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The Amazing Sanction Race


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kudos to MA for passing us (enjoy it while you can though b/c we'll take our spot back soon enough)

so close to 300 members now, i wish we still have our earlier numbers of 600+ nations in TOOL.

edit: this was before the update and dang, .01 point behind MA, so CLOSE to taking our spot back -_-

edit (again): what?!?! NPO's the biggest loser, wth happened here?

Edited by dragonknight1000
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I swear ODN, by my grandfather's beard you shall pay for taking our biggest gainer today

*Chickenzilla crys


Because we've been sitting at .08 growth for the past 2 weeks - it's about time something spiced up.

o7 ODN

o7 Polar Express

Also, RoK - race you to number 5 :P

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