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Pink Clams ride again!!


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Eh, are you as good fighting as you are naming your alliance? Cause "Los Pollos Hermanos" should be "Los Hermanos Pollos", if you barely speak spanish in a competent way.  :facepalm:


Sigh, kids this days... 


Back to my original purpose, have fun Polaris, enjoy rolling those fake bears 


Oh this right here is golden. :popcorn:

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Really guys? Nothing says ambition like "Let us roll Polar AGAIN!"
I expected more exciting things Stewie.

If you think BF1 alone can roll Polaris, you don't have much faith in them I suppose.
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Really guys? Nothing says ambition like "Let us roll Polar AGAIN!"
I expected more exciting things Stewie.

What would you prefer? I hit alliances who I like or have friends in? Hit the Neutrals? Hit an entire Bloc on my own?

To me this is fun, I'm fighting for the last time against the guys I first declared against in my first global war (PB-NpO). I've got cash to blow through and don't have to worry about rebuying navy because I don't care that they're going to blockade me so I can last a while. I have a goal as well - Break through top 20 Casualties, so I've got something to aim for before I delete.

Also laughing at Polar only being organised enough to get off 10 wars in counter kinda makes me laugh. Their commitment is a bit weak, and their scars are starting to fade.. just as their alliance is. They're taking to XX like a duck in water - Incompetence incarnate.
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What would you prefer? I hit alliances who I like or have friends in? Hit the Neutrals? Hit an entire Bloc on my own?

To me this is fun, I'm fighting for the last time against the guys I first declared against in my first global war (PB-NpO). I've got cash to blow through and don't have to worry about rebuying navy because I don't care that they're going to blockade me so I can last a while. I have a goal as well - Break through top 20 Casualties, so I've got something to aim for before I delete.

Also laughing at Polar only being organised enough to get off 10 wars in counter kinda makes me laugh. Their commitment is a bit weak, and their scars are starting to fade.. just as their alliance is. They're taking to XX like a duck in water - Incompetence incarnate.


I'd find it very funny if you'd hit the Neutrals, so yeah go ahead!


And yeah I must agree, we totally suck at countering and obviously war in general and such. To be fair it'd be a lot easier if you didn't have to call in all your little friends to quickly fill your slots so you can't get attacked by us. We must truly be incompetent if you fear our attacks so much.

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I'd find it very funny if you'd hit the Neutrals, so yeah go ahead!


And yeah I must agree, we totally suck at countering and obviously war in general and such. To be fair it'd be a lot easier if you didn't have to call in all your little friends to quickly fill your slots so you can't get attacked by us. We must truly be incompetent if you fear our attacks so much.

no one called in any little friends to fill slots. are you talking about when SirWilliam attacked a rogue to gain XP/casualties? please don't twist things around here.

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Both "Los Pollos Hermanos" and "Los Hermanos Pollos" are correct in Spanish; same meaning. The first option gives more importance to the fact that they are chickens, the second one gives more importance to the idea that they are brothers.... but mostly the same meaning.

As for the Beat Force... probably they wanted to donate XP to Polaris...


I don't think they are specially interesting.

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I'd find it very funny if you'd hit the Neutrals, so yeah go ahead!
And yeah I must agree, we totally suck at countering and obviously war in general and such. To be fair it'd be a lot easier if you didn't have to call in all your little friends to quickly fill your slots so you can't get attacked by us. We must truly be incompetent if you fear our attacks so much.

I called in nobody to fill my slots. I want to be countered hard by Polar and kept in anarchy, it means I'll lose NS quicker and gain more casualties so I can break top 25 and get the hell off this rock and ascend.

I do find it hilarious I was accused of spy filling though, if you look at the spy logs, myself and Weenie spied each other's Defcons so we could hit our targets instead of having to pull troops home. I guess that counts as spy filling even though it was spy attacks that any competent offensive nation does pretty much straight away to increase their ability to do damage in ground attacks. You guys were +1 up on ability to hit us to cause better GA damage... but you still whine about it...

Ah well. Bring it Polar. My body is ready, I've got a free slot and I'm gonna keep on hitting che until he pulls out and lets me dance with you guys. So bring it Polar. Let's Boogie. Edited by Stewie
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Ah, so it's complete coincidence then, Stewie, that chee78, formerly on the BF1 AA, has jumped to ghost MK and fill 2 of your slots? How nice of him to do this without you asking for it! And considering SirWilliam's wonderful amount of at least 3 attacks in more than 48 hours, you need to teach your alliance leader how getting XP and fighting wars works, or not hide behind a flimsy excuse.


I don't mind you acting out your fun little vengeance here, but let's not bullshit each other and call a spade a spade. Doing otherwise only lowers the (all things considered pretty decent) opinion I have of you.

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I called in nobody to fill my slots. I want to be countered hard by Polar and kept in anarchy, it means I'll lose NS quicker and gain more casualties so I can break top 25 and get the hell off this rock and ascend.

I do find it hilarious I was accused of spy filling though, if you look at the spy logs, myself and Weenie spied each other's Defcons so we could hit our targets instead of having to pull troops home. I guess that counts as spy filling even though it was spy attacks that any competent offensive nation does pretty much straight away to increase their ability to do damage in ground attacks. You guys were +1 up on ability to hit us to cause better GA damage... but you still whine about it...

Ah well. Bring it Polar. My body is ready, I've got a free slot and I'm gonna keep on hitting che until he pulls out and lets me dance with you guys. So bring it Polar. Let's Boogie.

That called game abuse brother...  admitting it  doesn't make you appear smarter

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Ah, so it's complete coincidence then, Stewie, that chee78, formerly on the BF1 AA, has jumped to ghost MK and fill 2 of your slots? How nice of him to do this without you asking for it! And considering SirWilliam's wonderful amount of at least 3 attacks in more than 48 hours, you need to teach your alliance leader how getting XP and fighting wars works, or not hide behind a flimsy excuse.


I don't mind you acting out your fun little vengeance here, but let's not bullshit each other and call a spade a spade. Doing otherwise only lowers the (all things considered pretty decent) opinion I have of you.

Where on earth did you get that idea from?  You must be some kind of a lunatic or something?






Big hues magi tax wakawaka Mofoka whatchagonnadopunk..... eX Poison Clan member, proud xxx Non-Grata member. Friends over infra errr day err day son show me your ankle's and call me king Wakkka waka , don't forget to pull the apple from the pail before I shave the kitty tooooo night. :). Time to drop some ballz on the north and return with zero infra as a $@!$&*@~  that I am. Love ya. My friends :). Che78 over and out. See ya all on my flip side.......  






I can understand when someone goes rogue because they are leaving the game, but the ones that do it for kicks and keep trying to come back are really just lame imo.  

Edited by William Bonney
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That called game abuse brother...  admitting it  doesn't make you appear smarter

Game abuse? What's this "game" you're speaking of.

Fair enough, wasn't trying to appear smarter, was just exploiting a tactical ability to allow us to continue our GAs.
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Where on earth did you get that idea from?  You must be some kind of a lunatic or something?




I don't get this? You're linking a war where the absolute minimum amount of damage is done. If that's not blatant then I don't know what is.


Anyway, carry on carrying on guys. We'll keep stomping on you so you can have your "fun". Enjoy!

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I salute you Stewie. you do whatever makes you happy and fulfills your destiny as you see it.  IF you are all truly intending to fight until you are gone then it will all matter little what trickery you resort to this week, in a few months it will be the most boring situation for everyone.  I am sure you know how it goes having seen it quite a few times before.

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I salute you Stewie. you do whatever makes you happy and fulfills your destiny as you see it.  IF you are all truly intending to fight until you are gone then it will all matter little what trickery you resort to this week, in a few months it will be the most boring situation for everyone.  I am sure you know how it goes having seen it quite a few times before.

Indeed grub.

Good luck Polar. I'll let everyone else mess around on the OWF discussing things. I'm going to take my leave from this place and focus on my goals.
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I don't get this? You're linking a war where the absolute minimum amount of damage is done. If that's not blatant then I don't know what is.


Anyway, carry on carrying on guys. We'll keep stomping on you so you can have your "fun". Enjoy!


2 fighters is far from the minimum...that must have cost Che hundreds of thousands of dollars (assuming they were level 9 pilots) brave souls, those pilots.  

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