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Cyber Nations Role Play: Beyond Earth

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This is a discussion thread for what I think is an excellent idea that Justinian brought up, the adoption of a new map.  However, this will not be a map reset, per se, but instead a map evolution.  Instead of taking the map, forcing everyone off, and then scrambling for the same land, we would make a map that is player created.  This solves all the problems caused by the current map system, while keeping all its benefits.  


Let's look at some of the main points of this idea.


1. A player generated map: This concept would give you full control over not only the shape of your nation, but the geography within it as well.  Do you want to be an island?  Go ahead and be an island.  Do you want to be land-locked?  Just wedge yourself in between nations who have drawn a gap between them.  Do you have a few buddies that you want to largely associate with?  Then you can start your own continent and have a Haiti-Dominican Republic relationship.  Landscapes can also be set based on the idea for the internal RPs.  If you want tribal societies, you can have your land largely be a desert.  If you want to have massive adventures, have a landscape comprised of sweeping grasslands and soaring mountains.  If you want to RP a tourist economy, you can have ski resorts on snow-covered mountains or sunny beaches.  Of course, landscapes wouldn't be fluid.  You can't go from jungle one day to mountains the next, but this would give you a good starting point.  This also does mean that the map will not have a finite size, and will grow as players join.  If you don't find an open spot of land on the map that you like, just start your own island or a new continent. 


2. Complete continuity with CNRP: This would essentially be a cut/paste kind of deal, should you so choose it.  For example, say Horo wants to stay Meihua.  He would join this new world as Meihua, with all his current characters, companies, arsenal, the works.  However, he would also be able to tweak Meihua to his liking.  He could plop in as an island shaped as Borneo and keep everything the same, or he could decide that he wants Meihua to be a temperate nation in the center of a large continent.  If he found people who want to merge their geography with his, it would be a seamless transition to this new line of RP, with everything continuing as normal.  However, this would mean that this becomes the new CNRP, completely replacing the current CNRP


3. Cultural Plurality: This phrase has two meanings.  There will be many cultures (including ones you invent yourself) and there can be many people who share a culture.  Lets's start with the first aspect.  The culture you RP can be anything you want it to be.  You could RP an exact copy of modern day China if you wish, or you could make up a culture with its own customs, society, language, what have you.  One of the largest complaints in CNRP was that people wanted to roleplay a certain culture, but the country where that culture was located was taken, and people got angry if a German culture popped up in Africa.  In this case, the map is gone, so a culture could reasonably show up anywhere in the world.  The second aspect is that multiple people can have similar cultures, and it would not be thought of as out of the ordinary.  We must face that certain cultures have more appeal than others, with Germans, Russians, and japanese being the most popular it seems.  In this world, nobody would have a monopoly on a single culture.  There could be 7 countries that all speak Russian and have a bunch of guys named Boris, and they would all be "original" in the sense that nobody could (truthfully) use the claim that they are the sole "true" holder of that culture.


4. A break from Earth history: *Poof*  All the tensions that existed on Earth are now gone.  Arab cultures no longer hate Israeli cultures.  There is no tension between Chinese societies and japanese societies.  Everyone has forgotten about Earth's history as a way to use it against another player.



So a quick breakdown...

What changes between this version of CNRP and the current version of CNRP?

Geography.  Earth is gone, that's it.  Triyun is still Tianxia run by Leopold, Cent is still Athens run by whoever his leader is, MGL is still America, Justinian is still Russia, etc., etc.  The only changes to your personal storylines are ones you chose to make yourself.


What is the same between this version of CNRP and the current version?

Everything else.  All the rules that currently exist in CNRP will stay the same including tech year.  This is not CNRP2.  We are not attempting to assert our idea of equality, and we are not making this a popularity contest on who gets to enter and who gets to stay.  No caps, no votes, CNRP stays the same in how players interact. 




What do you guys think?  Does anyone have any changes to this idea or other suggestions?

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I like this idea, but I also think we should be open to amending the rules a little. I'd like to see the multipliers simplified.

Of course, this is always possible.

Also I really love the map idea. Who came up with it? :v

This is a discussion thread for what I think is an excellent idea that Justinian brought up, the adoption of a new map.

I always cite my sources. 

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I think this a great idea; I was looking for something I wrote but couldnt find it.


Customizing land features is an awesome idea, but having a custom military would also be great. If I create an archipelago, I don't need 400k troops etc; I need more of a navy. If instead of fixed starting assets one could allocate a pool of points towards selecting military forces, that would be awesome.


The schematic I drew up suggested dividing military points between Ground units, Air units, Air Defense units, Naval units and Strategic units.

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I wouldn't support this if CNRP1 history is kept, due to not being able to RP mogatopia.

This can certainly be one of the considerations.  Since many conflicts previously arose because of land disputes, past conflicts can also be removed.  This won't stop people from hitting you based on your actions in this new world, but we can certainly try to make it so that you won't come in pre-judged.


I think this a great idea; I was looking for something I wrote but couldnt find it.


Customizing land features is an awesome idea, but having a custom military would also be great. If I create an archipelago, I don't need 400k troops etc; I need more of a navy. If instead of fixed starting assets one could allocate a pool of points towards selecting military forces, that would be awesome.


The schematic I drew up suggested dividing military points between Ground units, Air units, Air Defense units, Naval units and Strategic units.

That rule actually does exist in CNRP. You have the option of trading between troops, ships, and airplanes.  You can go from 400,000 troops to 100,000 troops by trading them in for more airplanes and ships.  Since the rules that currently exist in CNRP would be kept, this one obviously would too.

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This can certainly be one of the considerations.  Since many conflicts previously arose because of land disputes, past conflicts can also be removed.  This won't stop people from hitting you based on your actions in this new world, but we can certainly try to make it so that you won't come in pre-judged.

So long as CNRP1 nations are carried over, Mogar will be considered an IC hitler, so i'm good on this idea unless you fix that.
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I still think there are some things left to discretion, such as armored vehicles and strategic weapons. I would propose something similar to the following where everything is set in stone and there is no chance for misinterpretation (numbers are just as an example):


For Example:


GROUND DIVISIONS aka (10,000 personnel)

Light Infantry (terrain defense advantage) - (1 point)

Mechanized Infantry (good for seizing ground) - (2 points)

Armored (good for heavy assaults) - (2 points)


AIR SQUADRONS (24 aircraft including equivalent bomber support)

Generation 4 (2 points) (can be engaged by division level Air Defense assets)

Generation 4+ (5 points) (invulnerable to Division Air Defense)

Generation 5 (10 points) (Stealth)



Generation 4 (2 points)

Generation 5 (10 points) (stealth detection capable)



Escort group (20) (Engages air, land, sea, ASW)

Amphibious group (20) (transports divisions)

Carrier group (50) (Carries air squadrons)

Attack Submarine group (50) (engages submarines and surface vessels)



Tactical Ballistic Missile Battery (10)

Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile Battery (50)

Over the Horizon Radar Network (50)

Chemical Weapons Unit (50)


etc etc



Edited by Tywin Lannister
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I would not join unless I had an explict assurance that my "crimes" in CNRP1 would not be carried over.

Dude, I for one don't give a damn about what you did in CNRPrime. Good enough?

edit: I don't understand this point system you guys have going. Simplify it some for me. Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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I still think there are some things left to discretion, such as armored vehicles and strategic weapons. I would propose something similar to the following where everything is set in stone and there is no chance for misinterpretation (numbers are just as an example):




We would stick with the current CNRP exchange rate.


10,000 Troops = 500 tanks = 10,000 tonnes of shipping = 5 Squadrons of Fighter Aircraft (strategic bombers aren't included due to their much greater capabilities)
Only RL designs may be used when doing any sort of substitution in regards to airplanes and ships. No custom designs of any sort may be used for these.
A player may substitute and single aircraft slot for two of a generation behind their current tech level.  A helpful guide to fighter aircraft generations may be found here. Note that 'Date of Operation' is the important bit for planes, showing when they were ready for combat.
Example: I, having max tech, can take 2 Squadrons of Super Hornets for 1 squadron of Gen5 fighters.  Sarah with a small nation can take two squadrons of F-4 Phantoms for giving up 1 Squadron of F-15s.
As far as upgrading these, there is a limit to which you can upgrade proportional to IRL with foreign assistance.  So while sensors can be upgraded you can't make full stealth hornets or put turbofan engines on the F-4, two of the key advantages of the gen up.
Players who choose to customize are required to keep a documentation link, preferably in a factbook or other information post and easily accessible (signature recommended).




Armored vehicles are weird in CNRP since there are two types.  There are tanks, which are clearly governed by the game (IG tanks=RP tanks), and then there are APC/IFV which are left up to common sense.  It was once common practice that you had the same amount of APCs and such as you did tanks, but it was then changed because of how variable people made their armies.  There is certainly a place to talk about armored vehicles, but this thread is largely about the adoption of a new map practice.

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APCs have very important roles, often more important than that of tanks. That's why I mentioned them. You cannot quickly seize ground without mechanized infantry; tanks cannot hold urban environments and difficult terrain. Many are also equipped with anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, sometimes making them more powerful than tanks in some engagements.


Mechanized infantry vehicles such as MRAPs, Strykers and the like should count as tanks for all intents and purposes.

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Anyway, I will join this new CNRP, I think the rules are pretty solid as they are, I would just prefer seeing more definition in regards to APCs, mobile Air Defense and self-propelled artillery (should be the equivalent of tanks); any armored vehicle with offensive capability as well (including tactical BM platforms).

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Aside from the stealth detection thing being silly.  I think Tywin shouldn't overcomplicate things.  That said I'm open to a new map with a continuity and also maybe lands beyond not yet discovered or touched by Empires.

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Aside from the stealth detection thing being silly.  I think Tywin shouldn't overcomplicate things.  That said I'm open to a new map with a continuity and also maybe lands beyond not yet discovered or touched by Empires.

I do like the idea behind this, what I would suggest for the map is keeping the one we currently have however allow for the possibility to add in land masses anywhere and expand the size of the map as needed.

The great thing is that this can happen, but improved. If you both want to keep things the way they are, you can design your countries on a landmass that is a replicate of Eurasia, but pimp it out however you want it. France is a jungle, Mongolia sits on massive petroleum reserves, Yugoslavia is a volcanic wasteland. North is south, east is west, you two are neighbors and there is an island the shape of a corgi off Triyun's coast. where India should be.

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