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Killuminati Empire: Declaration of War

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Here's an example.  This took less than an hour while at work...I just did your horrific terms.  I feel your pain with you, Loki.  Let's get through it together...

I'm not doing all of that.

OOC: (There's also the whole "I have a life" thing. You're also talking about a movie I haven't seen in ten years.) Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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So there's this...












Now there's this...


You want to know what a load of crap is?  Literally EVERYTHING you've said in this thread.  Yet you want to throw insults like "hypocrites" and "cowards" the way of GOONS then somehow have the audacity to completely go back on everything you've said you'd do.  If I were you I wouldn't even cry about peace at all.  I'd delete my nation, not because of your surrender terms, but because you've clearly demonstrated to everyone that literally nothing you say can be taken seriously.  Every claim you make from here on out should be taken with a grain of salt because you apparently will go back on your words, regardless of how strong or convicted you seem.  What alliance would want such a hypocritical, unreliable, coward to join them?  Delete your nation and hide in shame and never EVER tell anyone who you were when you come back.



Why would anyone suspect you were going to be granted peace?  All you kept saying was how you'll never surrender.  I don't know whether to condemn or give credit to the nation who decided to tech deal with you.  He either knew you were blowing hot air this whole time about never surrendering, in which case I commend him.  Or he failed to recognize that you were in an alleged eternal war with GOONS, in which case he deserves to lose his money.


EDIT:  I don't mean to come off strong, but come on.  You write pages about how much GOONS sucks and you keep saying you'll never surrender and talk all sorts of crap.  Then GOONS is nice enough after all of that to let you surrender basically with no consequence in this realm.  And Bob forbid you actually have to [OOC] watch Ghostbusters [/OOC] to make a comic strip using Paint.  The time you've spent in this thread complaining how ruthless those terms are, you could have finished it by now.

When you're in a situation where surrender is the only option, you have to do the most logical thing. There is nothing cowardly or hypocritical about that.

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Reading is hard.

If I wanted to torture myself reading the whining and insults being thrown around by a bunch of demanding pricks who proudly consider themselves sadists, then I might read Loki's mercy thread to see exactly his situation. However instead I feel bad for him for putting himself through it for as much as he has and can't in good conscious advise him to subject himself to such degeneracy for very long. I think the sooner he restarts, the better, as to not allow you guys inflict anymore suffering upon him using his nation as leverage.


A nation with no wonders is not nearly worth going through all he has so far in dealing you guys. I wouldn't wish the mercy board or having to read your forums upon anybody.

Edited by Methrage
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Its not hard you just have to watch the film and just do it, hell you could just even watch a scene and do it. I dont really think it would take that long loki.


Or you can just delete and re-roll and not tell anyone who you are and just give up your war boner for GOONs

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Its not hard you just have to watch the film and just do it, hell you could just even watch a scene and do it. I dont really think it would take that long loki.


Or you can just delete and re-roll and not tell anyone who you are and just give up your war boner for GOONs

I think Sardonic said if he rerolls they aren't going to pursue him past that, so I don't think it would matter regarding his identity if he rerolls to avoid dealing with the mercy board. When they suddenly change what they want from a ghost buster picture to 16 ghost buster pictures, you might understand his demotivation to try giving them something they will find acceptable. If he hastily puts something together, it would most likely be rejected. When he drew a picture to try filling their demand for a ghost buster picture, then suddenly they change it to 16 with a storyline, who's to say what they will change it to next if he attempts this and they don't like it.

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I think Sardonic said if he rerolls they aren't going to pursue him past that, so I don't think it would matter regarding his identity if he rerolls to avoid dealing with the mercy board. When they suddenly change what they want from a ghost buster picture to 16 ghost buster pictures, you might understand his demotivation to try giving them something they will find acceptable. If he hastily puts something together, it would most likely be rejected. When he drew a picture to try filling their demand for a ghost buster picture, then suddenly they change it to 16 with a storyline, who's to say what they will change it to next if he attempts this and they don't like it.

My understanding is that MrWuss's post describing the 16 frame illustration was 9 hours before Lokis MSpaint picture. MrWuss's post has not been modified. You should really check out the thread bro.

Loki has a horrible problem with following instructions, and then misrepresenting it later. Considering the tech deals he initiated while still at war, it would not surprise me if he really did tech scam GOONS in the past like they said.

I dont have anything against him, but looking back I wish I hadnt spent so much time on him in the past. Edited by Tywin Lannister
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I'm not doing all of that.

OOC: (There's also the whole "I have a life" thing. You're also talking about a movie I haven't seen in ten years.)


Next time you decide to log on to these forums, so you can read about how countless people think you're an idiot, just open up MS paint instead.  You're not missing anything here, and it's not like you're losing any more time from RL than you'd otherwise sacrifice.

Edited by Gopherbashi
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My understanding is that MrWuss's post describing the 16 frame illustration was 9 hours before Lokis MSpaint picture. MrWuss's post has not been modified. You should really check out the thread bro.

Loki has a horrible problem with following instructions, and then misrepresenting it later. Considering the tech deals he initiated while still at war, it would not surprise me if he really did tech scam GOONS in the past like they said.

I dont have anything against him, but looking back I wish I hadnt spent so much time on him in the past.

They convinced him to come back to the mercy board rather than just reroll by saying he just had to do a ghost buster picture in MSPaint, then suddenly they change it after getting him there to the 16 panel thing.


The way I see it is he has 3 courses of action he can take from here.

1. Use the aid he got from the tech deals to complete them and fight off any GOONS who come after him using the profits.

2. Just reroll, pay the nations he owes the tech from his new nation if doesn't want to wait and basically just remove himself from this situation of having to deal with GOONS at all. (or some combo of 1 and 2)

3. He could keep humoring GOONS by trying to satisfy their demands, which is the option GOONS would enjoy the most and would probably be the most unpleasant for Loki


If he just rerolls and rebuilds his nation better, GOONS get no satisfaction, which is why they offered to just have him do a ghost buster picture to get him back to the mercy board when he was going to reroll. I would find 3 the least appealing option, but its up to Loki what he wants to do. Its not tech scamming to deals at war as long as you follow through.

Edited by Methrage
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My understanding is that MrWuss's post describing the 16 frame illustration was 9 hours before Lokis MSpaint picture. MrWuss's post has not been modified. You should really check out the thread bro.

Loki has a horrible problem with following instructions, and then misrepresenting it later. Considering the tech deals he initiated while still at war, it would not surprise me if he really did tech scam GOONS in the past like they said.

I dont have anything against him, but looking back I wish I hadnt spent so much time on him in the past.

I probably should have denied you and thrown you under the bus in my NPO application (like you've done to me). I would be avoiding all this crap I'm going through now. It's the price I pay for being real and loyal. Never knew you could be so callous.


They convinced him to come back to the mercy board rather than just reroll by saying he just had to do a ghost buster picture in MSPaint, then suddenly they change it after getting him there to the 16 panel thing.


The way I see it is he has 3 courses of action he can take from here.

1. Use the aid he got from the tech deals to complete them and fight off any GOONS who come after him using the profits.

2. Just reroll, pay the nations he owes the tech from his new nation if doesn't want to wait and basically just remove himself from this situation of having to deal with GOONS at all. (or some combo of 1 and 2)

3. He could keep humoring GOONS by trying to satisfy their demands, which is the option GOONS would enjoy the most and would probably be the most unpleasant for Loki


If he just rerolls and rebuilds his nation better, GOONS get no satisfaction, which is why they offered to just have him do a ghost buster picture to get him back to the mercy board when he was going to reroll. I would find 3 the least appealing option, but its up to Loki what he wants to do. Its not tech scamming to deals at war as long as you follow through.

I'll probably just re-roll, it's the only option I have at this point.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I advised you to join NPO. You quit the application because you refused to answer questions. I then told you not to attack GOONS when you told me your plan, then you did so anyway. Then you proceeded to make this drama filled thread, swear you wouldnt surrender, and go back on your statements.

I have every right to throw you under the bus. My only regret is that I had not done so as Hand.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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I advised you to join NPO. You quit the application because you refused to answer questions. I then told you not to attack GOONS when you told me your plan, then you did so anyway. Then you proceeded to make this drama filled thread, swear you wouldnt surrender, and go back on your statements.

I have every right to throw you under the bus. My only regret is that I had not done so as Hand.


I refused to throw you under the bus and for that I didn't get in. Even when I tried to the best of my ability to answer their questions, they still couldn't trust me because of my association with you. Now that I've realized who you truly are, I feel like an idiot for not distancing myself from you and going my own way. My strong belief in loyalty got in the way of what the logical thing to do at the time was. Now I'm paying the price for it. Best believe, you will pay for this when I re-roll. Watch your back.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I advised you to join NPO. You quit the application because you refused to answer questions. I then told you not to attack GOONS when you told me your plan, then you did so anyway. Then you proceeded to make this drama filled thread, swear you wouldnt surrender, and go back on your statements.

I have every right to throw you under the bus. My only regret is that I had not done so as Hand.

If you didn't want to follow him in this mission, you had every right to not get involved. However I don't see why you keep making posts to try defaming his character and don't just stay uninvolved like you said you were planning a few pages ago. None of your posts have been helpful towards him at all.


From all your posting it would seem you had some grudge against him before this even began, rather than a friend who just went down a path you couldn't follow.

Edited by Methrage
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I refused to throw you under the bus and for that I didn't get in. Even when I tried to the best of my ability to answer their questions, they still couldn't trust me because of my association with you. Now that I've realized who you truly are, I feel like an idiot for not distancing myself from you and going my own way. My strong belief in loyalty got in the way of what the logical thing to do at the time was. Now I'm paying the price for it. Best believe, you will pay for this when I re-roll. Watch your back.


Not my fault you cant follow directions and lack patience (ooc: or understand the IC/OOC divide for that matter)

Best of luck against me and GOONS.
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Not my fault you cant follow directions and lack patience (ooc: or understand the IC/OOC divide for that matter)

Best of luck against me and GOONS.

I'm done with GOONS for now, you're next. No one likes you anyway, so no one will help you.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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GOONS should give Loki peace asap so we can see a Loki vs Tywin without waiting for the rerolls. Loki probably is one of the few nation close enough in range of Tywin to actually hit him. :P

much like your admitted practice of having strong opinions and not reading the threads in question on the MB, i'm going to suggest you not become a nuke rogue. if that's not what your post was about, i'm going to, like you, deny it and continue ranting.


p.s. haven't you said several times you're done with this issue and keep coming back? probably best not to throw that in others' faces if so.

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That's his business. I'm saying I'm not taking the time out of my day to do something that at the end of the day provides no value to me.

Then maybe you shouldnt have bothered with the mercy board like you said you werent going to do. Doing this would have saved a lot of time from your life.
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I refused to throw you under the bus and for that I didn't get in. Even when I tried to the best of my ability to answer their questions, they still couldn't trust me because of my association with you. Now that I've realized who you truly are, I feel like an idiot for not distancing myself from you and going my own way. My strong belief in loyalty got in the way of what the logical thing to do at the time was. Now I'm paying the price for it. Best believe, you will pay for this when I re-roll. Watch your back.


That right there is not the attitude to have when you re-roll because then everyone will know who you are, and no decent AA would accept you then. In my opinion your best bet is to just re-roll tell no one who the @$&£ you are and then just hope that if your new AA goes to war you get a crack at the guys who have ''wronged'' you.


What do you know about Ghostbusters?!


Man Ghostbusters was one of my favorite films growing up

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