliance threads I suppose.

Not that it matters in any way whatsoever.

As I said previously... I'm just entertaining myself. This is performance art in a way I suppose...

And you-all are my tapestry. Screw awards, I'm in this for my own self. And only he.

Though, the voices in my head are ALSO having a blast.

Edited by Neuromancer7
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Neuromancer, pretty much every person's advice here is to just disappear and hope everyone forgets what an awful job you did defending yourself. Take that advice or leave it. With that aside, I think we should go back to the larger subject of TSO itself.

Oh... Wait.

I was supposed to be defending myself? Dude. I'm just having fun. And, I'm cool with talking about TSO. that kinda IS the point after all.

I usually leave advice. I kinda view advice like nuclear power and stupidity. It can be used for good or evil, is incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands... And you NEVER want to get any on you.

Thankfully, there's no nuclear power in this thread.

Edit: Also, Lawrence of Arabia was an AWESOME movie.

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Oh... Wait.

I was supposed to be defending myself? Dude. I'm just having fun. And, I'm cool with talking about TSO. that kinda IS the point after all.

For the love of god go play a video game or something if you're looking for fun. You're just making yourself and everyone involved look stupid by posting.

This is being handled on the leadership level so I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.

Edited by Joe Kremlin
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For the love of god go play a video game or something if you're looking for fun. You're just making yourself and everyone involved look stupid by posting.

This is being handled on the leadership level so I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.

I know it is. It has ALWAYS been being handled at the leadership level. And Yet...

People have still continued to post in this god awful thread anyway.

I'm not trying to accomplish anything at all. I'm just amusing myself. And hoping that someone might get a little of the stupid to pop out of their head if they laugh enough.


o/ TOP I really do love you guy's... You know that right?

Also, I'm trying to see if copious posting will lower my IQ. I took a test a couple day's ago... and I'll take another after this debacle.. just to prove my pet theory that posting here makes you stupider.

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I know it is. It has ALWAYS been being handled at the leadership level. And Yet...

People have still continued to post in this god awful thread anyway.

I'm not trying to accomplish anything at all. I'm just amusing myself. And hoping that someone might get a little of the stupid to pop out of their head if they laugh enough.


o/ TOP I really do love you guy's... You know that right?

If you love us you'll stop posting about TSO.

There are hundreds of other threads for you to amuse yourself in.

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If you love us you'll stop posting about TSO.

There are hundreds of other threads for you to amuse yourself in.

I'll tell you what.. I'm thinking of a number between one and seven hundred million. If you or anyone else who want's me to stfu and gtfo can guess within 250k.... I will.

Oh... I forgot. Almost everyone involved IS Stupid. If I were to have a point, which I don't, that would be it.

And please don't toy with my feelings like that. If you really loved me you'd buy me more flowers... That's totally unfair.

I don't want to have to break up the polyamorous relationship.

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For the love of god go play a video game or something if you're looking for fun. You're just making yourself and everyone involved look stupid by posting.

This is being handled on the leadership level so I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.

OOC; This kind of is a video game.....

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For the love of god go play a video game or something if you're looking for fun. You're just making yourself and everyone involved look stupid by posting.

This is being handled on the leadership level so I don't see what you're trying to accomplish.

I would... I really would go play a video game...

But the People's Tribunal took away the Imperial X-Box. Something about ignoring a small border skirmish while I was trying to beat Killzone 2 on impossible mode... I don't really remember the details... But Video Games are no longer an option for the Imperial Time Wasting Council.

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I would... I really would go play a video game...

But the People's Tribunal took away the Imperial X-Box. Something about ignoring a small border skirmish while I was trying to beat Killzone 2 on impossible mode... I don't really remember the details... But Video Games are no longer an option for the Imperial Time Wasting Council.

Your posts have been annoying me in this thread, but this one drew a laugh.


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Your posts have been annoying me in this thread, but this one drew a laugh.


I'm alway's happy to oblige. Laughter really is the very best medicine.

To be entirely honest, I'm not sure what the point is anymore. I kind of feel like I'm the first mate, who took over after the captain died in the midst of a VERY long sea voyage.

I don't really know why I'm here, or where I'm going. But for some reason I feel compelled to stay on course.

I'll probably have to stop at some point though... As much as I like digging holes... I'm not really equipped to go into the Mantle, let alone the Core.

Maybe someone can guess the number I'm thinking of? Or perhaps, try to bribe the Peoples Tribunal into reversing their decision?

Or maybe, just maybe, if the primary people who can't help but keep adding to the silliness in this thread can publicly admit that what Joe Kremlin said is 100% true. That this is being handled by the leadership of the TSO, MCXA, and TOP, who are the people actually involved, affected, and the only people who can really determine how this ends...

And that this thread hitting 50 pages, let alone 69 is a complete waste of everyones time.

I think then I'd go back to business as usual. But don't hold your breath friends... I hear asphyxiation is a hard way to go.

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If you love us you'll stop posting about TSO.

There are hundreds of other threads for you to amuse yourself in.

Again, in fairness to this cuddly rambler and random flinger of poo, I don't think he has posted anything relevant to TSO or the OP in quite some time.

As for staying on topic, which he happily diverted so many posts ago, good luck in those back channels. ;)

ooc: but the show sure has been fun to watch

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So the dude's obviously here to derail the thread and get it locked, which is probably the only way TSO could ever be helped. Let's all play another game called "ignore" and move on. I would also like to make a friendly request that nobody quote him cause other wise what's the point of the ignore list mirite?

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Excellent guess, the number was 63,237,111.

We'd like to thank you all for participating in our little experiment. The Just Me alliance will remain open for business for all your snarky needs. Or perhaps we'll go and do something else.

The one thing you may be sure of, is that we've had enough fun here to last us a while... So it will probably be a good long time before we jump all over a thread like this again.

We would like you to know, that We love every sensible one of you.

I would also like to apologize for taking my insanity a little too far. In all honesty, I'm not even sure where this all came from, and where the line was between humor and serious intent.

Please do not hold my rather odd sense of humor, and hopefully temporary loss of responsibility and strangely applied logic against my friends, former or future alliances.

You may of course, feel free to hold it against me. Strange moods and all, I will continue to take full responsibility for MY actions.

Lastly, there is only one person in this game that I have any personal issues with, or dislike for. The rest of you might annoy me, or be annoyed by me... But I assure you, nothing personal is meant for my part.

To My beloved friends at TSO, MCXA and TOP. Sorry if I made things more difficult then they already were. There was a point, but it probably wasn't worth pursuing anyway.

And to my DEAR friends at the International Serious Police Agency I'm afraid you are mistaken. I was and still am quite serious about the Great Just Me alliance. At least for now.

Edit: I was not here to derail the thread and get it locked. I'm not entirely sure why I got so stubborn about it... but there WERE points in mind, and those were not it. But... Feel free to ignore me all the same.

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Friends, I spot fresh drama in the OBR thread. Shall we travel over yonder fair companions and leave this thread to finally die?

Now that we have come so close to 100 pages???

But yes I think this needs to stop. The involved parties aren't likely to post here anymore, and if something new happens it will probably come in the form of an official announcement.

Best of luck TSO

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Now that we have come so close to 100 pages???

But yes I think this needs to stop. The involved parties aren't likely to post here anymore, and if something new happens it will probably come in the form of an official announcement.

Best of luck TSO

You can string me up for adding yet another reply here, but I do believe Joe Kremlin promised us a gift from TOP if this reached 100 pages. Part of me thought that was Neuromancer's [sic] goal. :ph34r:

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You can string me up for adding yet another reply here, but I do believe Joe Kremlin promised us a gift from TOP if this reached 100 pages. Part of me thought that was Neuromancer's [sic] goal. :ph34r:

Have you ventured far enough outside the realm of reality to consider he might have been joking?

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