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An Imperial Decree


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[quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357512093' post='3072150']
All defensive slots also standing by, Not one person this whole war wants to ride the short bus. lets get this party started. I have an open dance card, and am a easy lady, rwar! Ok I will say it, Goons would KILL!! NSO in a even war of two 120ish alliances, I will wager the farm on that. Better coordination, better warriors, better personalities, except the SCARY CLOWN GUY, please change your profile picture, it give me nightmares.

we look forward to the counter attack, on day 1 we waited, on day 2 waited while we hit your weak, and on day 2 thought OH NO they are planning a BIG offensive, then day 3 and so on. I will drop a load in my pants when the massive NSO war machine gets "oiled" hell spit on the thing and stick it in!

Big words for a fully wondered nation(except WRC) in the 20k range.

Remember when you lost half your strength to people you called incompetent? CAUSE I SURE DO.

pew pew pew


What's that? All of Kaskus is below 30k except for a dude that's been in peace the whole war, and someone that's billocked?



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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1357526457' post='3072239']
This is pretty much past the point of debating who won or lost, who was right or wrong, who was better or worse. I think we're at the point now that Kaskus has to determine how they want to end this. The way I see it they have three options; disbandment, surrender, or negotiation. I know which one I would choose at this point if I were them.
[/quote]Disband = WAKAKAKakakak. Surrender = no no no u naughty boy, Negoitation = if they want peace just ask.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1357528701' post='3072252']
Yes, he's lost half his NS but I don't see that as a big deal in a protracted war - warchest is what counts. OTOH, he has no defensive wars and it looks like he's wrecking the 3 NSO nations he's tackled.

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don't declare war on alliances that are set for war, with wonders and adaquate warchests next time. Do your research like attacking attacking, attack small smash and be ready for big brother to counter. oh yea, you guys attack big to be fair, and never counter to protect your weaker because of? of? of?

If you guy do not want to fight ask for peace? no surrender needed, if your tired and not going to give a good fight just ask for peace.

DAMN YOU scary clown, its almost bed time. how about a nice teddy bear profile pic? he he

hell your emporer was 40k now 9k, no barracks, no factories, costly rebuild. lead by example, any goon that big with out 5 barracks and 5 g camp would be smacked by Sardonic

Edited by Lord Bit
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[quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357529359' post='3072257']
Disband = WAKAKAKakakak. Surrender = no no no u naughty boy, Negoitation = if they want peace just ask.
You are beyond help. But, frankly yes, we want peace. We want peace because we're tired of !@#$@#$ putting the !@#$@#$ effort into your alliance who has no comprehension on how this should go round. We are tired of dealing with an issue that could have been easily handled in a matter of minutes. We are sick of typing !@#$ into google translator, just to find out they aren't even words in Indonesia. We are sick of you guys thick headedness.

That said however, we are not going to stop any short of a surrender. And we will continue to pound you to dust until we get one.

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Hard to stomp someone to dust when your crawling at 500 infra, I know, I know this is not your first nation either. All these second and third nations, that have learned very little, need to jump on the short bus with me.

no disrespect intended to John Wayne

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1357529737' post='3072259']

Yes, he's lost half his NS but I don't see that as a big deal in a protracted war - warchest is what counts. OTOH, he has no defensive wars and it looks like he's wrecking the 3 NSO nations he's tackled.

They outnumber us in that range because their entire alliance is there. My point about him losing half his NS is that he's bragging on beating up on newbies when their entire alliance is in that range because they got knocked down.

It's not like that level isn't easy to rebuild. I know you guys are well aware of that. They can no longer do damage at the ranges that are actually hard to rebuild.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1357531933' post='3072271']
Exackery Pansy. Kaskus running protracted interference on your lower tier will be bad news for your alliance.

Don't go it alone, you're playing their game.

While I think we all appreciate the sentiments from GOONs and those who have fought Kaskus in the past, I have to say that our lower tier (Albeit instances of fighting some really competent players who have the WC requirements to handle a protracted war) is doing fairly well, with our upper tier completely out of the war aid is starting to flow down and Kaskus is running out of funds. Its at the point where if Kaskus wishes to continue this war for a few more rounds they won't have anything left for us to smash, I know of two Kaskus nations that I fought which just didn't rebuild at all, yet got the aid to continue fighting. They gave up because there was no point in fighting.

We are nearing that point but its not here yet which is why you see some of the better Kaskus fighters sitting here talking smack, give it a little while longer and they will end up eating those words. While I like thinking Tan and Razor and the others of Kaskus leadership and thick-skulled and idiotic, they don't want their Alliance to be in a position where they can be raided and taken apart by other alliances and have nothing to do about it. Let's just hope that they realize that they are approaching that point much faster than they think.

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[quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357529843' post='3072261']
don't declare war on alliances that are set for war, with wonders and adaquate warchests next time. Do your research like attacking attacking, attack small smash and be ready for big brother to counter. oh yea, you guys attack big to be fair, and never counter to protect your weaker because of? of? of?

If you guy do not want to fight ask for peace? no surrender needed, if your tired and not going to give a good fight just ask for peace.

DAMN YOU scary clown, its almost bed time. how about a nice teddy bear profile pic? he he

hell your emporer was 40k now 9k, no barracks, no factories, costly rebuild. lead by example, any goon that big with out 5 barracks and 5 g camp would be smacked by Sardonic
[/quote]I can't help but feel you're in a different world to the rest of us...

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[quote name='Tiber Septim' timestamp='1357459816' post='3071973']
Until he makes a post saying he "used" your alliance under Ardus' direction.

You caught me. Ardus actually told me that NSO/NPOsphere and allies were getting too close too SF/XX people so I had to create some drama to push them apart. Also get NEW on MKs side or something something.

[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1357531074' post='3072268']
It's not like that level isn't easy to rebuild. I know you guys are well aware of that. They can no longer do damage at the ranges that are actually hard to rebuild.

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=407829"]6K nations that were ZIed[/url]and have no warchest left are not easy to rebuild. Especially when they don't have factories.

And thats not the only example of that.

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1357526457' post='3072239']
This is pretty much past the point of debating who won or lost, who was right or wrong, who was better or worse. I think we're at the point now that Kaskus has to determine how they want to end this. The way I see it they have three options; disbandment, surrender, or negotiation. I know which one I would choose at this point if I were them.
Considering history we'll say you go with the surrender option ;)

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1357531933' post='3072271']
Exackery Pansy. Kaskus running protracted interference on your lower tier will be bad news for your alliance.

Don't go it alone, you're playing their game.

2 more times, you can do it.

I sense the distinct smell of please don't make us look even more inadequate by finishing this yourselves.

I have confidence you can bang this particular gong another 2 times in 5 pages. Don't let me down.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357539429' post='3072318']
You caught me. Ardus actually told me that NSO/NPOsphere and allies were getting too close too SF/XX people so I had to create some drama to push them apart. Also get NEW on MKs side or something something.

You are actually saying with a straight face that NSO was getting too close to SF/XX?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1357554316' post='3072372']
2 more times, you can do it.

I sense the distinct smell of please don't make us look even more inadequate by finishing this yourselves.

I have confidence you can bang this particular gong another 2 times in 5 pages. Don't let me down.

Hiro, I think what you can smell is the !@#$%^&* you're flinging wildly about the place in the hope that it sticks somewhere :D

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1357590268' post='3072516']

Hiro, I think what you can smell is the !@#$%^&* you're flinging wildly about the place in the hope that it sticks somewhere :D

This is not the required format for one of your posts.

This is.

[i]NSO, call your allies in and legitimize us for doing the same previously.[/i]

Now get to it. You only have it a few more times to say.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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