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Telling yourself that you'll never win becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In any event, there is as much fun in the struggle upwards, as in staring down from a pinnacle at the top.

Agree, I find it fun passing other CN nations through NS. Even more fun is, wars, and beating your enemy into pulp. :P

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I'd probably quit CN and many others that spent a lot of time on their nations would also. Lots of people are sticking around because of the time they have put into this game. Though a reset would be cool to try and become #1. :P

ide go nuke rogue the last week lol :-D

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I wouldn't be against it in principle since it could make the game a lot more fun by removing the infra whoring which so massively influences current CN politics. Unfortunately while the change would gain many new players I think a great deal of the current population already fall into the above category and would permanently leave should their infra be wiped out, so a reset would be a great gamble in the long run.

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I wouldn't be against it in principle since it could make the game a lot more fun by removing the infra whoring which so massively influences current CN politics. Unfortunately while the change would gain many new players I think a great deal of the current population already fall into the above category and would permanently leave should their infra be wiped out, so a reset would be a great gamble in the long run.

The reason behind the current cautious play is IMO mainly the fact that past transgressions are used against you for a long time afterwards. So losing the game and keep on playing is not an option. That's the reason everybody follows the safe path.

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Reset would wipe out every player who has been playing a long time completely. That's bad for the game and sets a horrible precedent, I mean I might keep playing afterwards, but I wouldn't bother with politics or anything, because if it's all going to be wiped out just for ***s and giggles then why would I bother putting any time or work into it? I'm sorry, but the only people I ever see asking for a reset are new players who want to be as big as everbody else and those who lost the game and want to start over.

I spent over a year of hard work to reach nuke range, it's not like it just got dropped on me for being an older nation. I have spent months to get where I am in my alliance and my alliance has spent years getting to where it is ion this game. You have no right to ask for it to all be wiped out so we can be even, if you didn't work to get ahead that's your problem, if you want to grow a large nation get tech dealing and do it. Asking for everyone else around you to be destroyed so it can be fair is just ridiculous, do some of your own work and spend some of your own time.

If you did work and then you were on the bad side of war you shouldn't just complain about it ask Admin to arbitrarily wipe out everyone else. Rebuild your nation, rebuild your alliance, if you fought with honor then you can rebuild and perhaps rejoin the world stage, maybe you aren't willing to put in that kind of effort. Oh well, with or without a reset it takes a lot of effort have any say on the world stage.

Cybernations is a game where your actions now have a profound effect on yourself in the rest of the game, removing that makes Cybernations a totally different game. A game I don't feel like playing myself, but if you want to play that type of game please do. Go to Wal-Mart buy Civilization and restart as many times as you like, I now I love the auto-save when playing it. Cybernations is fundamentally different because each action will effect you permanently and you can't start over (You can reroll but the whole game won't reset). I like my Cybernations that way and if Cybernations wasn't that way I might quit and just play Civilization III, it has better graphics anyway.

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The reason behind the current cautious play is IMO mainly the fact that past transgressions are used against you for a long time afterwards. So losing the game and keep on playing is not an option.

Agreed, but I also think it's reached a stage where a large amount of the players remaining are naturally 'cautious', by which I mean thoroughly uninterested in anything but growth, simply because many of the more reckless (only relatively so) have already been wiped out, PZId or become bored and gone rogue or simply drifted away quietly. This will be self perpetuating beyond a point, once the war-haters sufficiently outnumber the others. What I wonder is if that point has already been reached or not.

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The Myth that you will never "Catch up"...whatever that means...is just that, a myth. I started the game almost 400 days into it and my peak rank is like 51 or something. So many idiots play this game that you can pass easily. So many people pick wars with the wrong people and get destroyed. With some strategy and a few donation deals you can be in nuke range in no time.

And a restart would make me quit as well.

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Oh yeah, it isn't MY problem if I am passing many other players at my nation's age at 1.5x to 2.5x faster in NS. I passed other players quickly thanks to my alliances' excellent advices, from tech dealing, and not screwing around with the wrong people. It is the other players' fault if they are lagging behind.

Sure, there are CN nations who are zipping past me at incredible speed, but that is mainly because they received monstrous amount of cash, and donations.

Edited by HHAYD
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How many times does this have to be brought up?

Sadly it will be brought up every few months. Eventually another kid will come along sad that he was on the losing side of a war and now has to completly rebuild, or had the misfortune of going past 20 days inactivity while saving for a jump. There will always be someone upset for what ever reason that he is so small compared to others who have been playing longer, or even the same time frame.

The ones who join strong, sturdy alliances who have a large amount of members and allies would recieve massive start up aid and help on reaching a mature Nation Strength, while others in smaller alliances, or deemed outcast alliances would struggle. Inactivity issues and amount of aid recieved has always been an issue in smaller or newley formed alliances. While in retrospect those alliances who have played awhile have developed a system of guides, know the forumlas and calculations for nation growth, have numerous bank nations to offer aid, and many others to offer protection.

Game play isn't just about statistics though, it is also about belonging to a family. You may not like some of your comrades but you will always have their back, and work hard towards defending and protecting your alliances beliefs and values. With so many people feeling as such, they are willing to fight till there is nothing left but a few crumbs of infra. Wars are kind of a natural reset for many nations, we may not like it but someone has to win.

Granted wars happen less often than in the beginning because of so many treatied together, but once and awhile a great one comes along and it reminds us why we all play. It isn't the pixels or graphics, it is the communication and ties we have with the people we speak with daily while playing. Whether it is for amusement, just something to pas the time, or even to get a sense of belonging and fun that we don't get anywhere else in life.

As lovely as it would be to have resets in life they simply do not happen, and as this being a nation simulation game where we run our own little piece of land and are in alliances, a reset would only delay the inevetable. People with similar personalities and interests band together, are dedicated and loyal. Even if the nations reset the same people would rejoin their old alliances. And the same treaties would be written, and the same people deemed as outcasts and enemies. A reset doesn't change who you are, nor the politics of the game.

It is the diversity and struggles among the players that makes things interesting. And it is the bonds that have been formed through countless wars that keep us playing. Your nation strength does not deem how strong of a player you are. If you feel small and weak then join an alliance who will protect and fight for you. In a game based on text, it is your personality and actions that decide what kind of player you will be.

Frankly if you cry, whine, and complain about your size you will be seen as a child. But knowing you are small and yet you still dedicate yourself by taking on jobs , being active in the alliance, speaking your mind and helping others, you will be seen as a person of great character. How would you rather be remembered? Someone who whines like a 10 year old, or a comrade who knows the strength with in yourself means more than NS?

The game goes far beyond infra and tech amounts, and resetting would only change those few small things. In order to change anything, you would need to change the people. We all know that will never happen. We are who we are, and many are comfortable the way things stand. No sense in trying to fix something that isn't really broken,as it might only make things worse. Also, the game is unbalanced because of all the hard work and dedication the people on top put in. A reset amounts to punishing people for their hard work and dedication.

And thus ends my rambling, yay wall of text! :D

Edited by maskofblue
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i know a reset would seriously tick me off.a reset in CN:TE is fun cuz,well,things are cheaper,you get 1mil startup instead of 50k (grrr) and if things go badly on it,we have our standard nation to fall back on.nations that we (or maybe its just me) have put the better part of our lives into.a reset now would tick off ALOT of people.a reset later will tick off more people and worse. no reset!

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A reset will not work for the following reasons

1) The Alliances and treaty blocks have already formed and will not immediately split because of the reset, all a reset will accomplish is to shift power form alliances/blocks with High NS to those with high member counts

2) Nations have donated, not necessarily to themselves to obtain an NS advantage, whilst you can I suppose give those nations who have received a donation in the past a boost after the reset, how do you distinguish/compensate those who sold a donation. Or do you expect Admin to piss off those who have donated and kill off his income

3) If those who have received the advantages of donations in the past receive a fair boost how does a reset make things even

A reset cannot be done without killing the game and for the reasons highlighted above will never happen, if you want rests concentrate on CNTE

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2) Nations have donated, not necessarily to themselves to obtain an NS advantage, whilst you can I suppose give those nations who have received a donation in the past a boost after the reset, how do you distinguish/compensate those who sold a donation. Or do you expect Admin to piss off those who have donated and kill off his income

3) If those who have received the advantages of donations in the past receive a fair boost how does a reset make things even

In the event that a reset did occur, any bonuses from any donations made (to or from any account) will be voided with the accounts they are tied to. It's no different than an account being deleted for any other reason. This is covered in the ToS, sections 9 to 13.

9. Cyber Nations is in beta development and as a result game features, demographics, statistics, calculations, and everything else may be subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, this website (or any part of) with or without notice to you and you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of Cyber Nations. You will not be eligible for any compensation because you cannot use any part of this website or because of code issues, website failure, suspension or withdrawal of all or part of this website.

10. Cyber Nations is privately owned and operated. Cyber Nations is not a charity and it is not a non-profit organization. Donations are used to help support the site including hosting fees, software licensing, maintenance, administration and employee fees, bandwidth fees, and upgrades for the game as well as other expenses as determined by administration. You are not entitled to a record of how your donation is spent. Players are NOT required to donate to play Cyber Nations.

11. All donations made to Cyber Nations are non-refundable, no matter the reason. Once the transfer of ownership of the donation money has taken place, you are no longer entitled to the donated money. The donation bonus is final once it has been applied to a nation. If the bonus is lost in war, foreign aid, other in-game activities, or unforeseen events donation bonuses will not be refunded or reapplied to an account.

12. Donations do not entitle players to receive special privileges beyond what is described in the donation offer screen. Cyber Nations is a free-to-play game and your donations are completely voluntary. Special requests for donating users beyond what is offered in the donation offer screen will not be considered in order to maintain the free-to-play nature of Cyber Nations.

13. Donations are completely voluntary and any in game benefits are awarded purely at our discretion. Donating towards the game does not create an ownership interest in the game or its contents. Donation bonuses will be applied within 24 hours after your payment clears. If you send a bank payment that goes into pending status you will have to wait until the payment clears to get the donation bonus. The maximum donation bonus applied per month is the $20 donation offer. If you send more than $20 you will only receive the $20 bonus to your nation. If you have any problems with a donation please email us at webmaster@cybernations.net.

Just throwing that out there.

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That is true and all, but I cannot imagine anyone who has donated nearly 300$ now to Cybernations to develop their nation wanting to start oer and start donating again.

Just doesn't seem likely.

I know for one I'd likely quit, because putting as much time as I have into CN over the past few years just to see it go away would be quite frustrating.

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A reset is needed because this game has reached a boring state where all we're really doing is nation building.

I agree with Dublandia that we don't need anyone who would quit after a reset.

You mean people who actually know how to play the game and don't want their accomplishments go up in smoke?

On the other hand, whiners who lack patience or the knowledge to get ahead in a game when behind we don't need.

If people are patient enough to build their nations to their sizes now, then they should be patient enough to build it up again after a reset. If all they do is whine and quit after a reset, then the game doesn't need them.

How many times does this have to be brought up?

It would change nothing, as made mention by many posters prior to me.

It will change numbers. Tech deals won't involve $3mil for 100 tech anymore. Donations won't be worth $18mil anymore. There are alot of things that can be changed by a reset.

Edited by XRCatD
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A reset is needed because this game has reached a boring state where all we're really doing is nation building.

I agree with Dublandia that we don't need anyone who would quit after a reset.

Are you insane? Do you know how long many players have played CN?! Even with reset, the alliances and politics would stand. All a reset would do is piss off people, that is it. If you want a reset, go play CN-TE.

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