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Why the War?


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Essentially DR decided that they were going to be the next target of DH so they decided to make moves to roll DH first.  Both DR and DH tried making moves to sway alliances to their side, and judging by this war and who is on whose side you can see what type of success both sides have had. 


This was isn't about Puppets, it never was.  It was about DR beating up DH with the sub goal of damaging Umbrella's upper tier enough to "drag them back down to earth".  SF/XX saw an opportunity to roll C&G in revenge for the multiple rollings they received as well.


That about sums it up. 


Edit: and yes, at the core of it, boredom.  Too much peace is boring.  Vacuums are rarely fun to play in.


You forgot the part where your government has gone out of its way to state it intended to roll DR, including individuals whom were in on Puppets slot filling.


But details, minor details!

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You forgot the part where your government has gone out of its way to state it intended to roll DR, including individuals whom were in on Puppets slot filling.


But details, minor details!


No, actually, that didn't happen.  You forgot the part where DR made the decision to roll DH months prior to this war happening.  You seem to think that your side wasn't planning to war with DH at all.  Judging by the response to the war and the number of alliances fighting in it, the dogpiling, etc, I'll have to call you either a liar or someone who wasn't in the know and who lacks critical thinking skills.  Yes DR planned to war against DH/Umb.  The Puppets incident was the spark, the fuel was already present.


Own up to what you did. 

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Pretending that AI made any attempt to even communicate with Umbrella is absolutely hilarious.  Discussions between WhiteMajick and Bud now constitute full blown diplomatic relationships? For sure not.  We, at the very least, made an effort to come to your forums, try to interact with your alliance and open up lines of communication.  The responses were underwhelming.  You didn't even make the most basic and fundamental diplomatic move of setting up an embassy with us.  Trying to spin this as a situation where AI was slighted by Umbrella is absurd.


Oh Daikos, my favorite part about these conversations is that Umbrella didn't even have their eyes on DR at the time of AI's formation. I'm pretty sure I could pin my finger on the exact moment when we stopped attempting to become acquainted with AI, but why would I want to ruin all the fun in this thread. 

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I think you  missed the part where the last two years.


Go back and re-read my post. 


Then read it again.


Then stop, get out of your basement, get a glass of water from the kitchen, have lunch outside, take a deep breathe, wait for your eyes to acclimate to the sun, then go back to your computer screen and read my post a third time.


Keep doing that until it sinks in that I wasn't asking "why the hate on us", but "if the hate on us why not attack us instead of C&G". 


I know you can do it, perhaps the dim lights are skewing my words somehow ...?

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No, actually, that didn't happen.  You forgot the part where DR made the decision to roll DH months prior to this war happening.  You seem to think that your side wasn't planning to war with DH at all.  Judging by the response to the war and the number of alliances fighting in it, the dogpiling, etc, I'll have to call you either a liar or someone who wasn't in the know and who lacks critical thinking skills.  Yes DR planned to war against DH/Umb.  The Puppets incident was the spark, the fuel was already present.


Own up to what you did. 






No one is denying that you were going to get what you deserved for the previous two years sooner or later. The fact that you goaded people into doing it sooner rather than later and are now crying about is kind of silly, though.

Edited by IYIyTh
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Go back and re-read my post. 


Then read it again.


Then stop, get out of your basement, get a glass of water from the kitchen, have lunch outside, take a deep breathe, wait for your eyes to acclimate to the sun, then go back to your computer screen and read my post a third time.


Keep doing that until it sinks in that I wasn't asking "why the hate on us", but "if the hate on us why not attack us instead of C&G". 


I know you can do it, perhaps the dim lights are skewing my words somehow ...?


OOC forum, drop the drivel and the spin.


Either you don't know how coalition warfare works or you're being intentionally obtuse.


Neither are something to be proud of.

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OOC forum, drop the drivel and the spin.


Either you don't know how coalition warfare works or you're being intentionally obtuse.


Neither are something to be proud of.


You mean like all of you guys have been doing? 

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No, actually, that didn't happen.  You forgot the part where DR made the decision to roll DH months prior to this war happening.  You seem to think that your side wasn't planning to war with DH at all.  Judging by the response to the war and the number of alliances fighting in it, the dogpiling, etc, I'll have to call you either a liar or someone who wasn't in the know and who lacks critical thinking skills.  Yes DR planned to war against DH/Umb.  The Puppets incident was the spark, the fuel was already present.


Own up to what you did. 


If DR is merely the fuel in the gas station, it was perhaps not a wise idea to light a match.

Actions have consequences, all the fuel can really own up to is that it used the match to light the whole town on fire.


The match is obviously at the fault and this would have been avoided if the match was not there.

Edited by Commander shepard
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No one is denying that you were going to get what you deserved for the previous two years sooner or later. The fact that you goaded people into doing it sooner rather than later and are now crying about is kind of silly, though.


Show me where we are crying.

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If DR is merely the fuel in the gas station, it was perhaps not a wise idea to light a match.

Actions have consequences, all the fuel can really own up to is that it used the match to light the whole town on fire.


The match is obviously at the fault and this would have been avoided if the match was not there.


We've gone over this before, and I'll just save everyone some time and just tell you that you are wrong and I am right, I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you, so nah nah nah nah nah.  (imagine me sticking my tongue out and putting my hands in my ears here). 


Since that is just as effective as making numerous posts showing you how you are wrong.  It will gather the same results but save me from increasing my post count more on that mundane thing that no longer really matters.

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We've gone over this before, and I'll just save everyone some time and just tell you that you are wrong and I am right, I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you, so nah nah nah nah nah.  (imagine me sticking my tongue out and putting my hands in my ears here). 


Since that is just as effective as making numerous posts showing you how you are wrong.  It will gather the same results but save me from increasing my post count more on that mundane thing that no longer really matters.


Nobody should even continue discussing this.

This started a month ago and you still think the same about it, I feel it is not actually your view and that you're merely projecting this because you want the best for DH even it means acting naive.

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Nobody should even continue discussing this.

This started a month ago and you still think the same about it, I feel it is not actually your view and that you're merely projecting this because you want the best for DH even it means acting naive.


We were debating different moot points silly Shepard, go get back on your Firefly.

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Nobody should even continue discussing this.

This started a month ago and you still think the same about it, I feel it is not actually your view and that you're merely projecting this because you want the best for DH even it means acting naive.


*bounces off me and sticks to you" nananabooboo

Edited by Caliph
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Thread is now totally pointless as neither side will give up our beliefs, you have yours and we have ours and neither come anywhere close to matching. You downplay the active conversations with your folk on our forums and respond with "but you never even signed up on our forums!" As for being invited, AI did in fact invite Umbrella to make an embassy on our forums but the same respect was never reciprocated and after a month or so we in AI saw the writing on the wall that your 'side' wanted nothing to do with us, upto and including TOP objecting to any ties to us within PF(Which feanor said earlier in on of these clusterfuck threads here on the OWF) while still being tied to IRON whom were one of our best and longest standing allies. Add that up and of course we made 'contingency plans' for what at that point was looking to be inevitable. Then when tensions were at a very high level you and yours fucked with us by filling puppets slots in a way that would allow him to reach PM to reload and hit AI repeatedly, prolly having a good chuckle all the while figuring we would just let it slide or just continue to lodge useless complaints to your .gov about it. For good or ill that was not the case and we took your gauntlet slap and responded in kind and here we are. Simple as that. Oh and it certainly doesnt help your case of being the 'victims' when the almighty hand of admin made his ruling regarding the subject.


You then made several call outs of 'come at us bro!', and you got your wish. We came at you, so really you should be happy you got want you wanted, we surely are and are having a blast doing so. Beats sitting around collecting and stat building which Umbrella did for so very long while others fought in bloody wars. So kick back and enjoy the ride, as this one is an E ticket for sure with no end in sight.

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Thread is now totally pointless as neither side will give up our beliefs, you have yours and we have ours and neither come anywhere close to matching. You downplay the active conversations with your folk on our forums and respond with "but you never even signed up on our forums!" As for being invited, AI did in fact invite Umbrella to make an embassy on our forums but the same respect was never reciprocated and after a month or so we in AI saw the writing on the wall that your 'side' wanted nothing to do with us, upto and including TOP objecting to any ties to us within PF(Which feanor said earlier in on of these clusterfuck threads here on the OWF) while still being tied to IRON whom were one of our best and longest standing allies. Add that up and of course we made 'contingency plans' for what at that point was looking to be inevitable. Then when tensions were at a very high level you and yours fucked with us by filling puppets slots in a way that would allow him to reach PM to reload and hit AI repeatedly, prolly having a good chuckle all the while figuring we would just let it slide or just continue to lodge useless complaints to your .gov about it. For good or ill that was not the case and we took your gauntlet slap and responded in kind and here we are. Simple as that. Oh and it certainly doesnt help your case of being the 'victims' when the almighty hand of admin made his ruling regarding the subject.


You then made several call outs of 'come at us bro!', and you got your wish. We came at you, so really you should be happy you got want you wanted, we surely are and are having a blast doing so. Beats sitting around collecting and stat building which Umbrella did for so very long while others fought in bloody wars. So kick back and enjoy the ride, as this one is an E ticket for sure with no end in sight.


Tell us how you really feel ...

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OOC : It's a war game.  From time to time, people are going to find a reason for war.


IC : Umbrella was arranging attacks on AI and using warslot filling to limit the damage AI could do to the attacker.  AI and friends decided "Enough of that crap".

OOC: Agreed

IC: We arranged zero attacks on AI. We did hit a rogue who was hitting AI, and that was impolite. 


AI believed that they had the only rights to Puppet's war slot. They whined and moaned that Umbrella was going against the rules of CN even though there are no rules in CN. In the end it boils down that AI and pals have the might to do what they want and thus a global war was born.


This war is about politics and revenge and not so much about such murky things like sovereignty or CN "standards."



Total BS, like most of your posts. I was and am FA for AI and made several attempts to rectify any animosity and even went so far as to drop very UNSUBTLE hints that we not only had no problem with umbrella and asked what your guys beef with us was(to which we/I never got an honest or truthful answer too), further more because you were allied at the time to IRON, one of our closest friends, I made mention that we in AI would like to be on better terms with umbrella and would've liked to have worked towards a treaty, once again we/I was answered with vagueness. So in short AI made EVERY attempt in the world before(as Valhalla) and then as AI to try to bring both of our alliances closer. The Umbrella embassy on our forum directly reflects and shows this. Now I wont blow smoke up your ass and say we had a liking for MK or GOONS, but as for Umbrella themselves we tried many a time to try and make inroads towards being better 'friends' only to be rebuffed after/during each interaction.


tl;dr- We had no animosity towards Umbrella until it was clear to us that you had zero respect or desire to be anyway closer towards DR or AI themselves. Hence either your .gov misinformed you or your just plain trying to spin. Which it is IDK and at this point its moot anyhow, but those are the facts of the matter.

I missed those hints. I just see normal cordial interactions.


I agree that our embassy on your forum reflects that our alliances, in reality, hold very little animosity toward one another except as far as the fact that we are at war, and that we believe you had been working with your allies to that end. We get along just fine and have a fair amount in common.



Now then, after saying the above, we soon realized YOU guys wanted no part of AI except as a target list and OF COURSE we made contingency plans. Why you ask? Because were very confident in our assessment of Umbrella at that point and knowing you and yours wanted a piece of us, we would have been foolish not to, and AI may be many things but foolish and living in a bubble is not among them.


So all im reading from your spin posting is that because we never made an embassy on YOUR forums(of which we were never invited to do) it butthurt you all to the extent you wanted to consider us hostile and start fucking with us and now here we are........but to say no communications or attempts were made to become more friendly with Umbrella itself is a bald faced lie. Does that means we had love for some of your allies? NO, but it doesnt negate the fact we were attempting to make inroads with you. Was it to try and make friends with Umbrella so maybe you would distance yourselves from some of your current allies? Quite possibly, but again that doesnt negate the fact we were trying to get more cordial with YOU.


Im sure you will disregard any reality in the above and come back with some BS tangent, but once again even that doesnt negate the realities of what transpired before this war and the timeline leading upto it.


tl;dr AI tried to make friends, were rebuffed at every attempt and of course we then saw the writing on the wall and made 'contingencies' for what we saw coming.

This looks like a chicken or the egg kind of problem. We believe that you made your "contingency" plans prior to any aggressive thoughts from our side. And you believe we had a desire to hurt you prior to making your "contingency" plans. 



Pretending that AI made any attempt to even communicate with Umbrella is absolutely hilarious.  Discussions between WhiteMajick and Bud now constitute full blown diplomatic relationships? For sure not.  We, at the very least, made an effort to come to your forums, try to interact with your alliance and open up lines of communication.  The responses were underwhelming.  You didn't even make the most basic and fundamental diplomatic move of setting up an embassy with us.  Trying to spin this as a situation where AI was slighted by Umbrella is absurd.



Thread is now totally pointless as neither side will give up our beliefs, you have yours and we have ours and neither come anywhere close to matching. You downplay the active conversations with your folk on our forums and respond with "but you never even signed up on our forums!" As for being invited, AI did in fact invite Umbrella to make an embassy on our forums but the same respect was never reciprocated and after a month or so we in AI saw the writing on the wall that your 'side' wanted nothing to do with us, upto and including TOP objecting to any ties to us within PF(Which feanor said earlier in on of these clusterfuck threads here on the OWF) while still being tied to IRON whom were one of our best and longest standing allies. Add that up and of course we made 'contingency plans' for what at that point was looking to be inevitable. Then when tensions were at a very high level you and yours fucked with us by filling puppets slots in a way that would allow him to reach PM to reload and hit AI repeatedly, prolly having a good chuckle all the while figuring we would just let it slide or just continue to lodge useless complaints to your .gov about it. For good or ill that was not the case and we took your gauntlet slap and responded in kind and here we are. Simple as that. Oh and it certainly doesnt help your case of being the 'victims' when the almighty hand of admin made his ruling regarding the subject.


You then made several call outs of 'come at us bro!', and you got your wish. We came at you, so really you should be happy you got want you wanted, we surely are and are having a blast doing so. Beats sitting around collecting and stat building which Umbrella did for so very long while others fought in bloody wars. So kick back and enjoy the ride, as this one is an E ticket for sure with no end in sight.

One thing I do like about these posts is that they prove, at least to a certain ally, that Umbrella had been making overtures to AI and have been completely friendly, sending diplomats and gov members to AI forums, even when they did not bother to send any to us. 


The only actual friction between our alliances, and the only thing we have done to "upset" AI, was help them beat down a rogue without talking to them about it. Certain individuals would add that act to a "list" of Umbrella offenses, that list entirely consisting of "not being nice" to Brehon for one, and one dumb incident where people sent a paltry sum of aid to OUR OWN enemies, again "affecting" mainly ourselves, Pacifica, and our own coalition partner in the current war, Non Grata.


But thank you, chefjoe, for showing that AI made "contingency" plans when we did not respond to your hints at a treaty, that we have been nothing but cordial since, and then you put your "contingency" plans into motion when we hit puppets.

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