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The way they sound is due to the proximity of their mics to their speakers. Stumpy's mic was built in so every time Hoo talked it would come across a half second later through Stumpy's mic. By the end it should have gotten better because I was yelling at them to turn their speakers down. :P

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I've been enjoying listening to these shows, keep 'em coming.

Edit: In your last show, you mentioned that MK had experienced some issues with TOP in the past. Could you expand on this? I'd like to hear more about what these might have been.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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Questions, questions, hmm, here are a few...

What do you think of donatations, donation deals, and CN store merchandise? Do you take advantage of any? (My girlfriend bought me a CN mug... slightly embarrassing. Though she didn't realize I could get game credit, alas.)

Which alliance's flag do you like the most?

How about charters? What makes a good charter? Simple and concise, detailed? (I personally don't understand why some charters explain registration requirements at forums... That doesn't belong in a charter, but yeah...)

How do you like the navy feature? Did you use it in the last war?

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I've been enjoying listening to these shows, keep 'em coming.

Edit: In your last show, you mentioned that MK had experienced some issues with TOP in the past. Could you expand on this? I'd like to hear more about what these might have been.

Either I misspoke, which is entirely possible, or you misunderstood :P There has always seemed to be some kind of issue with MK/TOP relations. No particular incidents that I know of that I could point you too.

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This is a long one, so you'll probably just want to answer the basic question. Feel free to refute some of my points though.

In the last show you discussed a reset. I'd like to know why you think I reset would change anything or increase the amount of people playing CN.

In my opinion, a reset would do nothing but equalize NS and drive half the players away from the game. Treaties would stay as they are, Senate control would stay as it is, policies would not change, and half the game's players would quit in disgust at their years of work being lost. The only way a reset could change anything would be if GOONS, \m/, LUE, /b/, NAAC, and every other disbanded alliance came back and used the equalizing of nation strength to challenge the current powers. But I don't see that happening. There would be some scattered attempts to take down the hegemony, those attempts would be put down, and things would continue as before... but with half the players. CN would, in short, die.

What supporters of a reset don't understand is that power in CN does not come from military strength. I would contend that power and military strength are both by-products of diplomatic strength. A reset would not change the diplomatic status quo. At all. If this status quo will ever change, it will happen in the private channels, not on the battlefield, not on these forums, and certainly not by a reset. That is the reality of today's CN.


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What do you think of the disbandment of PAIN and its turn of events? (Premptively attacked by Legion and the alliance that it broke off of, then had to pay reparations even though they got preemptively hit.)

What do you think of preemptive attacks in general?

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Which of the following alliances do you believe the Initiative would have allowed into their bloc in December 2006, had they requested permission to do so? I know you were NAAC with me at the time, but ES never answered my question in his thread, so I'd like to have your opinion.


B) Legion <--- damn smiley

c) ODN

d) CDS

I know GATO and LUE would have been a no, so I'll leave them off that list.

And I believe you skipped over this question ;)

What do you think of NATO's recent surprising growth? They've gone from 12.60 to 13.20 in approximately a week. They haven't increased from the 12.60 since Jan 1, and now this.

Also, my post didn't really make sense grammatically, but what I meant is that they've been 12.60 since January 1st, and now they have grown close to 3/4 of a point in the past week (when I posted that question).

Edited by Drai
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Just finished Episode 4 and 5. I particularly liked the former, that was a great show. Kudos to both New Reverie and King Zog, you really know how to make an interesting discussion.

And of course, you too AirMe.

If I ever fix my mic port so I can trust it to continue working for more than 5 minutes in a row, I would be very interested in participating on this show. It would be fun if Vir and I could do it together some time, although our backgrounds are pretty much the exact same, alliance-wise. The lack of contrast might not be the best, but we could certainly have an interesting conversation with you AirMe, just think: 3 NAAC-ers in one show!

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Episode 5 mentioned me, clearly making it the best episode so far! In all seriousness, though, keep up the good work. I would also love to participate in an episode sometime, but I'd have to fiddle with my mic to get it to work right (I'm assuming you just use skype).


:wub: Mushroom Kingdom and STA :wub:

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All of the questions I can think of that interest me I either already know the answer to or aren't public-friendly questions.

Edit: Oh, I thought of one. I now listen to CN Radio (yours and Srqt's) over my iPhone. Thoughts on this new medium?

Edited by Delta1212
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Airme, What is your personal opinion on where cybernations is going? With the recent drop out of Vox how do you see the game changing and how can regular players change the general direction of the game with out having to result to a Vox like alliance?

Answer my damn question, bum :jihad:

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In light of the tragic death of LordJay of SSSW18, would you please offer a period of silence as a tribute to a man who was a great leader and a great friend and whose untimely loss is being felt by many members of our community?

Edited by boneroller
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This might be a tough one but --

In Cybernations, nations are almost always considered to be responsible for trusting their leadership. The effects (often their alliance, and consequently their destruction) are considered "too bad" if they make poor choices such as joining alliances with bad leaderships, etc.

How do you feel that applies to real life situations, such as people who may have lost money due to their investment firm collapsing? Applying the same precedent it is logical that it should be their fault for picking their firm, but this does not seem to be as common thought amongst the "real life" society or beliefs -- to tell people "tough luck, do better research next time" would seem absolutely awful. Yet, in this game it is completely accepted to hold.

How exactly do you reconcile this?

This wasn't addressed.

Edited by alden peterson
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