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Why is that funny Rey? I like rouge nations who know the basics of the game. You would have fit good in aNiMaLz before you tried to publicly trash us. I thought after our war, and your re-roll it was all water under the bridge, and your issues with the rebel were between you two. My offer came before the rebel attacked though. You would have been good to have as a recruiter, and a buffer nation. Often times we have alliance members who go off and attack people they have issues with, and nobody else ever gets involved. But you dragged the entire alliance into this because of your repeated slander. We never did anything to you, if anything you started the original beef as well when you took a private message and made it a public issue.


Either way I am done with this now. I'm going to do everything I can to keep you in war, and in anarchy for the next couple of months. We will be getting to know each other real well. It's unbelievable you have the audacity to slander aNiMaLz. You should know by now. So now all that is left is for us to beat respect into you. I don't know who you think your dealing with, but if I ran an alliance with many low tier nations, or just an alliance made up of low NS guys aNiMaLz would be the last alliance I'd want to provoke.

Edited by Sir Kindle
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Considering your reason for attacking me was ~revenge~ I apparently did plenty enough action for you to stalk me.

Revenge? Stalking? Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true, you have debts to pay, I'm merely the debt collector.

But if you want to continue doing vague threats against uninvolved members of aNiMaLz then go a head and be my guest.

I will be waiting to see if you have the stones to do something other than talk like usual.
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Tsk, tsk. You guys sure are talking a lot for an alliance of people who aren't very good at talking.

e: Told you it'd be a circlejerk, Ogaden!


To be fair, pretty much every thread you post in becomes a circlejerk.


Honestly, you know the politics of planet Bob as well as anybody around and you know the basics of running a nation.  As somebody pointed out, though, you often let you mouth get in the way of reality.  Last time that happened, LPH ended at the hands of SRA.


So, here's my personal jab.  So help me, you better not let that mouth ruin any of the good people is RIA.  They must respect you to agree to protect you.  The only reason I can see that might be is because you are truthful.  You always follow through with what you say.  That is exactly what RIA does.  The difference is that they consistantly back it up.  Don't get yourself in a situation that make RIA have to put up because you can shut up, or I promise, I'll personally fund the hit squad, regardless of how anybody else feels about that.


Edit:  pronoun consistency.

Edited by smurthwaite
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To be fair, pretty much every thread you post in becomes a circlejerk.
Honestly, you know the politics of planet Bob as well as anybody around and you know the basics of running a nation.  As somebody pointed out, though, you often let you mouth get in the way of reality.  Last time that happened, LPH ended at the hands of SRA.
So, here's my personal jab.  So help me, you better not let that mouth ruin any of the good people is RIA.  They must respect you to agree to protect you.  The only reason I can see that might be is because you are truthful.  You always follow through with what you say.  That is exactly what RIA does.  The difference is that they consistantly back it up.  Don't get yourself in a situation that make RIA have to put up because you can shut up, or I promise, I'll personally fund the hit squad, regardless of how anybody else feels about that.
Edit:  pronoun consistency.

Not to fret, at least 99% of check-writing will be done by RIA. My ass is an empty bank, and my mouth is aware of this. LPH's second run was a just-for-shits thing.
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Honestly, you know the politics of planet Bob as well as anybody around and you know the basics of running a nation.  As somebody pointed out, though, you often let you mouth get in the way of reality.  Last time that happened, LPH ended at the hands of SRA.


I'd like to ask that factual information be used. We didn't end because of SRA, Rey and I went inactive. 

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If I remember correctly it was I ,who had the biggest part of ending ReyRey this last time and look forward to doing it again in the future... :ehm:


Lol you remember wrong, remember we reached peace with LN long before we disbanded.

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Well obviously your memory is faded as I hit him after the LN vs LPH war again as a favor for SRA and he went inactive after he was ZI'd... :smug:


You mean when he had all of 50 infra left? Ahh, I got it.

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Oh no what a terrible fate, being ZI'd by the Graphicsmaster General. Surely, our young, noble, handsome, incredibly charismatic and witty hero tucked his tail between his legs at the thought. It surely wasn't just general apathy with how hilariously mundane this place has gotten combined with a startling lack of chatter on IRC

Honestly, if I'd have quit because I was embarrassed in any fashion by Stonewall, the guy who can't even master Paint, I'd just never show up again.

Edited by Neo Uruk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well LPH never looked better... :ehm: Still waiting on Mogar and Co to defend their protectorate... :popcorn:


No point defending a lost cause, that makes silly threats on whole alliances.


Well, there's the matter that we never told RIA we needed help.


That's why, I'm looking out for your alliance for you instead and will continue too till the day comes you decide to wonder off looking for santuary.

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No point defending a lost cause, that makes silly threats on whole alliances.



That's why, I'm looking out for your alliance for you instead and will continue too till the day comes you decide to wonder off looking for santuary.

You are definitely your brothers keeper and shepherd of lost souls! And my Hero I might add...o/ AniMaLz

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