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Treaty compendium

Bob Janova

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Is there a treaty web like the old ones? (flags and such) This one is hard to read.

not right now, it got so confusing we had to go 3-D. you don't even want to see the last version of the 2-D web before everyone gave up on it.

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What on earth is the tension value?

there is a program that actually creates a 3-D model of this mess. the tension is how much the alliances are being pushed apart or pulled closer. basically if 2 alliances only have all the same allies there tension will be very low, but if 1 has treaties with a alliance that is being pushed very far away due to other treaties then there will be more tension. im sure someone else can explain it better than me, also it has been discussed some earlier in the thread.

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You can clearly see how TOP, MHA and Sparta have moved out of the hegemony into the Citadel+ area, and the Hegemony (top left) is greatly reduced in size, strength and influence.

I've trimmed the alliance list to the current top 80.

There are some high profile new entries, Karma PoW the most obvious with a huge 4M NS but also FAN making use of their de facto freedom. Other big gainers are the new Neutral Menace, The Democratic Order, and everyone's favourite punching bag GATO who overtake 22 alliances in the last month! The winners of the passing race are The Immortals, but GATO did so higher up the ladder and are arguably the most impressive alliance through this war.

Obligatory congratulations to Sparta for taking the no. 1, and TOP for no. 1 by NS.

Going the wrong way are a whole host of Hegemony alliances, including recent sanctionees GGA, TPF and MCXA. More surprising is the large drop of Poison Clan, who have felt the full force of TPF's counter attacks and drop 15 places.

Special mention to the few alliances in the same positions as a month ago: Ragnarok (10th), Grämlins (15th), and Dark Evolution (32nd). They kept their heads when all around were losing theirs.

Biggest Gainer: The Immortals â–²24

Biggest Loser: Echelon â–¼38

All movement:

Sparta â–²2

TOP â–²3

MHA â–²2

NPO â–¼3

NpO â–²4

ODN â–²2

TDO â–²9

Fark â–¼1

IRON â–¼7

Ragnarok 0

GPA â–²6

FOK â–²2

VE, TOOL â–¼2

Grä 0

WTF â–²9

Legion â–²2

NV â–²9

MK â–²1

CSN â–²19

MA â–²5

UPN â–²1

MCXA â–¼17

Karma PoW: new

GATO â–²22

M*A*S*H: â–²3

GR: â–¼3

NADC: â–²6

TTK: â–²11

RIA â–²5

R&R â–¼1

DE 0

Invicta â–²4

Umbrella â–¼3

LoSS â–²1

Ubercon â–²12

STA â–²7

NSO â–²5

Int â–²2

NATO â–¼7

TSO â–²10

TPF â–¼29

WAPA â–²6

TFD â–²3

GDA â–¼23

Vanguard â–²4

GOD â–¼5

CON â–²8

Valhalla â–¼21

Athens â–²5

GGA â–¼33

NEW â–¼7

PC â–¼15

TORN â–²3

FEAR â–¼3

TGE â–²2

Immortals â–²24

FCO â–²3

Echelon â–¼38

GLoF â–²3

Genesis â–²6

OG â–¼9

UCN â–²8

FnKa â–²20

Orion â–¼3

Argent â–²12

OTF â–²1

VA â–¼1

Guru â–²11

AO â–²4

AGW â–²14

ACF â–²3

GUN â–²4

TCB â–¼9

USN â–¼9


ML â–¼18

FoB â–¼6

FCC â–²8

=WE= â–²9

e: tag mismatch

Edited by Bob Janova
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NPO/TOP MDP: MDP with NPO; total NS 21.7M, tension 935 (73 per M NS)

The Crown of the North Accords: MDoAP with Valhalla; total NS 14.8M, tension 370 (29 per M NS)

TOP no longer has these 2 treaties, We also upgraded our MDP with OG to a MDOAP and also protect FACE and RLMMO

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k, an update is very much needed now as 2 more bloc's have dissolved. i would update with what i have but i don't have everything in order and i think im missing some stuff and may have taken to much out. plus i don't keep track of the lower level stuff.

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update please?

It's perfectly fine for you to update what you do know (just mention it on the wiki). Then when Bob Janova does his periodic update of the Compendium, he'll have less work to do. Always definitely update your own alliance's data.

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I'm on holiday, have some patience or update it yourself :P

my stuff is only somewhat updated. plus i don't keep track of the small stuff and i have stuff out of order. i will PM you what i have thought and you can see if its correct.

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my stuff is only somewhat updated. plus i don't keep track of the small stuff and i have stuff out of order. i will PM you what i have thought and you can see if its correct.

You should PM your leaders, since they would know more about their own treaties than Bob Janova. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Full update! And I think the world has settled down enough to update the image, too.


There are now three main power clusters: Citadel+ and SF/Maroon, which were present before the war, and Frostbite+ which is effectively what I was labelling 'BLEU2' – it now has a bloc at its core so it makes sense to use that name. The remains of the Hegemony are still clearly identifiable as a separate group and will likely rebuild once peace is achieved; they're not obvious on this view because it's hard to get all four in one image.

The political manoeuvring is likely to centre around the Orange alliances, who are not clearly in any faction at present, and C&G, who sit right in the middle and make bridges to the three main factions.

Last week saw Karma PoW take a huge slide, and with the release of most PoWs, that 'alliance' now slides off the web entirely. Following suit after a big drop last week are Echelon, and they are joined by three others in a week of changes in the bottom half of the race. Re-entrants Federation of Buccaneers have the most impressive showing, climbing over 30 places, presumably assisted by a merge, and new entrants FIRE make a solid start. Within the established alliances peacetime boredom is resumed, with only the still-young Nordreich making a meaningful gain and the beleagured Old Guard losing ten places.

Biggest Gainer: +31 (at least) Federation of Buccaneers

Biggest Loser: -10 Old Guard, Karma PoW (at least)

All movement:

+1 Fark

-1 GPA


-1 FOK


-2 RoK

+1 NV

-1 CSN

+2 Invicta


+1 STA

-1 R&R

+2 RIA

-1 DE

+1 TTK

-2 GR

+1 Ubercon, LoSS

-2 NSO

+2 Int


+2 Van

-2 GDA

+1 NEW,Valhalla

-3 TFD

+2 GGA

-1 GOD

+31 FoB (re-entry)


-1 Immortals

+1 FCO, GLoF

-2 PC

-4 CON

+2 UCN

-2 Genesis

-1 FAN

(0 TGE, Argent)

+6 NoR

-6 TPF

(0 TORN)

-3 FnKa,Orion

-2 AO

-1 VA

(0 AGW)


(0 OTF)

+1 ML,GUN,Guru

+6 Wolfpack (re-entry)

-10 OG

-5 ACF

+3 ARES (re-entry)

-1 FCC

+1 UBD (re-entry)

Karma PoW, OBR, Brigade, USN, Echelon dropped

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very nice, but im having a problem with Athens. on the alliance.txt list, they have 2 tabs after there name. leaving both tabs creates a large orange box. removing 1 of the 2 tabs removes Athens from the web. how do i get Athens to show up properly?

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Two tabs is correct, their 'acronym' (short name used for the web) is the same as their long name (used for the mouse-over text and the compendium). I don't understand what you mean by a large orange box :P ... perhaps you should PM me your problem? Athens is not the only alliance which has a blank short name column.

Putting 'Athens' in both columns should also work.

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Full update! And I think the world has settled down enough to update the image, too.


There are now three main power clusters: Citadel+ and SF/Maroon, which were present before the war, and Frostbite+ which is effectively what I was labelling 'BLEU2' – it now has a bloc at its core so it makes sense to use that name. The remains of the Hegemony are still clearly identifiable as a separate group and will likely rebuild once peace is achieved; they're not obvious on this view because it's hard to get all four in one image.

The political manoeuvring is likely to centre around the Orange alliances, who are not clearly in any faction at present, and C&G, who sit right in the middle and make bridges to the three main factions.

Last week saw Karma PoW take a huge slide, and with the release of most PoWs, that 'alliance' now slides off the web entirely. Following suit after a big drop last week are Echelon, and they are joined by three others in a week of changes in the bottom half of the race. Re-entrants Federation of Buccaneers have the most impressive showing, climbing over 30 places, presumably assisted by a merge, and new entrants FIRE make a solid start. Within the established alliances peacetime boredom is resumed, with only the still-young Nordreich making a meaningful gain and the beleagured Old Guard losing ten places.

Biggest Gainer: +31 (at least) Federation of Buccaneers

Biggest Loser: -10 Old Guard, Karma PoW (at least)

All movement:

+1 Fark

-1 GPA


-1 FOK


-2 RoK

+1 NV

-1 CSN

+2 Invicta


+1 STA

-1 R&R

+2 RIA

-1 DE

+1 TTK

-2 GR

+1 Ubercon, LoSS

-2 NSO

+2 Int


+2 Van

-2 GDA

+1 NEW,Valhalla

-3 TFD

+2 GGA

-1 GOD

+31 FoB (re-entry)


-1 Immortals

+1 FCO, GLoF

-2 PC

-4 CON

+2 UCN

-2 Genesis

-1 FAN

(0 TGE, Argent)

+6 NoR

-6 TPF

(0 TORN)

-3 FnKa,Orion

-2 AO

-1 VA

(0 AGW)


(0 OTF)

+1 ML,GUN,Guru

+6 Wolfpack (re-entry)

-10 OG

-5 ACF

+3 ARES (re-entry)

-1 FCC

+1 UBD (re-entry)

Karma PoW, OBR, Brigade, USN, Echelon dropped

Have I mentioned how ridiculous the treaty web is?

CN as a whole should be ashamed.

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