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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='30 April 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1272660015' post='2281583']
But that is what I'm asking. Why is it that countries that haven't even contacted me hate me? I mean, it is every country. Pretty annoying.

IC actions are seen by all nations. One does not need to have contact with you to hate you.

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<%KaiserMelech> Why is everyone being an $@! to Fizzydog?
[b]<%Yawoo> Becaus he switched sides in the middle of war, KM
<%Yawoo> and then tried switching back[/b]

Yeah, it's just because of that.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote]Shan Revan sagt (18:35):
*My computer blew up, I'm currently on my sister's netbook which I've managed to borrow.
*Could you let the others know
*trying to sort out some kind of replacement or something but until then...[/quote]
He told me this via MSN.
I hope he'll get a new PC soon.

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I think we need to put a limit on missile spam. As much as I love using large quantities of missiles, I don't think using 300 missiles on a bunch of ships is really a good tactic to endorse.

A uses 300 missiles on a fleet
B blocks 280 and only 20 get through
A !@#$%*es because he used massive amounts of missiles
B !@#$%*es because he used massive amounts of missile defenses

etc etc

The main problem I have with it is that in-game our missile defenses can only go so far. But if you have 300 missiles flying from a relatively small area of origin to a relatively small strike zone, it would be much easier to take down a majority of those missiles than if they were spread out miles apart. A few missiles a few meters apart means a smart set of missile defense systems could take out most of them. A missile per 5 seconds per system at five miles away for each CIWS, combined with air support, combined with missiles sent to combat the missiles, combined with land-based anti-missile defenses for close-to-shore encounters and even perhaps a chain reaction from missiles being so close to each other would severely limit the effectiveness of the missile spam.

So if we can't limit the amount of missiles spammed at a single time, at least make it to where we can take down more missiles at once provided we have RP'd adequate and extensive anti-missile defenses, and have relevant in-game improvements and ships.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='04 May 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1272949790' post='2286118']
the situation in question... the aircraft that fired said missiles did break off into five squads of ten planes, over 1000km away and then fire.
theyre definatly didnt come grouped.

i only used 300 because it was the last number I read :v:

even at five squads of ten planes, that's five areas for 300 missiles to be at
60 missiles per area, and considering the distance and short amount of time it takes to actually shoot down the missiles... at one CIWS per ship for only five ships, it would take less than half a minute for each squad's missiles to get destroyed and that's not even counting in the massive tech advantage that someone like mudd would have

just sayin

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Wakes up from long nap and smiles,looks at the smiling sun and then with a happy mood clicks on the map thread.

While he walked to his PC, the sorry fcker started to sing this song


He opened his eyes and then starts to thrown to see a big blue blob of a nation still in North America,he then evil monkey looks his fellow CNRPer's

WTF GUYS!!!!!!, its been 3 ffing months how hard is it to finish him.

But anywho does anyone have any land to give so I may make the Empire Of Brittania in that land.

Edited by lutai
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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='04 May 2010 - 06:41 PM' timestamp='1273023671' post='2287095']
Sargun, I think you grossly overestimate a CIWS' actual combat effectiveness.

^ this.

For Goalkeeper,
[quote]The system's reaction time to a Mach 2 sea-skimming missile like the Russian SS-N-22 Sunburn from automatic detection to kill is reported to be 5.5 seconds with the firing synchronised to start the engagement at a range of 1,500 m and ending with a kill at 300 m.[/quote]

5.5 seconds is a long time when you're dealing with supersonic missiles.

EDIT: Fix'd, thanks.

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='iKrolm' date='04 May 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1273024528' post='2287119']
^ this.

For Goalkeeper,

5.5 seconds is a long time when you're dealing with supersonic missiles.

EDIT: Fix'd, thanks.

No, just no. His fighters [b]cannot[/b] fire SS-N-22. Those are naval-borne missiles. They are [b]not[/b] AGM missiles launched by said B-52 bombers. So it is [b]impossible[/b], let alone completely idiotic, to have 300 STS missiles mounted on a aerial platform. Why idiotic? Because you [b]can't[/b] do it that why. Why? Because of the fracking delivery system.

Now, with that said, the missile you are thinking about is the ASM-MMS variation of the SS-N-22. This is the [b]only[/b] variation, as far as I am aware or know, out of the SS-N-22 anti-ship missiles that can be attached to a [b]fixed wing aircraft[/b]. These can only be mounted to a fix-winged aircraft and would not be able to be mounted from a B-52 because that would defeat the purpose of the B-52 altogether.

Likewise, the specs for the ASM-MMS is:

Dimensions: Length 9.7 m, Width 2.1 m

Weights: Max Weight 4,000 kg (8,818 lb), Warhead 300 kg (661 lb)

Performance: Cruise Speed 731 mps (Mach 2.20), Max Range 250 km (135 nm), Min Range 10,000 m (32,808 ft), Top Speed 996 mps (Mach 3) [/quote]

If you really have trouble looking for this missile, it's also known as the Moskit or the KH-41 anti-ship missile.

More info:

The Kh-41, also known as Moskit, is a supersonic, long range, air-launched, anti-ship missile designed to penetrate sophisticated ship air defenses. It relies on an inertial navigation system with target updates from launching aircraft to reach the target area. Once there, the Kh-41 employs its active radar seeker to search, detect and lock on the target. It is so fast that the ship's air defenses have only a few seconds to act against the incoming missile. A fewer reaction time maximizes Moskit missile kill probability.

The Moskit missile was intended to provide an impressive anti-ship capability to carrier-based Su-33 Sea Flanker multi-role fighters. It can be released from other Soviet/Russian-made attack aircraft. Its range is extended compared to the ship-launched version (3M80 or SS-N-22 Sunburn). [/quote]

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While my comment was directed at the effectiveness of CIWS systems in general, why wouldn't a B-52 be able to theoretically (because technically in CNRP that may or may not be a B-52 and that may or may not be a 3M-80E1 Moskit) launch that missile if it is able to be launched by a Su-33? Wouldn't the Bomberish craft be able to fire them like the Tu-140 launches Kh-55's, ie: a rotary launcher in the internal bomb bay? Why couldn't it use wing pylons?

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='04 May 2010 - 11:28 PM' timestamp='1273012117' post='2286844']
Hey, zooters, mind shooting me a link where you got hit by a nuke? I know you reported it on the news, but I can't seem to find where you got hit.

Operation Downfall thread Fizzy

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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='05 May 2010 - 01:10 AM' timestamp='1273036211' post='2287357']
While my comment was directed at the effectiveness of CIWS systems in general, why wouldn't a B-52 be able to theoretically (because technically in CNRP that may or may not be a B-52 and that may or may not be a 3M-80E1 Moskit) launch that missile if it is able to be launched by a Su-33? Wouldn't the Bomberish craft be able to fire them like the Tu-140 launches Kh-55's, ie: a rotary launcher in the internal bomb bay? Why couldn't it use wing pylons?

You misread what I said. He can use the ASM-MMS, which is the variation that is, indeed, launched by a Su-33. However, the B-52 isn't equipped to have the rotary launcher that a Tu-140 uses. To be honest, it's not so much the B-52 than it is the fact that people are trying to pass of a STS missile as a AGM-type. The KH-55 is a later model of the KH-41, but you have to keep in mind of his tech. Rotary launchers for the Tu-140 are a bit above and beyond near-third world.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='09 May 2010 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1273419968' post='2292503']
I believe it is total aircraft at this time.

I thought the final ruling (and subsequent rule change) was that max aircraft possible is used since you can buy them all at once?

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='09 May 2010 - 12:10 PM' timestamp='1273421387' post='2292520']
I thought the final ruling (and subsequent rule change) was that max aircraft possible is used since you can buy them all at once?

That's what I meant. Total aircraft one can have.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='09 May 2010 - 01:26 PM' timestamp='1273425946' post='2292569']

Cochin Space Research Organization proudly announces the completion of the Trisanku Annex Project. The Annex assembled at 500 km orbit has been now raised to the final 5000 km orbit and would soon be aligned with the Trisanku Space Station. The Trisanku Annex presently has a crew of 15 with an expected total crew of 30 expected to join the station within the next 3 months.

CSRO also announced the imminent inauguration of the Dhruva Biosphere Project , a LEO manned space station that has successfully recreated an orbital biosphere in Low Earth Orbit.

The Experimental Habitat Project is also nearly completed, with 79% of its component manufacturing completed and 45% of the structure already assembled in space. It is expected to be completed in a year.

The Ashwini Research Center stated to be orbited at Geostationary Earth Orbit is also nearly completed. Its launch is also expected within a year.

The year thus marking the completion of several milestone projects of Cochin Space Research Organization, the year is being celebrated as Year Antrix.

I'm calling shens to any of these space station projects being completed in less than 10-13 years. Anything that's far more advanced than the ISS will take at least 13 years, if you have 16 nations aiding in the funding and construction of the program. Satellites are fine, but Research Stations, Habitat Projects (assuming it's for humans). Something that can house 30 crew members cannot be completed in the amount of time you claim.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Voodoo, the Fantasy RP Forum is home of CNRP, but it would also be the home of any RP that is not strictly based on one's CN nation. While CNRP is the majority of RP activity in this forum, that doesnt mean we own the place, this forum was set up for all fantasy RP, not just ours.

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