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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1284620034' post='2455634']
No, this is not the standard AShM which are effectively low flying cruise missiles, albeit faster. This is Anti ship Ballistic Missiles like the DF21 variants the PRC is fielding, which follow a quasi ballistic flight trajectory.

mmmm yes. Like most of the superweapons we use in CNRP that have never actually been battle tested, Im sure its as good as they say it is :v

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[quote name='The Flying Scotsman' timestamp='1284621266' post='2455644']
mmmm yes. Like most of the superweapons we use in CNRP that have never actually been battle tested, Im sure its as good as they say it is :v

Well if you want battle tested hardware I hardly doubt many of the weapon systems in service in most of the militaries of the world are actually battle tested, except for US weapons. Has T90s ever been battle tested? Su30? F22? Also how many nuclear war heads have been battle tested?

During peace time, nations cannot afford to do much battle testing. So we have to go by results from alternate testing and conceptualizing.

So yeah, we have to go by conceptual, technological and scientific veracities. Conceptually ASBMs can work, albeit with the difficulties illustrated.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1284625318' post='2455677']
Well if you want battle tested hardware I hardly doubt many of the weapon systems in service in most of the militaries of the world are actually battle tested, except for US weapons. Has T90s ever been battle tested? Su30? F22? Also how many nuclear war heads have been battle tested?

During peace time, nations cannot afford to do much battle testing. So we have to go by results from alternate testing and conceptualizing.

So yeah, we have to go by conceptual, technological and scientific veracities. Conceptually ASBMs can work, albeit with the difficulties illustrated.

I was referring to these future weapons we use. For me the DF-21 goes in the same category as practical anti-satellite lasers, could they theoretically work? Yes. Do they work? Ill believe it when I see it.

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[quote name='Pikachurin' timestamp='1284778584' post='2456965']
Another question: what's the maximum yield could a nuke have with and without an in-game WRC? I remember something about nukes having different yields if someone has a WRC in-game, though I can't seem to find that anywhere.

Thanks in advance.

500kt & <10s of MT, respectively. From the map thread:

[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1261523105' post='2045405']
*The amount of nukes (warheads) you have is equal to your in game level of warheads. Everyone with standard nukes has fission bombs (max 500kt). Weapons research complexes give you hydrogen bombs (keep them within reason not tens of megaton warheads), and neutron weapons. This decision was reached by consulting with the GMs and at their urging.[/quote]

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[quote name='The Flying Scotsman' timestamp='1284657932' post='2455862']
I was referring to these future weapons we use. For me the DF-21 goes in the same category as practical anti-satellite lasers, could they theoretically work? Yes. Do they work? Ill believe it when I see it.

The Chinese by many accounts did manage to disable a US Satellite briefly with a high energy laser. The DF-21 seems to be a successful implementation of a rather well researched concept. The DF-21 is serious enough for the US Navy to have it as a matter of concern and for many articles including a recent one in Foreign Affairs (which is next to impossible to get published in) regarding US-Sino Security relations to advocate greater military infrastructure build ups in the Mariannas and other US island territories.

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So I've been "exploring" Google Earth for a while. I found out that Sketchup models can be imported into Earth, very quickly too using the "Preview in Google Earth" command. There is a default location of Boulder, CO but if you add a location specifically you can put it there. Surely I'm not the only one that realizes the possibilities for this in CNRP.

Instead of (or in addition to) using real photos to add to your RP, you can import stuff (I've been trying out ships and planes mostly) right into Google Earth and take a screenshot, and arrange it however you want, whether to help people visualize it or just to add to the RP. The database of sketchup models has a lot of stuff, and this is even better for you people that make your own things.

The only problem I foresee is if you've got some LVNesque technology that isn't in the database and you can't make stuff in sketchup. But for everyone else, why don't we try this sometime and see how we like it?

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1284969840' post='2458796']
So I've been "exploring" Google Earth for a while. I found out that Sketchup models can be imported into Earth, very quickly too using the "Preview in Google Earth" command. There is a default location of Boulder, CO but if you add a location specifically you can put it there. Surely I'm not the only one that realizes the possibilities for this in CNRP.

Instead of (or in addition to) using real photos to add to your RP, you can import stuff (I've been trying out ships and planes mostly) right into Google Earth and take a screenshot, and arrange it however you want, whether to help people visualize it or just to add to the RP. The database of sketchup models has a lot of stuff, and this is even better for you people that make your own things.

The only problem I foresee is if you've got some LVNesque technology that isn't in the database and you can't make stuff in sketchup. But for everyone else, why don't we try this sometime and see how we like it?

Could you share a link of any example that you have created? Just so that a firmer idea may be gained?

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1284973269' post='2458805']
Could you share a link of any example that you have created? Just so that a firmer idea may be gained?
Sure. Basically, I'm envisioning a new way to get pictures for RP, but instead of scouring for a fitting one on the internet, people can make one. Let's say, for example, I wanted to park a pair of 747's at the airport in Saint-Denis, Reunion.

First I would open Sketchup, and Earth. Then I go to File, 3D Warehouse, Get Models. This opens up a search window that looks like any Google search. I type in 747, find one to my liking, download it right into the open window, and move it wherever I want. Then I click File, Geo-location, Add Location.

This opens up a regular Google Map with a white square in the middle. Place the white square wherever (in this case, Roland Garros Airport), and then click Select Region, Grab. This puts that square of land into Sketchup, [url="http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/390/example1vc.png"]like so[/url]. Then, since I want a pair, just copy/paste the plane, and put them wherever I want. File, Preview in Google Earth. Done.

After all that, [url="http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7293/example2q.png"]this[/url] is what it looked like in Sketchup, and [url="http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/7536/example3z.png"]this[/url] is the final product.

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Yea, it is ugly. The airport is 2D imagery on flat terrain shot from an angle, it's probably the worst thing I could have done in terms of looks. But I was just demonstrating the process to do it; the concept of making pictures with it has a lot of potential in my opinion.

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As resident Sketchup addict, I feel obliged to comment:
[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285019657' post='2459225']
That's a little ugly. Where's the stupid smiley when you need it?

But with some photoshop work it might actually have some potential

[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1285020072' post='2459229']
There is some free render software around the web for Sketchup, it would look a lot nicer when rendered but has a small learning curve.
Yes, but most of it is computer murder, and would not be compatible with Google Earth, you'd need to photoshop everything together. It's a difficult process, I know from experience, and generally not worth doing unless you have an immense amount of free time, or a very, very powerful computer, and a strong artistic ability.

(Generally, if I have something I want rendered from sketchup, I'll export a few images of it, and redraw and paint it, for the image I want/need. A bit excessive, but it looks good, and I'm insane)

[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1285020378' post='2459232']
Yea, it is ugly. The airport is 2D imagery on flat terrain shot from an angle, it's probably the worst thing I could have done in terms of looks. But I was just demonstrating the process to do it; the concept of making pictures with it has a lot of potential in my opinion.
It has some potential, especially, I think if anyone wants to go through the work of modeling out all the sorts of crazy cities people like to make with little or no regard for their RL equivalents; However, for other things, I think it is unnecessary, but an interesting idea, with some interesting ramifications.

[url=http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd337/Voi-Asino/SANDWITCHTRON.jpg](Also, best use for this technology ever)[/url]

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I'm just gonna see that as noncanon.
1,350 tech and changing a human's body in its entirety to a lizard-shark-owl-hamster-whateverelse hybrid without previous RP researching it (other than referencing my Canuck RP, which I never said Karnell had any real access to).
Yeah, no. Gonna see it as not canon to CNRP.

Thanks much.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1285251657' post='2462153']

I'm just gonna see that as noncanon.
1,350 tech and changing a human's body in its entirety to a lizard-shark-owl-hamster-whateverelse hybrid without previous RP researching it (other than referencing my Canuck RP, which I never said Karnell had any real access to).
Yeah, no. Gonna see it as not canon to CNRP.

Thanks much.

Regardless of the tech level, it isn't being done by 2020 IRL. I agree with Lynneth of this one.

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