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The Waffle House Crew


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It had been another one of those nights. Carousing over at MHA until we closed down the bar, then retiring to the Armory to chug GUN beer until the sun came up. Round about the time the unwelcome light of the daystar came peeking through the window over the pool table, somebody made the inevitable suggestion...


And like a clarion call through our stupor, the thought of waffles and fresh coffee pulled us out of our seats and into the car. As usual, we made Chocolate Cookies drive, because he's not old enough to get plowed with the rest of us. While he never appreciated getting woken up at the crack of dawn, the promise of a free breakfast is usually enough to drag him out of bed.

We all stumbled into the nearest Waffle House and occupied the two booths closest to the jukebox. The waitress didn't even bother to say hello or take our order - she knew the drill. Sometime between the waffles and hashbrowns, Zenergy, fallin, and Kevin McDonald found themselves alone in their booth. Slfr14 and Wentworth had run off to the backseat of CC's car, and a hush fell over the table. Barely able to take his eyes off the pool of grease collecting downhill from his bacon, fallin mumbled

"'Bout that time."

Kev replied

"Yup, 'bout that time."

Zenergy sighed

"Ok, MDP it is then. I'll write it up"


Edited by zenergy
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