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The League of Nations

Captain Enema

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Winkelman walked into the conference room to find it basically empty omitting the Maltese King and the Japanese Empress. Not willing to go to any of them herself she sat as far away as she could from them and pulled out a Hop Valley Citrus Mistress from the mini fridge, pulled out her tablet, and started reading the news.

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A few button presses on her phone and the edited copy of the White Cross Treaty would be brought in, freshly printed for her to sign, and whomever else wished to so long as there was no other ideas for edits.

The White Cross Treaty

I. Preamble
The suffering of the world has required the signatories to act in order to prevent the further loss of human life. They are under the knowledge that with cooperation and strength we can overcome the hatred and malice that has placed Earth into an age of war and chaos.
II. Humanitarian Aid
Every signatory is required to allocate a minimum of 1% of their yearly budget to humanitarian aid to either their country if required or overseas. Where this money will be sent will be advised by a council of the signatories. 1% is a minimum, but if a country desires to commit more of their treasury they are encouraged to, however there will be no bonus for this action.
III. Humanitarian Workers
Every signatory is to commit medical and other infrastructure employees so as to help affected areas recover from the massive amount of loss that they have gone through. There is no set limit to the amount of doctors, nurses, priests, and engineers that can be set, other occupations may also be used if no listed in this document.
IV. Refugee Camps
Every signatory is require to commit at least five square kilometers(5 km by 5 km) of their total land area to an region that if needed could be used for refugee holding. These camps will be inspected by the Council of the White Cross for basic human needs as food shelter and water and must also demonstrate a fervor to provide these needs. This land should be suitable for construction to allow for temporary housing if necessary.
V. The Council of the White Cross
Every signatory will be given one vote in the Council and through majority vote aid will be dispensed to the affect area. The council will handle all distribution of aid and any problems that may face the White Cross Order.
VI. Withdrawal
Any signatory maybe may withdraw from the Order at anytime they see fit. Note any country that holds out on aid to an affect area will be expelled.

For the Greater East Asian Imperium Co-Prosperity Sphere,
Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Sovereign of  Japan, Joseon, and Aisu-shō, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Guardian of East Asia, Protector of the Pacific, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia FlowersGrand Cordon of the Order of the Precious CrownGrand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure


Edited by Mogar
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The King would sign the White Cross treaty and quietly summon a waiter to bring the Empress's green tea. With that he'd send a cup of his favorite espresso that has enough caffeine in it to supercharge a Panzer 9 Super-battle tank and banish a headache with a speed that seems magical. 

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Dražen Cižek stifled back a yawn, the Yugoslavian Councilor having light bags under his eyes, having worked on the documents most of the night before drinking several cups of coffee to keep himself going. He bowed to the King of Malta, the ambassador from Cascadia and his ally, the Japanese Empress, "I have a rough draft of two documents, your excellencies, a charter for the League of Nations and a rough draft for what I have dubbed the 'Scales and Red Cross Convent of Valletta'. This document uses the best of the best from the old world documents of the Hague and Geneva conventions while representing the current realities of our world," he informed the two before laying two folders on the table, opened for all to see.



OOC: Treaty Texts



League of Nations:


League of Nations

In the interest of a stable and prosperous world, the sovereign nations named in the Annex agree to come together and usher in the creation of the League of Nations, with all the benefits, privileges, requirements, and regulations outlined in this founding Covenant.


Article I. Sovereignty
Members shall retain their sovereignty. Members of this League hereby agree to recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their fellow members and shall agree not to take any action to undermine the aforementioned sovereignty or territorial integrity, nor shall members permit their territory to be used for such a purpose.
Article II. Non-Aggression
Members shall agree not to undertake any act of aggression, be it overt or covert in nature, against their fellow members. Acts of aggression include, but are by no means limited to: military action, espionage, blockades and embargoes.
Article III. Voluntary Defense
Members shall agree to recognize that the League of Nations as an organization is not bound to defend its members from outside attacks, that power residing solely on each individual member's decision should they wish to either defend a fellow member or not, and there shall be no repercussions for not defending a fellow member.
Article IV. Diplomatic Mediation
Members shall agree to recognize that in the case of a dispute with a fellow member, required third-party diplomatic mediation will be brought forward to ensure that the situation does not degrade further between the members.
Article V. Trade
Members pledge to encourage increased trade and economic cooperation where such cooperation is possible. All shall agree to identify economic sectors in which tariffs on products from fellow members may be reduced. Members are highly encouraged, though by no means obligated, to lower trade tariffs in the aforementioned economic sectors.
Article VI. Further Cooperation
Members shall explore areas of further cooperation between themselves and shall reserve the right to amend this agreement (on the basis of mutual approval) to include such bilateral cooperation.
Article VII. Membership
Additional members may be added upon an unanimous vote of the current membership. Prospective members will only be considered upon an official sponsor from a current member or a fulfilled application filed and dated by the prospective member. Members may be removed by a three fourths vote from all members on serious grounds of going against the spirit of the League.
Article VIII. Withdrawal from the League
Should any member feel that this League is no longer in the best interests of their nation, they may proceed to withdraw from the League provided that the notice of the intent to withdraw the League is communicated simultaneously to the other members embassy and government. Once the notice of the intent to withdraw is received, there shall be a period of half a year (OOC: a week IRL) before the member shall be considered fully withdrawn from the League. During this period, members remain bound still to the withdrawing member by the terms of the League.
For Kraljevina Jugoslavija,
Dragojev Belojevic, HM Kralj

For the Hellenic Republic,
For the Kingdom of Malta,
For the Third French Empire,
For the Republic of Hungary-Slovakia,
For the Cascadian Empire,
For the East Asia Imperium,
For Druk Yul,
For the California Republic,
For the Northlands,


Scales and Red Cross Convent of Valletta:



Scales and Red Cross Convent of Valletta

In the interest of a just and righteous world, the sovereign nations named in the Annex agree to come together with all the benefits, privileges, requirements, and regulations outlined in this founding Convent.


Article I. Establishment of an International Independent Court of Arbitration
Members of this Convent hereby agree to recognize the want and need of an independent forum where nations can go for resolutions of disputes in an international court of arbitration, accessible to all within the independent powers of the world.
Article II. Voluntary Mediation of the International Court of Arbitration
Members of this Convent hereby agree to recognize the voluntary mediation of the Court to be just that, Voluntary and not mandatory. All agree that members initiate the process for resolutions by their own volition, along with other members who are complete strangers to the dispute being capable of offering mediation or good offices that are not binding, with the entire membership unable to recognize one's offer of mediation or good offices as an unfriendly act.
Article III. Resolutions
Members of this Convent hereby agree that if there is a resolution agreed to by both aggrieved parties that it shall be considered legal and binding in the eyes of international law, and if any party calls for the functions of the mediator; the mediator themselves being capable of doing so, to an end either parties must either settle their dispute out of the Court or call for another Mediator.
Article IV. Conduct of War
Members of this Convent hereby agree to never kill soldiers who have surrendered, to never loot towns, to never bombard undefended towns or habitations. Inhabitants of occupied territory may not be pressed against their will to fight against their country, with collective punishment being forbidden.
Article V. Treatment of Non-Combatants and Medical Personnel
Members of this Convent hereby agree to define non-combatants as thus: prisoners of war, civilians or soldiers hors de combat, and to treat non-combatants humanely and to the best of their ability; forbidding outrages against their personal dignity or humiliating treatment, without being demonized and without passing sentences or executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples, to ensure their protection and that they are cared for, forbidding the use of non-combatants as hostages, forbidding use of violence, murder, cruel treatments and torture against non-combatants, to treat the wounded and sick be they an enemy prisoner of war or civilian, that parties to the conflict should record the identity of the dead and wounded and transmit this information to the opposing party, to allow any impartial humanitarian organization to provide protection and relief to the wounded, sick soldiers alongside medical and religious personnel, that medical and hospital ships are forbidden from being used for military purposes but can hold any wounded, sick or shipwrecked personnel as prisoners of war.


Article VI. Protected Humanitarian Symbols in War-zones

Members of this Convent hereby agree that medical and religious personnel wearing the symbol of a red Crystal, Cross or Crescent at times of war are placed under the protection of all involved parties as they are performing a humanitarian service. Any willful misuse of these three symbols by any party is at risk of perfidy, which is to be considered a war crime, due to the impact of diminishing the protective value of the humanitarian symbols and undermining their efforts.


Article VII. Withdrawal from the Convent
Should any member feel that this Convent is no longer in the best interests of their nation, they may proceed to withdraw from the Convent provided that the notice of the intent to withdraw the Convent is communicated simultaneously to the other members embassy and government. Once the notice of the intent to withdraw is received, there shall be a period of half a year (OOC: a week IRL) before the member shall be considered fully withdrawn from the Convent. During this period, members remain bound still to the withdrawing member by the terms of the Convent.
For Kraljevina Jugoslavija,
Dragojev Belojevic, HM Kralj

For the Hellenic Republic,
For the Kingdom of Malta,
For the Third French Empire,
For the Republic of Hungary-Slovakia,
For the Cascadian Empire,
For the East Asia Imperium,
For Druk Yul,
For the California Republic,
For the Northlands,



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"This is terribly watered down, but we will sign it. Just know that we will be operating by stricter standards and we encourage all nations to review the historical standards and abide by them as well. It may cost us on the battlefield, but there are certain things that should never be done to the world or humanity even in the name of the cause of the preservation of the state." Yun Li would observe.

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Winkelman would be highly shocked at how quietly Yun Li made his way into the conference room. Nonetheless, Winkelman walked over to the Yugoslavian diplomat, bent over and signed both of the documents in the name of the Empire.


Kim Winkelman-Minister of Foreign Affairs


She then stamped the Imperial seal next to her name.

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Reading over them while sipping on her green tea, having drank some of the Espresso before returning to a more enjoyable beverage for her palate. thinking for a moment on the documents she'd remark. "I will withhold from signing the League as is, but I can sign the Scales and Cross Convent." signing her name upon the document.



For the Greater East Asian Imperium Co-Prosperity Sphere,
Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko, Sovereign of  Japan, Joseon, and Aisu-shō, Daughter of Amaterasu, Prophet of Takamagahara, Guardian of East Asia, Protector of the Pacific, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure
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"So far so good, I'll leave it to the Empress of Japan to inform us as to her thoughts on the League document. Beyond that, I formally request the White Cross dispatch a team to Kemmuna Island, not far away, to certify the Polish White Army Prisoners are being treated according to the standards required by the Scales and Red Cross Convent. Nearly to a man they've requested permission to stay in Malta but we feel it proper to give them a chance to speak to White Cross authorities before they finalize their decision. Malta will honor any requests they make in regards to their future, where they go is up to them.


As you all know, Malta has been actively working to bring about peace in Poland. To date we've suffered a number of casualties and other losses. I'm happy to report that the Maltese Zone in Poland is being restored to its former self with a massive infusion of funds. Observers from our fellow League signatories are invited, more so encouraged to make visits, to see that the region is being responsibly handled. Full reports of Maltese actions and losses will be provided to our fellow League nations." 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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"To answer the Maltese question, I have concerns of third party arbitration within disputes that the Imperium may face, while diplomacy is of course the first path we would pursue, from my experience there are always those who may have no interest in diplomatic discussions, as well as those who may sign onto this document and then work against their alleged allies, Parthia for example from the last war managed to attack Druk Yul while holding a treaty. It may alleviate some concerns but the reality is a document is not going to stop a nation from doing what it wishes. I will arrange for a team to be sent from East Asia."


After sending word to dispatch a team to the island, the Empress notice the Russian representative, deciding that perhaps now she had too much  of the espresso and debated whether or not she was hallucinating, but after a few seconds decided she was not, "We have several documents that we're currently discussing, the White Cross Treaty appears to be agreeable by those who have arrived so far, and the current negotiations are regarding the two proposals the Yugoslavian representative put forth."

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"To answer the Maltese question, I have concerns of third party arbitration within disputes that the Imperium may face, while diplomacy is of course the first path we would pursue, from my experience there are always those who may have no interest in diplomatic discussions, as well as those who may sign onto this document and then work against their alleged allies, Parthia for example from the last war managed to attack Druk Yul while holding a treaty. It may alleviate some concerns but the reality is a document is not going to stop a nation from doing what it wishes. I will arrange for a team to be sent from East Asia."


After sending word to dispatch a team to the island, the Empress notice the Russian representative, deciding that perhaps now she had too much  of the espresso and debated whether or not she was hallucinating, but after a few seconds decided she was not, "We have several documents that we're currently discussing, the White Cross Treaty appears to be agreeable by those who have arrived so far, and the current negotiations are regarding the two proposals the Yugoslavian representative put forth."



 "Please have your team present their White Cross credentials to the local commander of the region and he'll see to it they are given time to speak with the Polish community without any Armed Maltese Forces or Maltese National Police present for the meeting. Security on the island at this point is being provided by the Polish community with a few small AMF units in support.


I don't think we see third party arbitration as something to be faced if it isn't binding, if the end product is not to the liking of Malta we'll see to it that what is ours, remains ours. If we can sit down and mediate a proper settlement that satisfies both parties we'd rather do that, but certainly we aren't going to allow ourselves to be the victims of such a process. The government of Malta will retract our signing of the League document until we can have the exact process explained to our satisfaction. How will this arbitration work, how will it play out at the end of it once a decision is made? Who will make these decisions? We favored mediation for a reason, but would like to hear more about this arbitration and what it entails."

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A figure would enter the room, a physically imposing Red Army general named Arnuld Schwarzenov.
"Greetings capitalist scum comrades, I am General Schwarzenov. I am Russian representative. What I miss?"




"We can have a protein shake made for you while you catch up," the King offers politely as he wonders how much this Russian was going to empty out his bank account. 

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The General continued to stand. Taking a seat were for pussies.


After sending word to dispatch a team to the island, the Empress notice the Russian representative, deciding that perhaps now she had too much  of the espresso and debated whether or not she was hallucinating, but after a few seconds decided she was not, "We have several documents that we're currently discussing, the White Cross Treaty appears to be agreeable by those who have arrived so far, and the current negotiations are regarding the two proposals the Yugoslavian representative put forth."


General Schwarzenov blinked, struggling to understand the Japanese Empress's word due to her strong accent. What was this....White Cross? It sounded counter-revolutionary, and thus must be crushed by the iron heels of Soviet power. He nodded slowly, pretending to understand what she was saying.


Jeanne gave the overthrower of her former friends (BEING THE RUSSIAN OBVIOUSLY) with some small amount of disdain, "Only the entire proceedings."


General Schwarzenov narrowed his eyes at the glare Jeanne was giving him. Was it a challenge? Challenge accepted!


"We can have a protein shake made for you while you catch up," the King offers politely as he wonders how much this Russian was going to empty out his bank account. 


General Schwarzenov nodded in silent thanks. "I thank you." He literally and figuratively lived on protein shakes whenever his supply of death vodka ran out. Hell, he bathed (showers were for capitalist scum), pissed, and shat protein.

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The General would be escorted to the Valletta International Airport and put back on the first plane to Russia, economy ticket, with a complimentary protein shake and can of red bull to help with any possible jetlag.


Once on the plane, he'd find it was in fact a plane heading to Nigeria, and that his ticket was one way.


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The General would be escorted to the Valletta International Airport and put back on the first plane to Russia, economy ticket, with a complimentary protein shake and can of red bull to help with any possible jetlag.


Once on the plane, he'd find it was in fact a plane heading to Nigeria, and that his ticket was one way.



True to style, he would jump out of the plane just when it was taking off, leaping right into some grassland located in front of the runway. While sipping his protein shake, he would make his way to the League of Nations building in style, stopping at a nearby mall and somehow starting a mall-wide fight with cops, from which he would escape with an airline assistant and ditch her at some motel.


"That not nice," he told the Maltese.

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True to style, he would jump out of the plane just when it was taking off, leaping right into some grassland located in front of the runway. While sipping his protein shake, he would make his way to the League of Nations building in style, stopping at a nearby mall and somehow starting a mall-wide fight with cops, from which he would escape with an airline assistant and ditch her at some motel.


"That not nice," he told the Maltese.


He'd quickly find out the stewardess wasn't Maltese and that she also had a bad case of the crabs. The Mall fight wasn't much to comment on either as he ran into the food court and pushed the 83 year old guard over and broke the old man's hip. From there he was chased out of the mall by a crowd of irate children and he promptly surrendered himself to the safety of the League guards who took pity on him. After giving him a chance to change his crap filled trousers he would be escorted back into the League meeting and shown to his chair.


"Sir, welcome back, take a seat," the King said as he ordered his assistant to place the White Cross Treaty, the League of Nations Treaty, and the Scales and Red Cross Convent of Valletta in front of him along with the transcript of what has been said so far.

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 "Please have your team present their White Cross credentials to the local commander of the region and he'll see to it they are given time to speak with the Polish community without any Armed Maltese Forces or Maltese National Police present for the meeting. Security on the island at this point is being provided by the Polish community with a few small AMF units in support.


I don't think we see third party arbitration as something to be faced if it isn't binding, if the end product is not to the liking of Malta we'll see to it that what is ours, remains ours. If we can sit down and mediate a proper settlement that satisfies both parties we'd rather do that, but certainly we aren't going to allow ourselves to be the victims of such a process. The government of Malta will retract our signing of the League document until we can have the exact process explained to our satisfaction. How will this arbitration work, how will it play out at the end of it once a decision is made? Who will make these decisions? We favored mediation for a reason, but would like to hear more about this arbitration and what it entails."

A few flicks on her phone would send playback of the instructions to the Foreign Affairs department to deal with.

"I agree, I would like to hear other people's ideas before sharing my own, this is supposed to be a group effort after all."

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"To answer the Maltese question, I have concerns of third party arbitration within disputes that the Imperium may face, while diplomacy is of course the first path we would pursue, from my experience there are always those who may have no interest in diplomatic discussions, as well as those who may sign onto this document and then work against their alleged allies, Parthia for example from the last war managed to attack Druk Yul while holding a treaty. It may alleviate some concerns but the reality is a document is not going to stop a nation from doing what it wishes. I will arrange for a team to be sent from East Asia."

I don't think we see third party arbitration as something to be faced if it isn't binding, if the end product is not to the liking of Malta we'll see to it that what is ours, remains ours. If we can sit down and mediate a proper settlement that satisfies both parties we'd rather do that, but certainly we aren't going to allow ourselves to be the victims of such a process. The government of Malta will retract our signing of the League document until we can have the exact process explained to our satisfaction. How will this arbitration work, how will it play out at the end of it once a decision is made? Who will make these decisions? We favored mediation for a reason, but would like to hear more about this arbitration and what it entails."


"To answer the concerns of both the Maltese King and the Empress, the intent of the Arbitration within the League is solely so that settlements between parties can be settled to the satisfaction of both. Due to the nature of having written both documents and having gone through the entirety of the old world documents of the Hague and Geneva conventions, things that I should have included into the League text were missing so I do offer my sincere apologies on being human. When I was writing these two documents, the Mediation of the League would have worked similarly to the Arbitration entailed within the Scales and Red Cross Convent of Valletta with a few key differences. These differences would be that League Mediation would be that mediation would come in between two League states who have a dispute that they cannot resolve with diplomacy and are at the brink of war, with a third party coming into play and being unbiased in their totality. The Third Party Mediator would be chosen by a vote of League members, and this Mediator's sole purpose would be to come to a peaceful settlement that both parties can agree with, but as we all know there is a chance of a peaceful settlement being refused by either party or a single party."


"In the case of a settlement being refused by a party or both, there would be one more attempt on the League's behalf for diplomacy to be done. Another would be voted to act as Mediator, unbiased and doing their best to achieve a peaceful resolution that both parties can agree with. Should this second attempt be refused once more is where I could not commit fully, having read the arguments for or against mandatory resolutions in the old world documents of the creation for the old world United Nations. Thus, I would appreciate input from others to move forward with this document. If there are any concerns with what I said earlier, do please raise them and I will do my best to explain once more."

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