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Declaration of War

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3 minutes ago, Master Hakai said:

“You bandwagoned into the conflict”


- firing line


Hakai still salty that he wasn't able to allow sadcat to rejoin kashmir during an active conflict. Salty, salty Hakai.

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I wanted to add a recognition of war with the following alliances:







Please note that sending aid to any of these alliances is also an act of war against N6 and we reserve the right to target said nations and alliances.

Edited by firingline
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1 hour ago, firingline said:



I wanted to add a recognition of war with the following alliances:







Please note that sending aid to any of these alliances is also an act of war against N6 and we reserve the right to target said nations and alliances.


A shame that it had to escalate to this..

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I do not know what is going but I do know Fingerlicks is annoying. So maybe somebody look at what used to happen to nuclear rogues back in the days before the Second Great War and feel nostalgic.  

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16 minutes ago, TheBigBad said:

I do not know what is going but I do know Fingerlicks is annoying. So maybe somebody look at what used to happen to nuclear rogues back in the days before the Second Great War and feel nostalgic.  


Rogues? Hardly. We have a legitimate CB against CCC and just because it's convenient for you to label as such doesn't make it true.

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51 minutes ago, TheBigBad said:

I do not know what is going but I do know Fingerlicks is annoying. So maybe somebody look at what used to happen to nuclear rogues back in the days before the Second Great War and feel nostalgic.  

Rogues don't post DoWs, RoHs or utilize CBs. You might not agree with what they're doing, but if you want to label them rogues and start leveraging sanctions you'll be establishing a precedent in future wars

Edited by Gh0s7
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6 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:


Well for starters FL had to call on you guys to bail him out of yet another of his terrible life choices.

FL didn't call anyone, we saw that CCC was protecting someone that should be *and in the past would have been* punished and jumped in.

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CCC, along with the rest of The Cookout, does not recognize NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES as a legitimate alliance. The alliance affiliation was created by a previously unaligned nation on the same day that it announced intentions to raid one of CCC’s members. It has never declared formal existence or received any form of protection or legitimacy, and has served no function except to house other otherwise-unaligned nations who are raiding tC alliances. There is precedent going back to the earliest days of Bob for undeclared, unprotected micro AAs who are raiding legitimate alliances being treated as rogues, most recently reinforced with Axiom of Regularity, and this situation is no different. 

The Cookout has and will continue to deal with this situation by any measures deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, inviting more allies to join our rogue busting fun or requesting further sanctions. 

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5 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

CCC, along with the rest of The Cookout, does not recognize NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES as a legitimate alliance. The alliance affiliation was created by a previously unaligned nation on the same day that it announced intentions to raid one of CCC’s members. It has never declared formal existence or received any form of protection or legitimacy, and has served no function except to house other otherwise-unaligned nations who are raiding tC alliances. There is precedent going back to the earliest days of Bob for undeclared, unprotected micro AAs who are raiding legitimate alliances being treated as rogues, most recently reinforced with Axiom of Regularity, and this situation is no different. 

The Cookout has and will continue to deal with this situation by any measures deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, inviting more allies to join our rogue busting fun or requesting further sanctions. 

No one cares what you recognize you don’t even recognize your own members OOC attacks…so cut that out 😂 you aren’t important. 

Edited by Cosmic Chocolate
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4 hours ago, TheBigBad said:

I do not know what is going but I do know Fingerlicks is annoying. So maybe somebody look at what used to happen to nuclear rogues back in the days before the Second Great War and feel nostalgic.  

It seems you are having difficulty determining what constitutes an alliance. Hope this helps.



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2 hours ago, lilweirdward said:

CCC, along with the rest of The Cookout, does not recognize NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES as a legitimate alliance. The alliance affiliation was created by a previously unaligned nation on the same day that it announced intentions to raid one of CCC’s members. It has never declared formal existence or received any form of protection or legitimacy, and has served no function except to house other otherwise-unaligned nations who are raiding tC alliances. There is precedent going back to the earliest days of Bob for undeclared, unprotected micro AAs who are raiding legitimate alliances being treated as rogues, most recently reinforced with Axiom of Regularity, and this situation is no different. 

The Cookout has and will continue to deal with this situation by any measures deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, inviting more allies to join our rogue busting fun or requesting further sanctions. 


Nobody's "raiding" TC alliances.


We're attacking your alliance - for continuing to harbor and, seemingly, encourage a member of yours who has committed repeated personal attacks against members of the community.


I see you are again utilizing your 'alternative facts'. We existed before our declaration of war - in fact, we negotiated privately with your alliance leadership on the issue between April 21st and this DoW, which was not, as you claim, the 'same day'. We maintain a Discord that has grown to 25+ members. We host embassies. Numerous alliance leaders have recognized us as a legitimate alliance. And we're hardly a Micro AA - we've been a top-50 alliance for quite some time.


It is easier to portray Axiom as a group of rogues because, critically, they did not attempt to function as an alliance. They had no legitimate grievances when they started their attacks. They conducted no diplomacy. They made no OWF announcements as far as I am aware. NUKES6 has done all of those things.


Cookout is, of course, free to weaponize sanctions in a legitimate war with a defined casus belli. They cannot, however, cry about consequences when sanctions are inevitably weaponized against them in the future.

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6 hours ago, TheBigBad said:

I do not know what is going but I do know Fingerlicks is annoying. So maybe somebody look at what used to happen to nuclear rogues back in the days before the Second Great War and feel nostalgic.  

It is always a good day to read a post from the Big Bad.

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15 minutes ago, firingline said:

I didn’t read this


We have grown tired of your repeated childish and harmful behavior. You may be finished with this world or not care about it, but we do not share your apathy. Your grave is deep and has been getting deeper for quite some time. Your fields will be sown with salt and radioactive waste. The lamentations of your rogues will be heard far and wide across the land as they are forevermore extinguished.


The Christian Coalition of Countries, Freehold of The Wolves, Non Grata, and NATO hereby declare war on the collection of personae non gratae, or "rogues", calling themselves 'NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES' for:


  • Repeated attempts at getting our members and/or those of our allies to provide your roguery with funding
  • Repeated roguery against ourselves and/or our allies, as well as the global community at large
  • Threatening members of The Cookout alliances
  • Interfering as a third faction in and with negotiations for another conflict


Any form of retaliation against one party will be considered retaliation against all parties. Our crusade is against NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES alone, however anyone found to be providing the rogues assistance will be dealt with in whatever manner we deem appropriate under the circumstances.


May Admin have mercy on your souls, for we shall have none.

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51 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

There is precedent going back to the earliest days of Bob for undeclared, unprotected micro AAs who are raiding legitimate alliances being treated as rogues, most recently reinforced with Axiom of Regularity, and this situation is no different. 


Nope, there are some clear differences between N^6 and the trio on the Axiom of Regularity affiliation. Walking through the latter's history:

  • Back in May 2023, Murt changed their affiliation to Axiom of Entropy and began declaring war on a mixture of unaligned nations and nations in alliances. From May to August, Murt attacked nations in the following alliances: KoRT, ODN, your ally WAPA, WWF, and GPA. 
  • From August to September 2023, Murt joined MONGOLS and participated in the war on UCR. After the war, they left MONGOLS and changed their affiliation to Axiom of Regularity.
  • From September to November 2023, Murt attacked nations in the following alliances: TPE, WWF, DoD, VE, and GLoF. Following the attacks on Oculus bloc members, we began counterattacking Murt and have continued to do so given Murt's lack of attempted diplomacy and extensive history of attacking allied nations whenever given the opportunity.
  • In December 2023, Bee left MONGOLS, changed their affiliation to Axiom of Regularity, and attacked nations in CLAWS and DT. We have continued counterattacking Bee given their lack of attempted diplomacy and decision to use Murt's affiliation.
  • In February 2024, Sheep left MONGOLS, changed their affiliation to Cold Steel, and attacked a nation in AGW-O, which is a CLAWS ally. CLAWS and their ally NPO responded for a few rounds, but they gave a reprieve at that point. Although Sheep had a similar background to Bee, their separate affiliation and the clearly stated reason for the original AGW-O war (casualties) led the folks at CLAWS to conclude that Sheep's intentions may be different, and so they were handled differently.
  • A couple of weeks later, Sheep attacked CLAWS, and shortly after their counterattack, Sheep also changed their affiliation to Axiom of Regularity. We have continued counterattacking Sheep given their lack of attempted diplomacy and decision to use Murt's affiliation.

At no point have Murt, Bee, or Sheep made any kind of public announcement, expressed any kind of casus belli for their various attacks, or attempted any kind of diplomacy. At least a couple of our folks or interested observers have reached out to them individually to talk; Bee responded explicitly that his plan was to be a rogue. Given that Murt's been at this in the current run for eight months (during which time your alliance sanctioned him for his roguing), Bee's past the six-month mark, and Sheep's got a few months in, there's no reason to believe they had any interest in being considered a legitimate alliance as opposed to one, then two, then finally three rogues who happened to be buddies fighting the same people and who decided to share an affiliation. Maybe that'll change soon for your narrative's sake, but it's certainly been true up to now.


Conversely, my understanding is that FL attempted diplomacy with you multiple times before resorting to war with CCC; I don't believe you dispute that. After that diplomacy failed, he issued a public announcement for his alliance with that DoW, including a casus belli. His alliance's second member had previously been part of your blocmate, and my understanding is that this person also attempted diplomacy with y'all regarding the same casus belli prior to taking action. 


Anyway, I'm sure none of that's going to change your mind, or the mind of anyone else here, but there's nothing in the rulebook that says... 

  • A Golden Retriever can't play basketball
  • A one-person alliance is intrinsically illegitimate (shoutout to FAIL) 
  • A legitimate alliance must have treaties (shoutout to FAN and GPA)
  • A legitimate alliance's DoE can't also be a DoW (shoutout to Armen's TCTB, whom you personally recognized as a legitimate alliance)
    • Incidentally, it would be a lame counterargument to say "well Armen's post included the word 'DoE' and FL's post didn't." Obviously existence is assumed in declaring war, and if we held all OWF announcements to that standard of fastidious t-crossing/i-dotting, we'd have much more boring posts. (shoutout to whoever takes the bait to post exactly that line)

It is true that N^6 is unprotected, and y'all have more than enough strength to roll them. Regardless of whether the N^6 casus belli for their DoW was legitimate, you were attacked and have the right to defend yourself, and your allies have the right to help you. You can always look at another alliance's casus belli and respond "I disagree" or even "that's true, but I refuse." It'd be silly to dispute any of that.


But I think it's equally silly to claim that N^6 isn't an alliance by any reasonable standard beyond "I'm irritated with them, and it sparks joy to disagree with and/or hurt them at every opportunity." So you can roll them, and you can even choose to sanction them, but in doing so, you're using sanctions as a military tactic against an alliance you're at war with. You may as well be honest about your decision.

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10 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:


We have grown tired of your repeated childish and harmful behavior. You may be finished with this world or not care about it, but we do not share your apathy. Your grave is deep and has been getting deeper for quite some time. Your fields will be sown with salt and radioactive waste. The lamentations of your rogues will be heard far and wide across the land as they are forevermore extinguished.


The Christian Coalition of Countries, Freehold of The Wolves, Non Grata, and NATO hereby declare war on the collection of personae non gratae, or "rogues", calling themselves 'NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES' for:


  • Repeated attempts at getting our members and/or those of our allies to provide your roguery with funding
  • Repeated roguery against ourselves and/or our allies, as well as the global community at large
  • Threatening members of The Cookout alliances
  • Interfering as a third faction in and with negotiations for another conflict


Any form of retaliation against one party will be considered retaliation against all parties. Our crusade is against NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES NUKES alone, however anyone found to be providing the rogues assistance will be dealt with in whatever manner we deem appropriate under the circumstances.


May Admin have mercy on your souls, for we shall have none.


You seem angry. Is that fourth point about Cellochik getting rolled? Because if so - el oh el.


Anyways, I'm not "finished with this world." I certainly care about it - enough to take a stand against those injecting toxic personal attacks into this community.


Look, I get it. You're embarrassed. You, personally, talked a lot of !@#$, and then had to activate a bloc because your entire alliance didn't have the capacity to cash the check your mouth wrote.

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14 minutes ago, Sarkin said:

But I think it's equally silly to claim that N^6 isn't an alliance by any reasonable standard

I want to be clear that tC is not claiming that Nuke6 is not an alliance, as that would be ridiculous. We are declaring that they are a rogue alliance: something well established throughout history, including by the following alliances (yours included) who declared Non Grata to be “a rogue entity, beholden only to their own selfish desire to incite chaos and the destruction of the global community of which all alliances are part of for their own 'entertainment'” - a definition that conveniently fits Nuke6 perfectly. 


Freehold of The Wolves
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
New Pacific Order
New Polar Order
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Orange Defense Network
The Dark Templar
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons
The Legion
Viridian Entente

It really is not more complicated than that. Bob has seen numerous alliances declared as rogues throughout its history, and Nuke6 has now joined that oft-forgotten lineage. 

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