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Lasers have been banned from CNRP for a long time. The only place they get RPed is in SDI's.

I also use Electrolasers as anti-ship defenses on nuclear-powered ships, which are capable of supplying the necessary energy for them.

But in general, all kinds of lasers require a lot of energy. Thus their use is limited, and you won't see them as tank- or infantry-mounted weapon unless we manage to get fist-sized fusion power plants.

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Plasma is a big, fat No.

Lasers, imo depends on the type. Electrolasers for example are entirely possible and in use even today (or testing, at least), but require great amounts of energy.

Other kinds of lasers often are dispersed due to the atmosphere, but they can be made to work.

Lasers have been banned from CNRP for a long time. The only place they get RPed is in SDI's.
I also use Electrolasers as anti-ship defenses on nuclear-powered ships, which are capable of supplying the necessary energy for them.

But in general, all kinds of lasers require a lot of energy. Thus their use is limited, and you won't see them as tank- or infantry-mounted weapon unless we manage to get fist-sized fusion power plants.

Not all lasers, only sci-fi lasers. Like "I'MA BURNIN THRU YA" lasers. Phasers. Star Wars/Star Trek lasers. :v:

Roger that

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Anyone here know if it would be possible with either modern tech or slightly future tech to produce a hologrpahic system that could display a building and its interior. The system I am after would be designed so that it can show the inner and outer workings of any building stored in its database as well as allowing people to interact with it to display people's positions inside, the system doesn't need anything like huge amount of colours or display too much detail.

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Anyone here know if it would be possible with either modern tech or slightly future tech to produce a hologrpahic system that could display a building and its interior. The system I am after would be designed so that it can show the inner and outer workings of any building stored in its database as well as allowing people to interact with it to display people's positions inside, the system doesn't need anything like huge amount of colours or display too much detail.

Currently there are only 3D screens (better ones coming up in a couple years), and the only thing I know of is something that will make the image "come out" of the screen without 3D glasses; forgot what it was, supposed to be "Ready" in 7-10 years.

Unless someone else more scientific knows more, I do not think that any type of holographic system will be ready any time soon.

EDIT: Although you could use Real 3D to create this effect; only like the "current" generation of 3D glasses: you need a pair for each person.

Edited by JerreyRough
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Wikipedia may hold the answer.

I didn't read through the entire article, but it appears that one of the biggest problems is simply that 3D-imagery is needs much more space on a hard drive that a 2D-image. About three orders of magnitude - so a 1 MB picture would easily turn into 1 Gigabyte.

Just read through it.

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Doublepost, but hey, I have a new topic. Or question.


We all know the good, old (and voluntarily used) GDP-formula,

(Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day) x Citizens x 36500

Now, it has come to my attention that some (Iamthey and Merger, from what I know), use the old CNRPR-formula, which includes modifiers according to infrastructure.

(Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day) x Citizens x 36500 x Infra Multiplier

The multiplier itself would, according to IAT, be the following, depending on Infrastructure:

0-500 Infra Chronically Underdeveloped economy: 0.8

500-1000 Infra Severely Underdeveloped economy: 0.8

1000-2000 Infra Underdeveloped economy: 1

2000-4000 Infra Developing economy: 1.2

4000-6000 Infra Burdgeoning economy: 1.4

6000-8000 Infra Vibrant economy: 1.6

8000-10000 Infra Economic Powerhouse: 1.8

10000+ Infra Industrial Super Power: 2

Now, I wanted to ask, who would find that this formula makes more sense (despite being somewhat more complicated; Because seriously, just adding '*1.2' to your calculation won't kill you.), and let me (and others) use it without making a fuss?

Currently, my GDP as per the old Formula is

2,584,743,695,605 or ~2.57 trillion.

With this 'newer' formula, almost everyone would get a higher GDP (those below 1k infra - quite rare in CNRP, from what I know, but there are some - being exceptions), and though it would not really affect RP a lot, excepting those who do roleplay economy in greater detail.

The newer formula would essentially double my GDP to well over 5.1 trillion, bringing me on par with Real-life powers such as China or Japan, though I have only a third or fourth of Japan's population. I for one don't really care, but I'd like to know the opinions of others.

Just some food for thought.

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It's nice to see how one's nation stacks up against other people's ($591 billion, apparently) but I really don't see how this would have any effect on RP unless people kept records of all their transactions...

Also, the developing nation title doesn't really apply since, unless I am doing these calculations wrong, with a population of 10 million the GDP per capita is $59,000. o_o

Edited by Vedran
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It's nice to see how one's nation stacks up against other people's ($591 billion, apparently) but I really don't see how this would have any effect on RP unless people kept records of all their transactions...

Also, the developing nation title doesn't really apply since, unless I am doing these calculations wrong, with a population of 10 million the GDP per capita is $59,000. o_o

Hmm, I seem to have a GDP per capita of $278,750. It may be time to RP a population increase...

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Considering neither of them actually have much effect on RP I don't give a damn. >_>


It has slight effects on my personal RP, but w/e. Others are likely not affected.

It's nice to see how one's nation stacks up against other people's ($591 billion, apparently) but I really don't see how this would have any effect on RP unless people kept records of all their transactions...

Also, the developing nation title doesn't really apply since, unless I am doing these calculations wrong, with a population of 10 million the GDP per capita is $59,000. o_o

Yeah, the titles of the nations (developing, underdeveloped etc) really don't fit. The GDP per capita depends on the population you RP. Currently, my GDP/Capita is 82 thousand, with the new formula twice that,at ~32 million people or so.

Hmm, I seem to have a GDP per capita of $278,750. It may be time to RP a population increase...

Lol. Yeah.

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Maybe its because I'm autistic (Asperger). But I just can't get around the fact that CNRP has all these guidelines and rules. But no one keeps to them and everybody ignores them. Until they can use it to beat someone OOC with it ofc.

Can't we just either decide on a small number of rules, or let them go entirely, or enforce the current ones? Its very confusing for me what guidelines I can use in RP'ing my country. Soon I will need guidelines on the use of the guidelines................. I could do very well without them, but to keep them around and not use them just stupefies me. Anyway, thats my weird brain at work.

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I'd drop them, but noone would play fair, and everyone would be out to just win thier games of Risk rather than just play fairly and write for fun. Seems that was how it was in the old forums, and the early News Reports forums.

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I've always considered the rules/guidelines to be guidelines. People started calling them rules and I didn't like that but I didn't object because everyone else seemed to have no problem with it.

They're not so much a rigid set of rules as they are a set of guidelines for showing new people the norm in CNRP. Of course, that's just the intent and people like using them during disagreements to say "you can't do that, it's against the rules." I don't much care for those people.

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I've always considered the rules/guidelines to be guidelines. People started calling them rules and I didn't like that but I didn't object because everyone else seemed to have no problem with it.

They're not so much a rigid set of rules as they are a set of guidelines for showing new people the norm in CNRP. Of course, that's just the intent and people like using them during disagreements to say "you can't do that, it's against the rules." I don't much care for those people.

Really the only true "rule" is the initial claim rule, which we're keeping because of the !@#$ fest that happened when Sumer was banned and wiped fromthe map, then she came back and said, in essence, "All new players get out, iz my land again." with trying to reclaim Altin Urda, after which Sargun blocked it because ban =/= map wipe. She tried her hardest, even going to the mods, if I remember correctly, who told her "RPers decide the rules of RP." So, we uphold that rule now so that that doesn't happen again.

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I don't understand how you can say it is a "godmod" without presenting any substantial evidence to backup your position. Yes, the ship will be expensive. I never denied that part. However the ship is still in "proof of concept". It hasn't even gone into production. That is entirely up to Voodoo and Merger. In regards to the armour makeup, it is not "fancy", as stated in our news thread.

It consist of basic armoured make-ups, which can be found in any basic level chemistry book (High School or College Level..where I went at anyway.) Basic research will also reveal the same things.

In terms of weapons layout, I will switch it around to the following if you believe the previous set to be too excessive, despite the fact that it is fairly capable.


Gardno-class Heavy Battleship

Length Overall: 486m

Waterline Length: 480m

Beam: 60m

Draught: 30m

cB: .572

Freeboard: Avg: 15.43m

Displacement: 496,651 Tons

Gun Armament:

2x 3 55cm (21.7”) Naval Rifles in A and X positions

10x Dual 130mm Naval Rifles

Missile Armament:

30x 12[3x4] cell 170 Strategic VLS [situated behind main guns]

Defensive Armament

18x Mark 30 45mm Autocannon Gun/Missile System [4000 shells + 48 Missiles per system]

6x V ATS (Anti-Torpedo System)

Protection Types:

Heese Naval Armour Composite Type A (HNAC Type A):

50% Maraging Steel, 50% Eglin Steel

Heese Naval Armour Composite Type B (HNAC Type :

50% Maraging Steel, 45% Eglin Steel, 5% Austenitic Stainless Steel

Heese Naval Armour Composite Type C (HNAC Type C):

45% Maraging Steel, 40% Eglin Steel, 15% Tungsten Reinforcements

Triple-bottomed reinforced HNAC Type B keel with void spaces over a HNAC Type C frame; Rubber installed in void spaces, HNAC Type C crossbeams installed across bulkheads to provide protection against kinetic attacks.

925mm @ Main Belt

750mm @ Upper/End Belts

630mm @Lower Belt

925mm @55cm Turret Face

925mm @55cm Turret Sides/Rear/Top

925mm @55cm Turret Barbette

550mm @Deck

900mm @Superstructure/Bridge

900mm @Armored Magazines/Engine Room/Command Rooms

250mm @Bulkheads

Propulsion: 4x 140MW Pressurized Water Reactors powering 10 shafts and 4 internalized water jets. Compulsators provide power from central power system to turrets

Max Speed: 36 knots at [981,029 shp / 731,847 Kw]

Aircraft: 12 Medium Attack Helicopters/Transport/ASW and 4x Medium or 2x Large ASW/Transport Helicopters

Complement: 13,104


1x Multi-function Radar [750km detection, 600km tracking]

1x Long Range Search Radar [1000km detection]

4x Infrared Search and Tracking/Short Range Targeting Radar [25/30km tracking range]

1x SSR Navigational radar

1x Hull Mounted Sonar

1x ASW Combat System

Electronics Warfare Suite: Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System (AIEWS)


Multiple Unit for Transmission Elimination

Combat Direction Finding

Fire Control:

Main Fire Control System (Capable of detection 22,500 targets and tracking 2,250 targets, while simultaneously guiding 300+ missile or gun engagements)

Sub-Surface Fire Control:

1x Anti-Submarine Weapon Control System (ATS)


Towed array sonar utilizing a hull transducer or a towed active transducer or both. It is an integrated ASW, Mine Avoidance and Torpedo Defense underwater system

Mine Neutralization Vehicle

Remote Minehunting System

Missile Countermeasures:

2x Naval Theater Laser Defense System(NLDS): Advanced Solid State Laser which targets and destroys missiles. (5 MW)

In regards to upkeep, if you're going to force the commonwealth to adopt upkeep cost, then I'd expect everyone to do it, since no one factors in the cost in developing stuff anyway. Atleast not on CNRP.

Edited by Malatose
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Here's a simple one: It's too %^#*ing long. Like ITDA said, there is no way you can build that with your coastline. I don't see it happening.

Indeed, much of the evidence is in the post I linked.

Also, can you really say that your nation can afford 27USD per second just to run a boat?

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