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I have 105 plane squadrons so I have 105 non-fighter/bomber planes as well, including UAVs.

So the amount of IG aircraft limits the amount of non-fighter/bomber planes?

Last question, can I RP the development of stuff that I lack IG? Such as RPing the research and development of a F-22 even though I don't have any IG.

Edited by HHAYD
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So the amount of IG aircraft limits the amount of non-fighter/bomber planes?

Last question, can I RP the development of stuff that I lack IG? Such as RPing the research and development of a F-22 even though I don't have any IG.

Why don't you just wait until you actually CAN have them. THEN rp the development.

Or do we need a repeat of He Who Shall Not Be Named.

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Nukes - one a day unless you have a WRC in which case it is two a day.

CMs - They don't regenerate, you have 50 max to use at the start of the war.

Soldiers/tanks/etc don't regenerate either.

I have 105 plane squadrons so I have 105 non-fighter/bomber planes as well, including UAVs.

The Harpy is a UAV, not a CM.

That's funny, because that is really the opposite of what reality would be like. In a war, nuclear material would become more scare, and the cost to build a nuke is still gigantic. At the same time, you would be bringing on new soldiers, making new tanks, missiles, planes and boats, until your industry gets destroyed.

Sometimes I find the CNRP rules very silly.

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Nukes - one a day unless you have a WRC in which case it is two a day.

CMs - They don't regenerate, you have 50 max to use at the start of the war.

Soldiers/tanks/etc don't regenerate either.

I have 105 plane squadrons so I have 105 non-fighter/bomber planes as well, including UAVs.

The Harpy is a UAV, not a CM.

IG CMs = Chemical, Biological, Fuel Air Bombs, etc. You only have 50 (or as many as you have IG) and no more. And they do not regenerate.

Regular cruise missiles = each nation can have a reasonable number. Basically, don't go firing off thousands at a time. These do not regenerate.

Also, nukes would not regenerate during a war. No nation in the world produces nuclear weapons that quickly.

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IG CMs = Chemical, Biological, Fuel Air Bombs, etc. You only have 50 (or as many as you have IG) and no more. And they do not regenerate.

Regular cruise missiles = each nation can have a reasonable number. Basically, don't go firing off thousands at a time. These do not regenerate.

Also, nukes would not regenerate during a war. No nation in the world produces nuclear weapons that quickly.

Actually, the USA produces, on average, 3 nuclear weapons a day.

58 years * 365 = ~21170 days

Total number of nuclear missiles built (1951-present) = 67500

67500/21170 = 3.2 nuclear weapons a day

Source: http://www.brookings.edu/projects/archive/nucweapons/50.aspx

This is assuming that we did not build any more nuclear missiles from 1998 to today.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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IG CMs = Chemical, Biological, Fuel Air Bombs, etc. You only have 50 (or as many as you have IG) and no more. And they do not regenerate.

Regular cruise missiles = each nation can have a reasonable number. Basically, don't go firing off thousands at a time. These do not regenerate.

Also, nukes would not regenerate during a war. No nation in the world produces nuclear weapons that quickly.

I assumed he knew what the IG GM to RP rule was..

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Actually, the USA produces, on average, 3 nuclear weapons a day.

58 years * 365 = ~21170 days

Total number of nuclear missiles built (1951-present) = 67500

67500/21170 = 3.2 nuclear weapons a day

Source: http://www.brookings.edu/projects/archive/nucweapons/50.aspx

This is assuming that we did not build any more nuclear missiles from 1998 to today.

I still completely disagree with anyone regenerating nuclear missiles during a conflict since no one, that I know of (me included) has really RP'd the building of their missiles or a facility that builds them. I understand this is above the technical knowledge of most of us, but if you don't RP it, you shouldn't be able to regenerate them so quickly.

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I still completely disagree with anyone regenerating nuclear missiles during a conflict since no one, that I know of (me included) has really RP'd the building of their missiles or a facility that builds them. I understand this is above the technical knowledge of most of us, but if you don't RP it, you shouldn't be able to regenerate them so quickly.

I have done extensive rp on development of my ICBMs and nuclear weapons!

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I agree with Pravus entirely. Nukes shouldn't be able to be regenerated during war, at least not one in a single day. The capacity the U.S has to build nuclear weapons is high, but it still takes several months in a war-time scenario for relatively larger weapons. However, small yield nuclear weapons can be built rather quickly... eh, this is a messy argument.

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I agree with Pravus entirely. Nukes shouldn't be able to be regenerated during war, at least not one in a single day. The capacity the U.S has to build nuclear weapons is high, but it still takes several months in a war-time scenario for relatively larger weapons. However, small yield nuclear weapons can be built rather quickly... eh, this is a messy argument.

It's filled with so many variables. I agree though, during a war, nuclear missiles shouldn't be able to regenerate one a day during war. granted, time scales also play a factor in to this...

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Did I say development? No, I did not. Lern2read. I said building, maintaining, etc. Development and those things are very, very different.

I am neutral as far as the rule regarding nuke generation during war is concerned, but could you please explain to me what is the difference between "development" and "building, maintaining" in terms of RP perspective. Your insightful explanation may help alleviate the obvious reading incomprehension that has been diagnosed in me.

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I think during wars, nations are allowed to regenerate small (5-10 megaton) nukes, not giant 50 megaton nukes every one to three days. The IG CMs? They should be able to regenerate one to two days. Other military stuff? I don't know what would be a realistic regenerate rate, but it should be based on IG infra and tech amount.

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I think during wars, nations are allowed to regenerate small (5-10 megaton) nukes, not giant 50 megaton nukes every one to three days. The IG CMs? They should be able to regenerate one to two days. Other military stuff? I don't know what would be a realistic regenerate rate, but it should be based on IG infra and tech amount.

Small 5-10 megaton? Mate thats the maximum in peace time we're dealing with if someone has a WRC, I'd say a few kt at the most.

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Dirty bombs?

Sure, okay, no harm done. Irradiates the target more than it kills anyone. 500-2000 dead in the immediate blast at most, depending on the density of people within the blast radius.

500+ kt bombs? No, I don't think those should be regenerated during war. Outside of war, yes, no problem. During war? No. This makes people think about what to nuke. It may even lead to less nukes being used in conflict.

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OOC: This war is not happening ingame, and if i roleplay a non-ig war it's because it was previously agreed and pre-planned, over and out.

EDIT: I will, HOWEVER roleplay the pression and eventually a blockade for the sake of roleplay (and because it's out of my sphere of influence). But i will not recognize any unprovoked armed invasion.

Even Botha recognizes the occasional unplanned war in CNRP. As Cent said as well, you also have land outside your SOI IG, so you are currently violating Botha mode anyways.

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I am neutral as far as the rule regarding nuke generation during war is concerned, but could you please explain to me what is the difference between "development" and "building, maintaining" in terms of RP perspective. Your insightful explanation may help alleviate the obvious reading incomprehension that has been diagnosed in me.

It's really not that hard if you understand basic English. Development is the like the Manhattan Project. Building and Maintaining would be the day to day maintenance needed for nukes and the actual, you know, building of more nukes. Unless you've RP'd that somewhere, the daily stuff and the actual building of nukes, then my point is proven.

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OOC: Characters die when you put them into danger, or if they put themselves into danger. You can't stop a nuclear warhead with your face.

And if you allow them to get imprisoned, then you can't do much, unless you want to RP a prison-break, which may or may not be successful. It's life.

OOC: That's not a bad RP idea for Comrade to use to continue RPing as Molakia in a different fashion...

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It's really not that hard if you understand basic English. Development is the like the Manhattan Project. Building and Maintaining would be the day to day maintenance needed for nukes and the actual, you know, building of more nukes. Unless you've RP'd that somewhere, the daily stuff and the actual building of nukes, then my point is proven.

I see, thanks for clarification. Now I know what thread I have to open up to get nukes per day during war!! I shall start the building and maintenance thread, pronto!! :D

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Moved from GM's court because it is GM's court and not discussion thread.

Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan(twice), Serbia, Georgia, Belgium, Poland, Cuba, Ethiopia, Czechoslovakia, etc.

How many more RL Big powers crushing small powers shall I include?

Small. Tiny little specks that you nor' I have never heard of, and probebly never will unless we roleplay in that location. I'm talking about tiny nations that never really did anything other than having a different kind of government (like this scenario, if I am not mistaken for any other action he has taken), i.e. the countless nations in RL Africa that we have probably never heard of (not including location).

But, whatever. I got other things to do, so I won't be responding to posts responding to mine.

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Moved from GM's court because it is GM's court and not discussion thread.

Small. Tiny little specks that you nor' I have never heard of, and probebly never will unless we roleplay in that location. I'm talking about tiny nations that never really did anything other than having a different kind of government (like this scenario, if I am not mistaken for any other action he has taken), i.e. the countless nations in RL Africa that we have probably never heard of (not including location).

But, whatever. I got other things to do, so I won't be responding to posts responding to mine.

Serbia was a little speck with just a different kind of Government. Georgia was. Cuba was. Czechoslovakia was. Should I include the "police actions" in Latin America?

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Rothenberg, you should learn the difference between roleplay and real life. You can't take losing, so you insult the character of everybody who is against you. You can't take losing, so you block people who are against you. You can't take losing, so you insult everyone who doesn't play exactly like you.

Grow up.

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