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Suggestions for a good ending to the worst round ever

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I said it. I know a lot of you were thinking it too. This has been an awful round for a variety of reasons. 


TE is about war, and very few of us have done it enough. With 14 days left in the round and alliances ridiculously strong, the only way (I think) to salvage what has been a horribly boring round is a massive war. How would you all feel if for the last ten days or so all the alliances divided up into two (or three) camps and evenly distributed wars?


The idea would be to have an all out total war that gets everyone involved on a (mostly) equal battlefield. Burn everything in a global duel.


We all know what the alternative is shaping up to be: someone downdeclaring, someone complaining, someone roguing, and someone hiding from war. 


I'm just hoping to break the monotony of typical alliance wars and have fun ending this round. 


Suggestions welcome  :popcorn:

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I have to agree with KJ here. This round was pretty awful. The best thing about it may be that it ends in 2 weeks. A 10 day war would give folks a lot longer to play with their warchests they have saved up. Not that I have one... I could reroll and have more money. :V

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Not a great round.  Definitely not enough hijinks. Between the holiday and the early end round, I think you saw everyone lose a war cycle just now. Half of TE skipped their first war cycle and then half of that half turtled when hit by half of the other half.  Less new aa's stirring stuff up (although PT and whoever did some which was nice).


In terms of a solution, I'm not sure a global re-matchup does it - most people expect to see last of round wars as is so it just means coordinating with different people who hopefully don't suck.  Which isn't to say that I wouldn't do it, just that I don't think it changes my view on the round at all.

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You have to admit EddyH, I was your favorite. :wub:

Unless of course I'm his favorite. Even if we haven't (yet) had our own personal moment together. I'd like to think our bonding was still just as real.

And I suppose I agree with the idea. I know I've (tried) to help do interesting things on the little scale I can, either by jumping in with people trying stuff, or trying to get a little band of merry men to join me in doing something.

But with anything, if you want change you have to do it yourself. Why not have TPC declare on OP, Warriors, and Romans? Force them to do something at the very least. You can't force them to do anything, but you can sure provoke it.

If the "cost" of doing something like that aren't worth it, then you're really in the same boat as everyone, as they sit around and will start their own, end of round wars, semi-randomly. I know many people just opting to let their people "hit anyone". Go after someone. I can't do much now (we'll see where I rebuild), but if you want to do something interesting I might even join you. Try it! We can only try.
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I can get behind this idea.  This has been a pretty boring round... and the main reason?


503 nations.  That is WAY too few.  You have to be in the top 25 to buy nukes without an MP - seriously, if this is gonna be the way things are, it would make sense for someone to hit the suggestion forum and nuke purchasing can extend to the top 10%.  I would say our best chance of increasing the fun in TE would be to recruit actively in our respective SE circles - this goes beyond simply wanting our TE alliances to be powerful.  At some point, if the player count keeps dropping, there might not BE a tournament edition anymore and that would just suck - or TE would become a "tree fort" of 100 or so members, and that would be BORING.


But an end-of-war mass slugfest?  That would be FUN.

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You have to admit EddyH, I was your favorite. :wub:


Unless of course I'm his favorite. Even if we haven't (yet) had our own personal moment together. I'd like to think our bonding was still just as real.


I'm not sure, Iamthey is a great contender!


I think the award goes to PT as a whole :P

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Frankly, the last thing I want is a fair war. When TE people started pushing for the wars to be "fair", that's when everything started to get boring in my opinion.

I miss the TE that was everything BUT fair and if I cared enough about it and had the time, I'd be doing everything I could to organize an alliance to bring mean back - as in 100% down and dirty politics and war that feel like war.

The last thing anyone should care about in TE is infrastructure. So why in admin's name do we care about being "fair" here? I don't get it!

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At least this round was significantly less confusing.


Right? When I clicked the drop-down list of alliances, I felt very secure knowing that there weren't any rascals using dirty tricks to evade detection.


Anyway, not a bad idea, King James, but a much better one would be everyone declaring war on SUN.

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