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FEAR busting it's throwback Uniform

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Let me get straight to the point. FEAR decided to go back to a throwback charter with some revisions. The finished product ended up looking like this.

[center][size=15pt][b]Charter of the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/b][/size][/center]

[b][size=11pt]Article I: Membership[/size][/b]

[b]Section I[/b]
1.1) FEAR shall exist primarily as a white team alliance.
1.2) Members applying to FEAR must meet the requirements set out in the Membership Policy.
1.3) Applicants that meet membership requirements are granted full protection by FEAR until their application is accepted or denied.
1.3.1) If their application is accepted the applicant will be considered a member of FEAR, receiving the the full protection of FEAR.
1.4) Members who violate alliance policy and rules or otherwise commit conduct unbecoming a member of FEAR may be subject to reprimand or expulsion.
1.4.1) Expulsion of a member may be approved by consent of both the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. Should one or both members of the Chancellery not be active within 48 hours after the beginning of an expulsion proceeding, a simple majority of the Directorate may serve as approval of the measure.
1.4.2) The Elite Assembly may motion to expel a member or government official. Such motions shall follow procedures in accordance to Article II, Section IV, but shall require a minimum 48 hour discussion period before a vote may be initiated.

[b][size=11pt]Article II: Alliance Structure[/size][/b]

[b]Section I: Membership Composition[/b]
In order of highest to lowest ranked:
1.1) Chancellor
1.2) Vice-Chancellor
1.3) Directors (Education, Defense, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, Recruitment, Finance)
1.4) Elite Assembly
1.5) Companions
1.6) Fearlings

[b]Section II: Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor[/b]
2.1) The Chancellor is the highest level of authority within FEAR and the Vice-Chancellor is the second highest level of authority within FEAR.
2.2) The Chancellor is in charge of overseeing all official business of FEAR and that all matters are handled promptly.
2.3) If the Chancellor is unable to perform his duties for more than 24 hours, the Vice-Chancellor temporarily becomes the acting Chancellor until the Chancellor can return.

[b]Section III: Directorate of the Elite[/b]
3.1) [u]Director of Education[/u]
3.1.1) Is in charge of the FEAR Academy and does all necessary work to ensure that the Academy runs smoothly
3.1.2) Ensures that all FEAR guides are up to date and contain necessary information [in conjunction with the Director of Intelligence].
3.2) [u]Director of Defense[/u]
3.2.1) Is in charge of the conducting a monthly Military Audit that tracks FEAR members' information related to nation warchest, income, bills, and other matters deemed necessary.
3.2.2) Is in charge of approving individual raids (along with the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor) based on the Raid Policy.
3.2.3) Shall assist the Chancellor in times of war in drawing up plans of actions.
3.3) [u]Director of Intelligence[/u]
3.3.1) Shall assist the Chancellor, Directors, and other members in compiling useful, public intelligence information (e.g. FEAR growth statistics, tech deal statistics, nation audits, etc.) and make the information available to the pertinent parties.
3.4) [u]Director of Foreign Affairs[/u]
3.4.1) Is in charge of managing and organizing FEAR's embassies.
3.4.2) Is in charge of managing and organizing FEAR's Diplomatic Corp that goes to other alliances to spread the gospel of FEAR.
3.5) [u]Director of Finances[/u]
3.5.1) Is in charge of the FEAR Tech Market and FEAR Tech Policy.
3.5.2) Shall dutiful assist members in organizing trade circles within FEAR and her allies.
3.5.3) Is in charge of reviewing aid requests and granting or dismissing them.
3.6) [u]Director of Recruiting[/u]
3.6.1) Will determine what incentives should be provided to join FEAR in conjunction with the DoE and DoF.
3.6.2) Shall make a good faith effort to ensure that every new nation in the Cyberverse is sent a recruitment message detailing the glories of FEAR.

[b]Section IV: Elite Assembly[/b]
4.1) Members of the Elite Assembly shall act as guiding voices to the Chancellors.
4.2) The Elite Assembly must approve, with a 65% vote in favor, all treaties and optional wars that the Fellowship wishes to become a part of.
4.3.1) The Elite Assembly has the right to motion for the removal of any official from office, or any action carried out by government officials shall be annulled.
4.3.2) Upon approval of at least three other Elite Assembly members a vote will begin.
4.3.3) Voting shall last forty-eight hours, and if there is a sixty-five percent majority vote in favor, then the motion shall pass.
4.3.4) If a motion of this nature passes, the decision is final. This motion can only be overturned by the Elite Assembly.
4.4) Other Elite Assembly Procedures are listed in the Elite Assembly Policy.
4.5) The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and all directors are also considered members of the Elite Assembly.

[b]Section V: Companions/Fearlings[/b]
5.1) Companions and Fearlings are offered full protection by the Fellowship.
5.2) Companions have the right to vote in Chancellery elections and request admission to the Elite Assembly.

[b]Section VI: Activity[/b]
6.1) All members agree to maintain a minimum activity as set by the Chancellery under the Membership Activity Policy.
6.2) All members agree to be ready to answer the call for drill or war.

[b]Section VII: Elections[/b]
7.1) Elections for the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor shall be carried out every two months.
7.2) Director positions are appointed by the Chancellor as vacancies occur.
7.3) Election procedure shall follow guidelines as set out in the Election Procedural Guidelines.

[b][size=11pt]Article III: Military[/size][/b]

[b]Section I: War[/b]
1.1) All nations agree to keep a standing army and warchest as set by the Chancellor and DoD under the Operational Readiness Policy.
1.2) All Declarations of War via a Mutual Defence or Mutual Aggression treaty require Chancellery and Vice-Chancellery approval along with a simple majority of the Directorate.
1.3) All Declarations of War via an Optional Defence or Optional Aggression treaty require Chancellery and Vice-Chancellery approval and a sixty-five percent Elite Assembly approval.

[b]Section II: Individual Combat[/b]
2.1) All tech raids must follow the Raiding Policy as set by the Chancellor of Military Affairs.
2.2) All other individual combat operations must be approved by the Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor or the Director of Defense or his staff.

[b][size=11pt]Article IV: Amendments[/size][/b]

[b]Section I: Definition[/b]
1.1) All amendments to this charter must be voted on by the Elite Assembly.
1.2) Any action or procedure which will consider this document void (i.e. disbandment, merger, etc.) shall be considered an amendment.

[b]Section II: Proposal[/b]
2.1) Any member of the Elite Assembly may propose an amendment.
2.2) The proposal must gain the support of three other Elite Assembly members in order to be put to vote.
2.3) The proposal must be discussed for forty-eight hours before being put up to vote.

[b]Section III: Voting[/b]
3.1) The voting shall run for forty eight hours.
3.2) The amendment must be approved by sixty-five percent vote of the Elite Assembly.

[b][size=11pt]Article V: Implementation[/size][/b]

[b]Section I[/b]
1.1) If this charter is passed, elections will occur immediately.
1.1.1) Unlike future elections, this election will also include the election of the Director level positions.
1.2) After elections, this section [color=red](Article V)[/color] will be immediately deleted from the Charter, having served its purpose.

In accordance with our sexy new charter, we held elections.

For reference the previous gov:

Turetel - Chancellor of Military Affairs
Lord Boris - Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
TheDon125 - Chancellor of Internal Affairs

And the results of the elections:

Turetel – Chancellor
Dcrews20 – Vice-Chancellor
Lord Boris– Director of Foreign Affairs
Canik – Director of Defense
JKFalcon – Director of Finances
Pherlofsky– Director of Recruitment
Sevvy– Director of Education
GayDragon*- Director of Intelligence

TheDon has has put in a ton of work, many thanks for his service. Enjoy your retirement.

I welcome in both the returning and new faces to government. I feel confident that this line up can bring FEAR to towering new heights.

So concludes this announcement from FEAR, you may now return to your regular scheduled programming.

Hail FEAR!

[size="1"]*For those of you who do not know Gaydragon is a reroll of NorthSouthLand[/size]

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Made a typo up there, Dcrews. Canik didn't actually win his election. :P

[url="http://www.fancydressball.co.uk/big_images1/mens-glam-rock-platform-shoes-ba111.jpg"]Here[/url] is our real Director of Defense. Canik just speaks for him.

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[quote name='thedon125' timestamp='1338548589' post='2975663']
Made a typo up there, Dcrews. Canik didn't actually win his election. :P

[url="http://www.fancydressball.co.uk/big_images1/mens-glam-rock-platform-shoes-ba111.jpg"]Here[/url] is our real Director of Defense. Canik just speaks for him.

This man speaks the truth

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[quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1338547655' post='2975658']
I support your Director of Defense. (He should have been Vice Chancellor. And TheDon Chancellor. And anyone but Boris on FA.)

But congrats on the new Charter! :) (Now I'm actually going to read it, so hold on for additional comments)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but don't flame this thread. Just a heads up

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