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The Evil Dictator takes his first move (and the new GPF Gov).


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[center][b][size=7]An Official Announcement.[/size][/b][/center]

This is announce that Fuhrer Markfrancos, the Evil Dictator of the Global Protection Force and his minions have decided that the political situation of the alliance has outgrown the existing GPF Charter. A new charter was proposed by the Evil Dictator himself which most of the sodiers of the Force have wilingly embraced.


We, the nations of the Global Protection Force (henceforth known as the GPF), hereby do solemnly swear allegiance to the Secretary-General of the GPF and sign this charter binding us as brothers in arms. We agree to follow the laws set fourth by our founders, to defend our brethren from all whom oppose them, to gather together in a sense of cooperation and unity, to establish a peace that can only be obtained through the growth and development of ours and our brethren's nations, and together reap the rewards of our alliance while still establishing our intent to grow stronger. We invest our trust in the Secretary-General and his Triumvirate to represent the membership of the GPF in the way they see best fit.

[b]Article I: Government Structure[/b]

GPF is a representative democratic state in which the Secretary-General and his elected Triumvirate wield supreme power.

[u][b]Section I: The Secretary-General[/b][/u]
The Secretary-General is a permanent position and the Secretary-General will remain on his or her throne until he or she resigns. If this should occur, the Secretary-General will then designate his or her successor and power will be transferred within twenty-four hours. The Secretary-General has the supreme authority on all issues in the GPF and can overrule any of the other government officials, except the three Triumvirates.

[u][b]Section II: The Triumvirate[/b][/u]
The Three Triumvirates are three members of the GPF elected by the Membership to effectively lead the alliance in matters such as Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Military Affairs. Unanimous agreement is required by the Triumvirate to sign a treaty or declare aggressive war. The Triumvirate can overrule the Secretary-General on any issue so long as they acquire a 2/3 vote in favour.

[u][b]Section III: The Directorate[/b][/u]
The Directors are members of the GPF chosen by the Triumvirates to effectively run their selected departments. Directors must get approval from their Triumvirate before making a change to their department.

[u]Section IV: The Deputy Directors[/u]
The Deputy Directors are members of the GPF selected by the Triumvirates to assist the Directors in running their selected departments. If a Deputy Director does an exceptional job, they may be promoted to Director.

[b]Article II: Election Process[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Structure[/b][/u]
Elections will be held every three months to fill the positions of the Triumvirate. The Elections will start ten days before the end of term of the current Triumvirate.

[u][b]Section II: Nominations[/b][/u]
Any member who has been a member of the GPF for a minimum of three months may be nominated by a fellow member to run in the Election. Said member must have previous experience within the department he/she is being nominated for. Nominations will last for three days.

[u][b]Section III: Campaigning[/b][/u]
Upon being nominated and the nomination period has ended, nominees are to begin a new thread in the correct forum detailing their campaign for their nominated position. Nominees should detail their three month plan that they would implement should they be successful. Campaigning will last for four days.

[u][b]Section IV: Voting[/b][/u]
At the end of the four days of campaigning the Secretary-General will open the polling booths. There will be a poll each for each department, that will list the nominees. Each member has one vote per position, giving a total of three votes.

[u][b]Section V: Tie[/b][/u]
In the event of a tie, the Secretary-General will cast the deciding vote.

[b]Article III: Foreign Relations[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Diplomatic Discussions[/b][/u]
The GPF is open to all alliances who wish to establish diplomatic ties. The GPF, however, reserves the right to cut off ties at any point with a valid reason.

[u][b]Section II: Treaties[/b][/u]
The GPF will sign treaties with those alliances it has grown close to and not sign treaties that are simply for our benefit. The GPF will honor all of its treaties no matter the cost to the alliance.

[b]Article IV: War[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Inter-Alliance War[/b][/u]
The GPF is a peaceful alliance and will not enter into an alliance war unless we are attacked first, we are honoring a treaty, or we have a legitimate casus belli. The GPF will not provoke a war with any other alliance knowingly. Furthermore, the GPF will only enter in conflicts of arms only at the approval of the Triumvirate and the Secretary-General.

[u][b]Section II- Unapproved Offensive[/b][/u]
Nations flying the GPF alliance affiliation that attack aligned nations without proper approval will be subject to trial before the Secretary-General and/or the Triumvirate. Punishments will range between paying reparations to expulsion and being declared an enemy of the GPF and treated as such.

[u][b]Section III: Raiding[/b][/u]
Nations of the GPF are permitted to attack unaligned nations, but do so at their own risk. Aid will not be provided to those who have been attacked during a raid.

[u][b]Section IV: Foreign Aggression[/b][/u]
If an aligned nation attacks a member of the GPF, the GPF will at first pursue a diplomatic solution. If these talks fail, the GPF reserves the right to attack the offending nation.

[u][b]Section V: Nuclear Activity[/b][/u]
Members of the GPF are encouraged to possess nuclear weapons as a deterrent to prevent other nations from attacking, rather than a weapon of mass destruction. Members are prohibited from using them in warfare unless prior ermission has been granted. Only GPF military command and/or the Secretary-General can approve the launch of a nuclear device on another nation.

[b]Article V: Foreign Aid[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Non-Members Requesting Aid[/b][/u]
Non-members will not be granted foreign aid with the exception of nations allied by treaty to the GPF.

[u][b]Section II: Members Requesting Aid[/b][/u]
Members requesting aid will have to apply for it through proper channels. If it is very urgent, it is encouraged that these members seek aid directly from fellow members of the GPF.

[b]Article VI: Discharge from the Alliance[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Honorable Discharge[/b][/u]
A member of GPF may resign his or her post and leave the alliance without any repercussions whatsoever. However, if a member leaves and reveals the secrets of the GPF to another alliance, they shall be deemed a traitor and will be dealt with as such.

[u][b]Section II: Expulsion[/b][/u]

[i][u][b]Clause I- Nomination[/b][/u][/i]
A member of GPF can only be nominated for expulsion from our ranks if the member has committed treason, broken the laws set in place by the Charter, or declared war on a fellow member.

[u][i][b]Clause II- Expulsion by Popular Vote[/b][/i][/u]
Any one nation or group of nations may submit the notion to expel a member. All members of GPF may vote as to the member’s fate. If 70 percent of votes agree to the expulsion of the member, the member will be expelled from the GPF unless pardoned by the Secretary-General.

[u][i][b]Clause III- Imperial Expulsion[/b][/i][/u]
If a member is deemed a spy, traitor, or otherwise, the Secretary-General may immediately expel said member without beginning a vote among the populace of GPF over the member's expulsion, so long as the Secretary-General has a 2/3 support of the Triumvirate.

[b]Article VII: Amendments to the Charter[/b]

[u][b]Section I: Amendments[/b][/u]
Any member of the GPF may propose such amendments and from there it will go into a voting period of no less than 72 hours. After 72 hours, if the amendment has 80% + 1 votes in favor of passing, it will then go to the Triumvirate and the Secretary-General. Said groups must rule unanimously for the amendment to pass.

[u][b]Section II: Imperial Decrees[/b][/u]
Decrees by the Secretary-General may amend the charter if and only if the Secretary-General has the full support of the Triumvirate.[/quote][/center]

However some soldiers refused to accept the charter and rebelled agaisnt the Secretary General and his proposed charter. The loyalist [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/006/e/2/pony_brigade_logo_by_ponybrigade-d36j4qb.png"][color=#ee82ee]'Pony Brigade[/color][/url]' thwarted their attempt to coup well the help of gun-cum-guiter Rifles (a new addition to the GPF Military).

[center][quote][img]http://www.unspeakable.org/gallery/var/albums/wallpapers/Funny/Funny-Stuff/Musical-Revolution-1440x900.jpg?m=1323339044[/img]A clip of the Final Battle. Location : North wall of the GPF Palace[/quote][/center]

[center][size=6][u] [/u][/size][/center]


[center]Fresh elections were held in accordance to the New Charter for the post of Truimvirate of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs and Military Affairs. The winners are as follows :[/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size][/center]

[center][b]Comrade Ronjoy [/b][/center]
[center](Secured 55.56% of the total votes casted against 38.89% votes recieved by the closest oppenent)[/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Internal Affairs[/b][/size][/center]

[center](Secured 50.00% of the total votes casted against 38.89% votes recieved by the closest oppenent)[/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Military Affairs[/b][/size][/center]

[center](Secured 66.67% of the total votes casted against 22.22% votes recieved by the closest oppenent)[/center]

[center][size=6][u] [/u][/size][/center]

[center][quote][size=7][b] [/b][/size][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/do7.jpg[/IMG][/center]

[center][size=5][b]Secretary General/ Evil Dictator[/b][/size][/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size][/center]
[center][color=#ff0000][b]Comrade Ronjoy[/b][/color][/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Internal Affairs[/b][/size][/center]

[center][size=5][b]Truimvir of Military Affairs[/b][/size][/center]

[center][size=5][b]The Invisible Dictator[/b][/size][/center]
[center][color=#ff0000][b]A Polar Bear[/b][/color][/center]

Edited by Ronjoy Sholokhov
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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1356041266' post='3066401']
:o i am surprised at the comment made by
[b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=17028"]Incitatus[/url] [/b]

Hold off Cress is a loyal member of our community.

Take your comments and poaching elsewhere.

No Offence

Have a nice day.

As a former Combine member, there shouldn't be any surprise of my feelings towards GPF. Poaching involves attempts to take a member away from an alliance. It's hard to poach someone if they're not in an alliance.

If you feel the need, however, please take some sort of action. Please.

Cress, I'm still confused by your choice of alliances. But best of luck to you. GPF, go die in a fire.

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1356041266' post='3066401']
:o i am surprised at the comment made by
[b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=17028"]Incitatus[/url] [/b]

Hold off Cress is a loyal member of our community.

Take your comments and poaching elsewhere.

No Offence

Have a nice day.
[/quote]b..b...bb..but please sir I want to be a Sith :(

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