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Pity you can't replicate the technology on a mass scale or that'd likely be possible. Actually.. Unicorns wouldn't be hard. They'd just be horses with some gene splices from a rhino.

Such genetic anomalies wouldn't even be unique to actual history:


Mind you it was a different placement of the horn.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Maybe I misunderstood a thing or two. Hooray.

HK47's ruling, back in the day:


[quote]Okay, here's the deal.

Yes this is okay, but, for all intents and purposes he's going to be [b]far more human that lizard.[/b] slightly Lizardy eyes and sharpened teeth, maybe some slightly scaley skin. He could achieve better results with cosmetic surgery It'll also sterilise him so he'll be the only one (EDIT: even if his' wife changes too).

It's going to make for a pretty ugly meatbag to be honest.

Now give it rest already. [/quote]

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Maelstrom, that RP is officially [b]semi-canon[/b]. It's canon for personal use, but other people are free to recognize it as never having happened if you interact with their RPs. However, drop the victim complex.

By the way, if you do an RP and someone says they aren't recognizing it, then simply don't put that bit of flavor in. And for those who don't recognize it, tell him respectfully and drop the issue after that.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285282332' post='2462608']
Maelstrom, that RP is officially [b]semi-canon[/b]. It's canon for personal use, but other people are free to recognize it as never having happened if you interact with their RPs. However, drop the victim complex.

By the way, if you do an RP and someone says they aren't recognizing it, then simply don't put that bit of flavor in. And for those who don't recognize it, tell him respectfully and drop the issue after that.

That's how I'm reacting in most cases, but people just telling me it's not possible period I'm going to protest against. I'd have to in order to continue my rp.

And yes, 1500 is first world.. my mistake, I thought it was still 1000. Standards have changed a lot over time. Mind you, I'm within 2 weeks of being first world so.. I'm at the very high end of modern even now and the Cult and Dragonisia have always been focused on Gene Tech as a major instrument thus they may be more advanced in this particular science than other areas as the advance of science is not uniform in any culture.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285282492' post='2462614']
Thank God better technology will be able to make up for the deficiencies. Some day I will have my fairies. 5000 tech? Won't take that much longer. And they will flutter into your room at night for treaty negotiations.

You realize I'm going to bankrupt your faeries with my Great White Dental Plan right? They better have shrewd price negotiators on teeth.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Arieg' timestamp='1285266271' post='2462322']
Wheres the fun in that? I demand a zombie virus if you intend to create abhumans for the sake of shenanigans.
Actually...zombies are permitted as long as all parties participating consent to it.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285266367' post='2462323']
If Dragons are allowed, then the Canuckistan Navy is interested in acquiring Dragonisia's genetic modification techniques. We've been pretending for so long, now will you help us reach our dream of becoming [i]real[/i] fairies?
I remember a ruling where you can create one altered example...but you can't create an entire species, not really.

[quote name='Arieg' timestamp='1285266698' post='2462334']
Coming back from a megaton range blast? What is he? Bruce Lee?
No. Martens is a Vampire, don'tcha know? :P

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1285285823' post='2462685']
I remember a ruling where you can create one altered example...but you can't create an entire species, not really.[/quote]

That would be impossible. You'd have to make several creatures as part of the research process. Can't make the perfect fairy on the first try.

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Oh you're permitted to fail as much as you want, but you can only succeed once.. because of the expense of the process. Partial successes still count as successes.. otherwise Mael wouldn't have come out of his first change cancer ridden.. heheh.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1285286407' post='2462706']
ooc: Just a note that the tech cannot be used in mass. One of the stipulations was that the technology is so expensive and so new only the most wealthy would be able to even utilize it.. and nations trying to use it on a large scale would easily bankrupt themselves. That's why I've only ever had one individual that's been genetically altered at a time.. and many years apart at that. Anyway, that's enough for my ooc here.. if I want to discuss this more I'll be in the ooc thread.

Too bad none of that actually matches reality. Genetic engineering won't bankrupt a nation; It's done all the time in the present by corporations. Most organism are modified for better adaptability and survivability; if anything, the things I create will thrive and push their natural counterparts into extinction.

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There's a lot of things in CNRP that do not work like they do in reality. We have to have rules to prevent excess while at the same time not destroying creative potential. The ruling about this matter was made in that spirit and I intend to abide by it.

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If that is the actual ruling, its rationale is illogical. Instead of some nonsense about bankrupting nations, whoever made up the ruling shouldn't have even bothered. Just say one genetically modified being only. If you can have one creature, there's no reason why you can't have more other than "because I said so." It's far more illogical to allow dragon-men and unicorns than it is to allow them and then say you can only have one.

I want a whole city of fairies. Why are you stifling my creativity?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1285292087' post='2462822']
If dragon-men are allowed, why can't I have dragon cavalry? Why does Maelstrom get a magical dragon-man just because he has some kind of dragon obsession? Can I use the creatures I made up? I'd be funny to see yags interacting with people on planet bob. Don't stifle my creativity!

You can't have those things because you don't have a country :v:

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Whoops, I should have checked the OOC thread before reading Sal's... there has to be a reason he wants fairies... again, as long as this is internal RPing, its generally frowned upon, but allowed. If you were making a battalion of anti-tank Wargs or a warrior strain of goblins to use, however, different story.

Although I am concerned about your apparent usage of Canadian/Saborian tech without Lynneth's consent.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1285293879' post='2462870']
there has to be a reason he wants fairies...[/quote]

I believe I said in the thread "we choose to breed fairies in the decade not because it is easy, but because it is hard... and because it is awesome."

There's your answer.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285294253' post='2462878']
I believe I said in the thread "we choose to breed fairies in the decade not because it is easy, but because it is hard... and because it is awesome."

There's your answer.

Of course, yet there was a nagging suspicion of mine that there was some sort of deeper message or higher meaning behind your creation of the thread... to outline some kind of grand scheme or point out a glaringly obvious flaw that apparently snuck in underneath everyone's noses.

But I see now that I was wrong :blush:.

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I have no problem with MV/Kornell (the scientist guy) doing the parade or RPing out in my territory. Mael can RP what he likes within the modicum of sensibility and of course whatever he claims, if I find them improbable when my characters interact with him, I would just consider his character as a doppelganger of the old MV, with similar physical features, Dragon costume and a slight mental problem due to which there is a similarity of character. Apart from my own perception of his RP, I would not be placing any road blocks on him, so long as he does not do anything grossly unnatural or something that cannot be explained away with any natural phenomena.

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Is the rule that you're only allowed one genetic freak apply to the species or the nation? If I have a unicorn, will other nations not be allowed to have one? What if I created more for the purpose of giving them to others as gifts? Unicorn diplomacy as it were.

Can I replace my unicorn's horn with a rail gun? A rail gun with sentient AI?

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285299497' post='2462971']Is the rule that you're only allowed one genetic freak apply to the species or the nation? If I have a unicorn, will other nations not be allowed to have one? What if I created more for the purpose of giving them to others as gifts? Unicorn diplomacy as it were.

Can I replace my unicorn's horn with a rail gun? A rail gun with sentient AI?[/quote]I'm personally against it, but this isn't about me.
The Railgun or sentient AI would only apply to internal role-plays, and couldn't be used in quantity or war.

I have issue with Sal’s Unicorns, however, as such a breakthrough usually requires a certain degree of development. Canuckistan’s Unicorns were finished in a single post, lacking proper role-play continuity. Recognized research takes an ongoing thread of variable progression. Create a thread slowly detailing unicorn R&D in a multitude of posts and it will be entirely legitimate.

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It occurred in a single post, but it's not like that post was only a day or two. Would you like the R&D to occur over several days or months in real time? What sense is that? If I write out an entire year's worth of a story what difference does it make if I put it in one post or in ten? That's just more arbitrary nonsense.

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