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The cold hard reality

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Can you guys wait until I'm not five months pregnant and dealing crazy people? JESUS!


Anyways, as for the war. Mogar, you are a bad bad bad BAD boy and hurt my feelings. Truly. And Hakai, shhh. Let the past go, don't walk in the shadows of other's who's feelings got hurt. I know you're a better man than that. And despite everything I still <3 you.

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TBH, I still don't get it myself and I'm all for lunacy.... From what I gather Freelancer set up the exit for nations in III% who may have wanted an exit....nobody did and people kinda got miffed that Freelancer would feel the need to negotiate such a deal.....I could be wrong but I don't think wanting to fight it out rather than slink away is all that bad of a thing. The manner in which it was presented seems to leave something to be desired for some of the folks involved....I'm just glad one of them is Mogar I guess.

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That is a pretty decent summary, it was specifically for their upper tier nations, I mean if they want to eventually have to deal with umbrella, GGA or whomever upper tier nation is finally sent upon them, by all means, but setting up a peace deal, agreeing to it and then posting a thread like this is kind of a slap in the face to Themis. but hey, I guess we're all a little crazy.


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TBH, I still don't get it myself and I'm all for lunacy.... From what I gather Freelancer set up the exit for nations in III% who may have wanted an exit....nobody did and people kinda got miffed that Freelancer would feel the need to negotiate such a deal.....I could be wrong but I don't think wanting to fight it out rather than slink away is all that bad of a thing. The manner in which it was presented seems to leave something to be desired for some of the folks involved....I'm just glad one of them is Mogar I guess.

Good MagicNinja


 This would be an accurate portrayal if you exclude the fact that those nation accepted explicit instructions to go to PM to enable their exit or the fact they were involved in discussion with me directly to bring the result they now decry. It is not the change of heart that is at issue but the lack of respect for their own leader who had helped arrange their exit or the disrespect for the honest and decent offer of their opponents who could have just as easily sent a spicy response to the entreaty instead of a painless and honourable offer to allow the exit. To tun that into a poor bit of PR is rather sad.



Dame Hime Themis

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Can you guys wait until I'm not five months pregnant and dealing crazy people? JESUS!


Anyways, as for the war. Mogar, you are a bad bad bad BAD boy and hurt my feelings. Truly. And Hakai, shhh. Let the past go, don't walk in the shadows of other's who's feelings got hurt. I know you're a better man than that. And despite everything I still <3 you.




You're still around!? God speed Mogar!

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Good MagicNinja
 This would be an accurate portrayal if you exclude the fact that those nation accepted explicit instructions to go to PM to enable their exit or the fact they were involved in discussion with me directly to bring the result they now decry. It is not the change of heart that is at issue but the lack of respect for their own leader who had helped arrange their exit or the disrespect for the honest and decent offer of their opponents who could have just as easily sent a spicy response to the entreaty instead of a painless and honourable offer to allow the exit. To tun that into a poor bit of PR is rather sad.
Dame Hime Themis

Might I ask of you Hime, was GATO at all involved in any of those talks? I am not gov so I wouldn't know but if we were...then I'll be angry too because we should've done better it seems. If not, then it seems we were a little blindsided by it though, in fairness, Freelancer is a bit passionate and hard to read/understand sometimes so he may have said something and I misinterpreted.....either way I like III%'s moxy and I appreciate your work on behalf of our allies. Quite unfortunate the way it came about I guess.
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Sorry darling, gotta try harder than that to bother me. But I'm sure you knew that already!

you guys can threaten me with whatever you'd like, I'm never going to hit ZI and since you guys have decided to all quit, in the end I'm going to be the victor.


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I know you guys loved freelancer, but the guys that are currently in charge of their military suggested that alleykat is going to be assisting me on my way to ZI, now I'm not sure if you're all mathmaticians, but!

Infrastructure: 0.00

Technology: 3,980.43

he's going to have to lose alot more tech than that! do you really want to support a husk that is going jihad against SUN and quitting?


Edited by Mogar
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Gonna nominate this thread for most confusing of all time and least likely to appeal to anyone.  I attempted to make sense of this, but have failed miserably.  Multiple mogar posts only seems to confirm my doubts about whether this is worth any more of my time.

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Gonna nominate this thread for most confusing of all time and least likely to appeal to anyone.  I attempted to make sense of this, but have failed miserably.  Multiple mogar posts only seems to confirm my doubts about whether this is worth any more of my time.

1) i attacked 3%

2) freelancer, knowing his alliance was in a losing war, found a peace deal with Themis for their upper tier nations

3) they couped Freelancer

4) this thread


and that's about it!

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1) i attacked 3%
2) freelancer, knowing his alliance was in a losing war, found a peace deal with Themis for their upper tier nations
3) they couped Freelancer
4) this thread
and that's about it!

Most warmongering bastards would find that endearing about an alliance...Quit? Sorry you're out.....
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I don't want anyone from 3% to quit, since it appears the remaining members still intend on quitting, you'd rather they damage your opponents and then leave our world than find peace and remain here to fight another day?

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is IS entirely their choice, I just am one who always supports whatever option keeps everyone playing as long as possible, our world is slowly dying and I'd rather put a bandage on it than let us hemorrhage.


current strategy^

Edited by Mogar
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is IS entirely their choice, I just am one who always supports whatever option keeps everyone playing as long as possible, our world is slowly dying and I'd rather put a bandage on it than let us hemorrhage.


current strategy^

It still doesn't make you any less of a jerk, my pet. Just saying.

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And Hakai, shhh. Let the past go, don't walk in the shadows of other's who's feelings got hurt. I know you're a better man than that. And despite everything I still <3 you.


So when you made a near daily point at the end there of informing us that you counted no friends amongst Protomembers you were just playing hard to get? ;)


III Percent endeavored to save their uppers' hides here? Why am I not surprised. This comes from the genesis of an alliance after all that, before they took their ball and went home, made it explicitly known both that they felt their uppers were entitled and that there was zero expectation that they would involve themselves in any war.


Genuinely, and I mean this here, I'm glad you guys have had a change of heart. My approval means as little as most others', I know that, but it vindicates the original deal (and lets be real here, there was little respectable about that in the first place).



And Hime Themis, I can understand your frustration but I wouldn't take it quite so hard. They could've and probably should've been more up front with you, sure, but other than that there's not much else that could have been done differently once they decided to change course.

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Oh baby. I always play hard to get. I like to distance myself after bad blood. Gives the soul a little rest. Gives the mind the peace it needs. As for our upper tier, I most certainly want it saved before my own nation. As long as they stand, us towards the bottom can rebuild. And that's what counts.


See ya around SW. Be good.


So when you made a near daily point at the end there of informing us that you counted no friends amongst Protomembers you were just playing hard to get? ;)


III Percent endeavored to save their uppers' hides here? Why am I not surprised. This comes from the genesis of an alliance after all that, before they took their ball and went home, made it explicitly known both that they felt their uppers were entitled and that there was zero expectation that they would involve themselves in any war.


Genuinely, and I mean this here, I'm glad you guys have had a change of heart. My approval means as little as most others', I know that, but it vindicates the original deal (and lets be real here, there was little respectable about that in the first place).



And Hime Themis, I can understand your frustration but I wouldn't take it quite so hard. They could've and probably should've been more up front with you, sure, but other than that there's not much else that could have been done differently once they decided to change course.

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