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Oktoberfest Proclamation

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The Wolves, The Prussian Empire, and the Knights of the Round Table, hereafter the Parties, hereby proclaim Oktoberfest to begin September 21, 2024.


1. The Parties shall not declare any new wars against any nation within the Parties after September 20, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM.

2. Nations at war may offer/accept peace and drink free beer or continue existing wars until expiration.


For The Wolves,

Al Bundy, NO MA'AM President

Admiral Alexander, Chaos Wolf

For The Prussian Empire,

Heinrich I, Romanorum Imperator Augustus

Phocas, Kanzler


For the Knights of the Round Table,

Knights of the Grail, Knight-King

Lollerobot, Knight-Senator




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I came to complain that it’s not Oktoberfest yet, but it apparently starts in only a few hours, and now I’m just confused why it starts in September and I’m getting too old for this.


congrats on peace, otherwise

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1 minute ago, Velocity said:

I came to complain that it’s not Oktoberfest yet, but it apparently starts in only a few hours, and now I’m just confused why it starts in September and I’m getting too old for this.


congrats on peace, otherwise


I was about the reply the same thing, eitherway, yay for peace and free beers!

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1 hour ago, firingline said:

I am glad that TPE & KoRT saw the error of their ways and have finally agreed to cease their beer taxes. I hope they will not soon forget the lessons we have taught them.

I agree, they should just tax the water instead, that way they get income from alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages  :v:

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