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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327252904' post='2904784']
I should quote two posts and I do not trust Jias bread baskets, so no, it isn't preplanned. Though if you attack me with bread baskets, I'll throw Jia cocktails.
I'm going to need you to explain this one to me.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1327208841' post='2904497']
I'll RP with you Fizzy, two questions what nation is yours and do you prefer a naval or aerial bombardment.

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1327215487' post='2904589']
Triyun is the official Tsundere of CNRP.

[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327227078' post='2904661']
He says bombardement, but he'll just fly over your nation and throws out Jias bread baskets.


Does it make more sense now? Else, just forget it. =/

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1327540555' post='2906936']
OOC: Doesn't she? She hasn't actually surrendered OOC-wise, as far as I can tell. Her people [i]are [/i]still there from what I can tell

She has accepted that she does not control Somalia, at least as far as I can tell.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1327542206' post='2906967']
She has accepted that she does not control Somalia, at least as far as I can tell.

Uh so what? TBM didn't control Somalia either and yet he started his own insurgency and Eva said that a number of loyalists returned to their homes that doesn't make them TBM's characters/people anymore they are still Eva's just in a foreign country.

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I don't even know what is up. I'm not even sure I care. Either way the blame will be placed directly on the feet of Croatia for terrorist attacks perpetuated against Legion. So in the end she's only hurting herself even more. I will say the entire thing was discussed with the GM team and further it'll be discussed with Eva in a day or two. I sense right now she's fairly angry about how things turned out and I'd like to give her a day or two to cool off and come to the table with a clear head.

Besides, I got crap to do today, so there.

How the whole thing ends is entirely up to her and well the GMs if they have something to say. Not sure what they could or would say at this point, but if they want to weigh in with their input, they are free to do so.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1327542206' post='2906967']
She has accepted that she does not control Somalia, at least as far as I can tell.

It's murky at best. She did explicitly state she disarmed her people, gave up her colonial dominions, and returned the folks to their homes. While this can be construed as a surrender, it's open to interpretation.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1327543312' post='2906984']
I don't even know what is up. I'm not even sure I care. Either way the blame will be placed directly on the feet of Croatia for terrorist attacks perpetuated against Legion. So in the end she's only hurting herself even more. I will say the entire thing was discussed with the GM team and further it'll be discussed with Eva in a day or two. I sense right now she's fairly angry about how things turned out and I'd like to give her a day or two to cool off and come to the table with a clear head.

Besides, I got crap to do today, so there.

How the whole thing ends is entirely up to her and well the GMs if they have something to say. Not sure what they could or would say at this point, but if they want to weigh in with their input, they are free to do so.

The way I see it, Eva has just as much right to control the civilian population of Somalia just as much as you do, TBM. Both of you are part of an OOC protectorization dispute, only you are using your old ties to the area instead of being simply another state that wants to claim that zone as a protectorate.

Sure, propaganda wise it would be a fair accusation for you to IC'ly claim these Somali people, almost hypnotically influenced by the Croatian Ducat sovereign, are instead Croatian coerced terrorists. But I'm pretty sure there needs to be an offhand IC recognition that we ARE seeing Somalis suddenly burning their lands, etc no matter how silly that might seem to all of us.

That is why i've tried to be as neutral as possible in my narrative posts accompanying deployments. I recognize that it IS a fact (although not reported by Eva's opponents) that the Ducat ordered its forces to consolidate themselves in a central location. I recognize that there IS a Somali faction that supports the Croatians. That being said, I will still aid Legion, as is my IC obligation to it rather than to Croatia.

In any case, is not like you to turn down a fight when you see it. Surely a COIN operation against Eva that can be RPed by all of us willing and involved would be fun. Quashing a resistance of a resistance is a funny idea that i've taken a fancy to.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1327544464' post='2906992']
The thing is when mainland Croatia got peace one of the terms was to stop colonization so she gave up that national claim.

That still doesn't stop her from rping an insurgency from loyalists to Croatia all it means is that Croatia itself would not be supporting the insurgency.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1327544800' post='2906994']
That still doesn't stop her from rping an insurgency from loyalists to Croatia all it means is that Croatia itself would not be supporting the insurgency.

This is about the conclusion I've come to.However, there comes the part where it seems that she surrendered her militia in Somalia, thus ending the insurgency, only to try and pick it up again after I rerolled.

I think the best thing to do here is let myself and Eva speak about this privately and work something out. Not often do you find an rper sticking it out like she is doing, while I'm not keen on bothering with a long drawn out campaign, I'm even less keen on dismissing potentially good rp and a valuable learning experience for her.

[i]Although, the situation with her surrender/or maybe not surrender and then my rerolling needs to be examined, and I'd like to hear what the GM team has to say about that. Because to me it really does look like that is what she did. However, no matter what their comments are I do fully intend allow her the opportunity to rp this out.[/i]

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The way people brought this about makes the issue complex. Basically, this would similar to a situation where I RPed some kind of pro-Papuan faction in Najambia who, after I am kicked out, starts an insurgency against the new regime while not specifically wanting to be part of Grand Papua. In this case, given how Grand Papua has no more interference with the region, who do we say this is a specifically Papuan loyalist group?

Just throwing out one interpretation of this. I would like to see where this might lead to.

Also, can we finish the discussion about "fluff" where you RP completely made up facts just to back up the one slightly relevant evidence you have for whatever you wish to do?

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1327544464' post='2906992']
The thing is when mainland Croatia got peace one of the terms was to stop colonization so she gave up that national claim.

Of course. IC'ly. But OOC'ly there is still (unless i am mistaken or have missed a post) a desire on Eva's part to RP an insurrection in Somalia to continue contesting TBM's claim. She DID RP Somalians that wanted to be with the Ducat, and no one has been given the right to OOC'ly take control of all of Somalia yet, unless Eva gives up her intent to continue down the path she started.

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Nope, I'm not giving up. And if you want to roll over Croatia a second time, I'll just point to the results of the first time. As long as we do not go for open genocide, you will have to live with angry populations and I'm more than willing to RP them. Just because most people like to reroll after getting rolled, I don't see why I need to be a souvereign nation to start insurgencies. Afghanistan also wasn't supporting the Taliban as a state for the last ten years. Still they sticked around.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327571415' post='2907236']
Nope, I'm not giving up. And if you want to roll over Croatia a second time, I'll just point to the results of the first time. As long as we do not go for open genocide, you will have to live with angry populations and I'm more than willing to RP them. Just because most people like to reroll after getting rolled, I don't see why I need to be a souvereign nation to start insurgencies. Afghanistan also wasn't supporting the Taliban as a state for the last ten years. Still they sticked around.

In short you've decided to protect Croatia by passively submitting and putting a group of people you at best have only a token control over directly into the crossfire. You were in Somalia all of two days, a nation in CNRP that has a virulent history of opposing colonialism. I don't see you actively resisting Centurius, not one single bit.

Classy move on your part.

I think though, it will work both ways in the end, because what is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1327608632' post='2907494']
As long as you don't go complaining that it actually is Greece taking over Turkey...

This is sort of insulting everything I have and will ever love, but I'll deal with it. Time for the liberation of the poor oppressed Turkish people. o3o

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1327612990' post='2907569']
I wonder how Athens will now be able to expand their Sweden-level living to an additional 200 million people.


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