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World Map of CNRP2


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Please colour the following islands/archipelagos in Tikal's colours, as seen in this post:
- South Georgia

- Trindade and Martim Vaz

- Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago

- Rocas Atoll

- Fernando de Noronha


Further, please colour my protectorate of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama in Tikal's colours, and place the Mexican states of Veracruz and Oaxaca under my protection.


Looks and sounds like a lot, but isn't really.

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Protectorates aren't really a recognized thing here - at least I don't think so.


They are existent, but my nation doesn't recognize them. If I want to RP in a protected area, I'll do it.

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Protectorates aren't really a recognized thing here - at least I don't think so.

They are recognized, but not put on the map. For example, Belarus and Poland are protectorates of Uberstein's nation. In order to roll there, he has decided that a person should first ask him permission. Africa in its entirety is a protectorate of Axum, with IC military backing from several other African nations. However, TBM does not require anybody to ask permission to roll a nation in Africa - the point of the protectorate is to allow other nations who want to roll in Africa the chance to do so.
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My protectorates are pretty open. Only person I've denied is Rota and that's cause they were in the middle of yelling at me about how they wanted Germany and were threatening me with nukes OOC.


All you need to do to get that land is 1. not threaten me, 2. not yell at me, 3. be a new nation.

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Sounds like a bad way of making friends.


No bitching. If you have a problem, take it up ICly.



My protectorates are pretty open. Only person I've denied is Rota and that's cause they were in the middle of yelling at me about how they wanted Germany and were threatening me with nukes OOC.


All you need to do to get that land is 1. not threaten me, 2. not yell at me, 3. be a new nation.


You do realize that's one of the reasons CNRPv2 was made because people would take large amounts of land and say no to people they didn't like.


Also you started the whole situation by taking cheap jabs when you thought I wasn't going to come back. So I told you if you wanted to fight ICly, I have nukes. This is however not the place to have that discussion. If you have a problem with more current events, take it up ICly.

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I don't have a problem with any current events. I'm enjoying the RP. I've offered Belarus to TBM when he thought about re-rolling, and I offered Poland to IA with little a thought when he showed interest. When Markus rerolled and wanted a section of Poland, I had no problem giving it up. If a newbie were to ask me for the combined lands of Belarus and Poland right now, I'd say "sure."

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No !@#$%*ing. If you have a problem, take it up ICly.




You do realize that's one of the reasons CNRPv2 was made because people would take large amounts of land and say no to people they didn't like.


Also you started the whole situation by taking cheap jabs when you thought I wasn't going to come back. So I told you if you wanted to fight ICly, I have nukes. This is however not the place to have that discussion. If you have a problem with more current events, take it up ICly.


Maybe I'm missing something here but I can't find out what curse word has 9 letters and ends in "ing". 

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I can't find out what curse word has 9 letters and ends in "ing". 

Censor doesn't necessary have the same letter count. It's custom maintained by the forum admin. Technically one could have the world "apple" be replaced with "chicken nuggets" every time it's used on a forum such as this. Edited by Uberstein
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Given your history of portraying yourself as a woman, you'd think you'd be a bit more hesitant to talk like this about women.


Well it wouldn't be evident if I said "Average High School Principal".


I could of said think of some sexual act or something. 


Now if you don't mind, you "hate the trolls of CNRP" so don't act like one. You also have me on ignore, stop viewing my posts please. It was not quoted like you constantly complain about.


I've asked you to leave me alone multiple times and I never say anything to you anymore. Leave me alone.

Edited by Rotavele
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The blue are the areas under my control. The green are not under my control, nor are they my protectorate; they're just the borders of modern-day Brazil. Please add all of the blue to the map, in the color I was using for the Red Sea Republic. Thank you.


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This hardly has anything to do with ponies. Equestria refers to the horsemen/khanates of the steppe. I'm entirely serious.

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