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A Post-Rehab Announcement

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Excellent comeback; take what I said, reverse it, then only add just a bit of flavor.

For every post you make, I could pull an "Excellent comeback" comment with added sarcasm. You put so little effort or thought into your comebacks, its hard to be motivated to put any effort into responding to you. Which reminds me why I had stopped responding to your posts for a long time, you're not worth responding to. Also at least try to fight on your descent down, its pathetic to watch. Now is your chance to prove you know how to fight, if you do. You have yet to show any combat ability.

Edited by Methrage
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For every post you make, I could pull an "Excellent comeback" comment with added sarcasm. You put so little effort or thought into your comebacks, its hard to be motivated to put any effort into responding to you. Which reminds me why I had stopped responding to your posts for a long time, you're not worth responding to. Also at least try to fight on your descent down, its pathetic to watch. Now is your chance to prove you know how to fight, if you do. You have yet to show any combat ability.

Uhhhh Stonewall hasn't GA'd or nuked me today, he's out of money. If I were as inept as you say, he would be raiding all of my money away and still have the capability to nuke me.
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Hey methrage, am I respectable? Man I'm really hoping you say yes

You have given me no reason not to respect you, so at the moment I think you're a respectable guy. I show respect to those who deserve it, Those who show no respect get none.


Also I generally enjoy your posts, so yes?

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My new favourite post in this thread.

I'm glad we're able to entertain. One can sit around and complain about how boring the forums are and the quality of threads lately, with nothing going on. Or one can give up any attachments to preserving their stats and make their own fun; while livening this place up a bit. For those sitting around doing nothing to make things fun, they have no right to complain about how nothing interesting happens anymore.

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The closest it came to being destroyed was when my warn level was up to 80% after continuous attempts by GOONS to report me on everything. Eventually the mods said no more and decided they wouldn't ban me regardless of how many mod threads GOONS made trying to report me over minor violations. Now my warn level is only 1%, so it getting destroyed that way seems highly unlikely. Even when I requested a ban if the mods were going to allow GOONS to keep getting my warn level up, the mods instead refused to delete my nation and only banned me from the forum until I requested to be unbanned.


GOONS have got me sanctioned on every color before, even then they failed.


Compared to my situation when fighting GOONS, I'm in a very powerful and well networked position. They don't have a chance. GOONS spent over half a year trying, but even they had to give up eventually. I've probably hit Zero Land, Zero Infra and Zero Tech more times than any other nation.


Give up? You had other people negotiate for your release on your behalf because you were complaining about how unfair it was that we were keeping you at war after you went rogue on us and refused to seek peace. Instead you went the same route that Supercoolyellow went and had somebody else pay for your release because you couldn't afford to keep on fighting a battle you were ill-equipped to finish from the get go.

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Give up? You had other people negotiate for your release on your behalf because you were complaining about how unfair it was that we were keeping you at war after you went rogue on us and refused to seek peace. Instead you went the same route that Supercoolyellow went and had somebody else pay for your release because you couldn't afford to keep on fighting a battle you were ill-equipped to finish from the get go.

The only thing I ever complained about was your use of sanctions, to those who were sanctioning me to get them off. As that was the only way to continue fighting. I actually wanted to continue the war, but some of my friends pulled a fast one and negotiated a deal. They said they had already begun sending out the cash, so they had already started the deal before I knew the full details of what they had agreed to. Had I known the terms, I would of told them not to do it.


I would of enjoyed fighting you guys indefinitly, although with you guys slot filling nation's aid slots to find out who was sending me secret aid made some want the war to end more than I did.


Either way I hold no grudges towards GOONS over our past war, the only GOON I truly despised was nippy, who is long gone anyways.


Also the most recent war we had ended with me negotiating peace with Beefspari, where you guys funded my rebuilding and then me sending you guys tech afterwards. Which was actually a really good deal for me. I went from ZI to at least 4k infra within 20 days using that agreement. So after that I felt another war with you guys would not be appropriate, since it ended in a fair manner.


Edit: Also you guys had to give up eventually, since no matter how many times you ZIed me, eventually another aid package would come and I would rearm with nukes. Then terrorize your lower NS nations until a slip up or sanction would put me in a position where I needed aid again, Then the cycle would repeat over and over. People wouldn't let me quit, as whenever my nation would get close to the deletion point, someone would always send me more aid to keep the game going.

Edited by Methrage
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Uhhhh Stonewall hasn't GA'd or nuked me today, he's out of money. If I were as inept as you say, he would be raiding all of my money away and still have the capability to nuke me.

I see he's holding onto a nuke just for you, so you'll feel it. He'll likely get successful ground attacks off after nuking you. He doesn't seem to be in trouble.

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I'm glad we're able to entertain. One can sit around and complain about how boring the forums are and the quality of threads lately, with nothing going on. Or one can give up any attachments to preserving their stats and make their own fun; while livening this place up a bit. For those sitting around doing nothing to make things fun, they have no right to complain about how nothing interesting happens anymore.

You see why I find it slightly entertaining it's just who has the bigger epen competition, and quite frankly it has deterred a thread that was intended to be Neo brining back LPH from the dead. It should have been kept a well wishers thread for him not spreading this mess across 100 different threads, oh no I mat have over exaggerated with 100 but still you get my point.
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You see why I find it slightly entertaining it's just who has the bigger epen competition, and quite frankly it has deterred a thread that was intended to be Neo brining back LPH from the dead. It should have been kept a well wishers thread for him not spreading this mess across 100 different threads, oh no I mat have over exaggerated with 100 but still you get my point.

This thread was also about the continuing war with Kashmir, which was in a large part due to Neo Uruk being on our Enemy of Nexus list.


You seem like a very boring person if you think every thread should consist of mindless hails.

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This thread was also about the continuing war with Kashmir, which was in a large part due to Neo Uruk being on our Enemy of Nexus list.
You seem like a very boring person if you think every thread should consist of mindless hails.

Don't get me wrong I don't think every thread should consist of mindless hails, but do we really need 4 or 5 threads about your &$##¥₩ match?
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Don't get me wrong I don't think every thread should consist of mindless hails, but do we really need 4 or 5 threads about your &$##¥₩ match?

One response leads to another. If you didn't respond to my last post, I wouldn't be making this one. Although none our posts in this side conversation really relate heavily to the OP. Its just how forums work, probably less than 1 out of 1000 posts on this forum are really needed. Although you're right I should just stop responding to Rey when he says something stupid and have realized this before. Although its easy to get carried away with the posting and even I can make mistakes, but you've reminded me again why I don't like responding to Rey.

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methrage: i didn't read your posts because they're long and full of a lot of ??caring about stuff that doesn't matter. why do you hate Rey? he seems like a very nice young man.


please limit your answer to one paragraph.

I don't hate anyone, I'm merely teaching the young lad a thing or two.

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what is it you're teaching him, exactly? i'm pretty sure rey knows his way around CN, already.

That he is not great and the difference in our power. He is merely a peasant, not some great ruler who can bend others to his will.


I would like to expand a bit on how Delusional Neo Uruk is to think he has some great connection with Doom Squad/ Doombirds, which is what led to me deciding he needed to be stopped before he destroyed something I cared about. This was after I had already seen him drag NSO's reputation through the mud, another alliance I had cared about and saw him ruining.


He joined Doom Squad, because that is the closest thing he could get accepted into which has a connection to Doombirds. Then while in Doom Squad he acts as if he represents Doombirds due to his acceptance into the Doombirds Tech Farm, while not even filling his duty as a member of Doom Squad. Instead he tries to act as spokesperson for the power sphere Doom Squad was a part of. Then he was foolish enough to try flexing their influence to challenge me in a call out thread to put a bounty on him, with the nerve to claim if he gets attacks I'm obligated to protect him since I'm an accepted member of Doombirds and Doom Squad is allied to Doombirds.


Since Neo Uruk isn't very bright, what he failed to realize is the whole purpose of Doom Squad is to funnel tech to Doombirds, while avoiding unnecessary attention. So not only did he join as a completely useless member who didn't even join with intention of carrying out the duties of Doom Squad, he also thought by getting accepted in he had the power to challenge someone who actually was accepted into Doombirds and expect them to choose him over me; despite him being completely useless as a member of Doom Squad and not even understanding their purpose.


That he still thinks he is tight with Doombirds and Doom Squad, just because Hershey is nice when speaking to him, truly shows a complete lack of his ability to understand anything. He sees I can remain a Doombird regardless of my AA, since once a Doombird, you are a Doombird for life; then he takes that to think by joining Doom Squad as a completely useless member for a short time before hopping AAs; to think he to is among the elite and the same level as me. I've never needed protection for any AA I choose to sit on, because people know who I am and what I'm capable of. Neo Uruk is just a peasant, who without someone protecting him all times is always at risk of attack. The only expectation I have of Doombirds is to keep me from being sanctioned, as I went solo on different AAs for months with no need for protection.


The reason I wanted Neo Uruk out from Doom Squad, even before his call out thread was I could see him destroying their reputation, as he used them as a platform so he could threaten whoever he wanted while expecting their protection. Even going as far as to claim he was speaking for Doombirds just because he was allowed into Doom Squad, before Hershey knew how useless of a member he would be. I offered Hershey as much money as he wanted to remove Neo Uruk, as I made clear I was committed to helping Doom Squad in any way I could, but also made clear that I considered the offer of money just small contribution in the benefit it would bring Doom Squad compared to getting Neo Uruk out of the alliance. As no amount of money could bring the same level of benefit to them as removing the parasite that was Neo Uruk from Doom Squad.


I made clear that they had to choose between me or Neo Uruk as an ally, because I wanted them to make the choice to remove Neo Uruk before they lost more allies than just me because of him. Hershey never requested the money, but Neo Uruk was out of Doom Squad not long after. Neo Uruk claimed Hershey was alright with him joining Lavender Town, who allowed him to get attacked. I pointed out everyone was alright with the current situation of him being out of Doom Squad and into Lavender Town, where bounty hunters were allowed to attack him.


The reason Neo Uruk is an Enemy of Nexus is because without labeling him as such, he would continue to destroy Doomsphere from within, by trying to latch onto whatever parts of it he could like a parasite and try wielding their prestige and power to give himself relevance, as he would continue to make a fool of himself and try forcing his will upon others despite having no power himself. Its not that I hate Neo Uruk, its that Neo Uruk is an parasite which destroys the alliances I care about within when he is able to gain entry.


Neo Uruk is not only an Enemy of Nexus, but an Enemy of Doomsphere; in he tries to leech onto the greatness of others and use it boost his own ego, by using the power of those he latches onto to in order allow him to speak for them and use their influence to give him power to force his will upon others; until he destroys the reputations of those he joins.


tldr: Neo Uruk is a parasite, which destroys any alliance which takes him in. When an alliance I care about takes him in, this becomes a problem for me.

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The only thing I ever complained about was your use of sanctions, to those who were sanctioning me to get them off. As that was the only way to continue fighting. I actually wanted to continue the war, but some of my friends pulled a fast one and negotiated a deal. They said they had already begun sending out the cash, so they had already started the deal before I knew the full details of what they had agreed to. Had I known the terms, I would of told them not to do it.


I would of enjoyed fighting you guys indefinitly, although with you guys slot filling nation's aid slots to find out who was sending me secret aid made some want the war to end more than I did.


Either way I hold no grudges towards GOONS over our past war, the only GOON I truly despised was nippy, who is long gone anyways.


Also the most recent war we had ended with me negotiating peace with Beefspari, where you guys funded my rebuilding and then me sending you guys tech afterwards. Which was actually a really good deal for me. I went from ZI to at least 4k infra within 20 days using that agreement. So after that I felt another war with you guys would not be appropriate, since it ended in a fair manner.


Edit: Also you guys had to give up eventually, since no matter how many times you ZIed me, eventually another aid package would come and I would rearm with nukes. Then terrorize your lower NS nations until a slip up or sanction would put me in a position where I needed aid again, Then the cycle would repeat over and over. People wouldn't let me quit, as whenever my nation would get close to the deletion point, someone would always send me more aid to keep the game going.


That's a lot of writing just to revise history to your liking while pretending an insignificant crater such as yourself at that time would be considered a "terror" and not just a glorified training dummy. You would have been just another Rukunu until you deleted or finally caved like you did anyway.

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Fighting you would be impossible for me, due to NS Battle Range. So I would be fighting your leaders where the wars really do damage, hitting my friends with nukes. Its disappointing some of you would choose to fight a nation who joined Limitless Nexus and fought as I asked him to do against Neo Uruk. He's trying to do what I've ordered him, but some of you guys fighting him is making that harder. He's a true soldier.

So no, I'm not fighting you and won't be able to. You're far to weak.


not for long!  also-



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BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH let me write a long ass essay saying I don't hate him but give 1000000 reasons why I do in fact hate Rey.


There this seems about more accurate. You are no one as well, I'd say Rey is more relevant than you if you find the need to constantly post about him and attack him but then claim he is a nobody. You lose, no matter how many times you attack his nation with one of your "alliance members" you only prove my point that much more. Just give up. Rey is hard headed, he'll never learn, have you seen how long he has been posting his shit?

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