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The Amazing Sanction Race


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It's a little remembered fact that score and NS do not update until nations collect taxes (Or maybe it's when they buy something, it's been a while and I probably forget.) >70% of CSN nations are in anarchy (and 60% of GATO nations), so the losses are occuring, simply not being updated because a large part of their nations are going inactive/being bill locked.

I was under the impression that all that's needed for scores to update is for people to view their nations.

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I'm about to hit the hay or else I would find a nation example to illustrate my point (one whose infra/tech/military, etc numbers add up to a number far lower than the displayed NS), so my best evidence on hand now is how, in their respective beatdown, GPA's score barely diminished at all for the first couple days, and then suddenly dropped like a rock as their members collected after getting out of anarchy/needed to collect to stay out of bill lock, etc. The same will likely prove true in a day or so of the combatant alliances in this war.

Edited by HordeOfDoom
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Pass us? Nah, but your welcome to try and keep up :P.
lol a mini-race within the race is always good. Lut us see if we increase the distance or if you decrease it in the coming days/weeks. :lol:

We didn't have trouble passing you in NS :P

Score shouldn't take too long :awesome:

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I'm about to hit the hay or else I would find a nation example to illustrate my point (one whose infra/tech/military, etc numbers add up to a number far lower than the displayed NS), so my best evidence on hand now is how, in their respective beatdown, GPA's score barely diminished at all for the first couple days, and then suddenly dropped like a rock as their members collected after getting out of anarchy/needed to collect to stay out of bill lock, etc. The same will likely prove true in a day or so of the combatant alliances in this war.

I believe the same thing applies here as when admin changed the NS formula...I think the nation page just has to be refreshed for NS to change (but ODN or MHA would know more about that :P ). It's either that or it updates when a purchase is made, but I don't think it is based on tax collection.

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