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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Oh not farking again. ;_;

I got behind on my AP studies thanks to the last update...

FINE. I'll do another update. You guys owe me. >__> <__<

I'm surprised you have no senioritis yet. You should've already decided your college, right? If not, I suggest you do some quick contemplation :P

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All Hail Tolkien


April 30th, 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [932] (+5) New Pacific Order : 63.61 --> 62.35 (-1.26)

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [743] (-8) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 57.74 --> 54.80 (-2.94)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [659] (-6) Sparta : 49.85 --> 49.61 (-0.24)

4 [207] (~0) The Order of the Paradox : 45.61 --> 45.52 (-0.09)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 5 [635] (+2) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.93 --> 44.62 (-0.31)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 32.92 --> 34.95 (+2.03) Super Dooper Glowy!

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [386] (-11) Fark : 35.93 --> 34.86 (-1.07)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 7 [378] (+3) New Polar Order : 34.07 --> 34.54 (+0.47)

sanctionodnto4.png 8 [454] (-7) Orange Defense Network : 34.41 --> 33.88 (-1.47)

sanctionrokyt0.png 9 [455] (~0) Ragnarok : 30.39 --> 29.81 (-0.58)

10 [598] (+8) The Democratic Order : 29.09 --> 29.34 (+0.25)

sanctionvedj7.png 11 [385] (-2) Viridian Entente : 29.23 --> 28.87 (-0.36)

sanctionfokqu8.png 12 [264] (+1) FOK : 28.94 --> 28.82 (-0.12)


13 [448] (-21) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 29.86 --> 27.19 (-2.67)

14 [212] (~0) Green Protection Agency : 25.91 --> 26.00 (+0.09)

{103} (~0) The Grämlins : 25.81 --> 25.35 (-0.46)

[321] (-1) The Order of Light : 24.74--> 24.62 (-0.12)

[223] (-2) The Phoenix Federation : 21.86 --> 20.53 (-1.33)

{156} (~0) Mushroom Kingdom : 19.91 --> 19.54 (-0.37)

{148} (+1) World Task Force : 18.79 --> 18.84 (+0.05)

[371] (-6) The Legion : 18.06 --> 17.98 (-0.08)

{193} (~0) Nueva Vida : 17.24 --> 17.17 (-0.07)

[231] (-2) Monos Archein : 16.82 --> 16.83 (+0.01)

[284] (-1) United Purple Nations : 16.20 --> 16.20 (~0.00)

{189} (+1) Greenland Republic : 16.39 --> 16.10 (-0.29)

{156} (+2) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 15.52 --> 15.63 (+0.11)

{150} (-1) M*A*S*H : 15.72 --> 15.50 (-0.22)

[216] (-1) The Dark Evolution : 14.60 --> 14.54 (-0.06)

{181} (+3) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.69 --> 14.46 (-0.23)

---------- Add Line: (14.44)

---------- Drop Line: (14.14)

{78} (-1) Umbrella : 14.44 --> 14.06 (-0.38)

{122} (~0) Echelon : 14.48 --> 13.79 (-0.69)

{166} (~0) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.67 --> 13.67 (~0.00)

[248] (-2) Grand Global Alliance : 13.57 --> 12.82 (-0.75)

{117} (~0) Valhalla : 13.21 --> 12.36 (-0.85)

{134} (+14) Karma PoW : 11.11 --> 12.21 (+1.10) Intern Camps Overflowing!

[203] (-10) Global Democratic Alliance : 12.48 --> 11.16 (-1.32)

Biggest Gainer

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 7 [378] (+3) New Polar Order : 34.07 --> 34.54 (+0.47)


:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 32.92 --> 34.95 (+2.03) Super Dooper Glowy!

{134} (+14) Karma PoW : 11.11 --> 12.21 (+1.10) Intern Camps Overflowing!

Biggest Loser

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [743] (-8) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 57.74 --> 54.80 (-2.94)


New Polar Order passes Orange Defense Network

Global Radiation Level passes Orange Defense Network

Global Radiation Level passes New Polar Order

Global Radiation Level passes Fark

Viridian Entente passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

The Democratic Order passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

The Democratic Order passes Viridian Entente

FOK passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

United Purple Nations passes Greenland Republic

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations passes M*A*S*H

The Dark Evolution passes Random Insanity Alliance

Umbrella passes Echelon

Karma PoW passes Global Democratic Alliance


Once again, more alliances in the red, more alliances that are abit more radioactive, and of course the neutrals ( )): Neutral Menace )): ) climbing up the charts.

Independent Republic of Orange Nations continues it's headlong plummet, with Multicolored Cross-X Alliance posting similar, though slightly smaller, losses.

The New Polar Order has regained yesterday's losses. Congratulations my polar neighbors.

Global Radiation Level continues to rise (will it ever end?), and our environments continue to suck.

On a lighter note, Karma PoW has officially passed Global Democratic Alliance, and closes in on Valhalla and Grand Global Alliance. 18 more points, and I get my flag design sanctioned. :v:


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

Edited by Tolkien
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/me points out that FARK's loss was due to the greenlight newbs purging for inactivity not war losses, something he had noted as potently swinging the growth competition.

as a side note i figure i will speculate that NPO's gain in members and lesser score loss is due in part to there unaligned red team banks rejoining there in game AA.

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Thanks for doing these.

And thanks for keeping me away from studying for my AP exams (and an Art ECR...and a couple four thumbnails). <_<

I hate doing these updates...the last time I did this was a week or two for the first or second round of TE (after Gopher quit on those).

Yes I am going to whine.

Edited by Tolkien
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