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What is an IDIOT?


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So a few of us are reviving an old alliance we ran on CN:TE the first go around, it turned out way more successful than we ever could have hoped for, so since CN:TE just reset we are going to give it another go around. This is a brief explanation of IDIOT and an invitation.

First of all IDIOT is a pretty much just focused Chaos, we have no government... our only rules are this:

1) We practice forced recruitment, you are free to attack anyone you want, but if they change their AA to IDIOT you need to stop attacking them

2) We encourage ghosts, IDIOT is all about quantity, not quality. We could care less if you ever join IRC or sign up on the forums, I don't, so why should you.

3) We currently are a Blue team alliance, we will sanction either the top vote getters on Blue or the largest nations on Blue... one we have taken control of Blue we will consider expanding out to other colors.

4) We are here to have fun

Uhm, that is about it, if you have any questions feel free to ask away. The last time we ran IDIOT we made it up to 300 members before CN:TE reset. So if you have ever wanted to play CN as a complete dillweed, extorting, attacking, pillaging, and just generally lording over others... IDIOT is for you.

I know this isn't your typical "introduction" to an alliance, mainly because most alliances would get killed for posting a charter like this, but thats the joy of CN:TE, I believe more people want to have fun and just "let of steam" there than anywhere else. Forming blox and trying to play CN:TE like CN is just... stupid. I'm looking at you SuperFriends.

Anyway, our membership is up to 42 members already, 6th largest in CN:TE, and we haven't really done anything other than "show up."

also, to answer the first question:

International Destructive Initiative of Tyranny

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3) We currently are a Blue team alliance, we will sanction either the top vote getters on Blue or the largest nations on Blue... one we have taken control of Blue we will consider expanding out to other colors.

Thanks for the heads up.

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