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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1334378056' post='2952820']
The Viridian Entente has always been known as an alliance who adhere to the code of fair play and gentleman honor.

Most entertaining quote of the entire thread.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1334410347' post='2953109']
I believe Impero has stated our stance on this already. This war is nothing personal against Kaskus or Mongols, just helping out an ally.

WarriorConcept, yes I know. You are doing what you have to do. You are just helping your ally who is in dire needs of help. I respect you guys for that.

I just wanted you to know that forcing us to pay reps is not the only way to end this war. If you truly wanted this war to end, there are other more reasonable means.

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"Sir! We have a few mosquitos bussing around us. They're so small though that we can't squish them..."

"Damnit.. Call in the neighborhood watch. We're going to bug bomb the entire town. That will make us look so righteously wizard."

Yeah, Power Bloc leadership right there. Hegemony v2.1

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1334411079' post='2953113']
WarriorConcept, yes I know. You are doing what you have to do. You are just helping your ally who is in dire needs of help. I respect you guys for that.

I just wanted you to know that forcing us to pay reps is not the only way to end this war. If you truly wanted this war to end, there are other more reasonable means.

Reasonable is subjective sir. I'd view reasonable as accepting the original offer of reps that you yourselves had offered, but you are of course entitled to your own version of it. What it comes down to now however is that we're all enjoying ourselves on the field while the rest of the world yaps on and does nothing.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1334414470' post='2953130']
Reasonable is subjective sir. I'd view reasonable as accepting the original offer of reps that you yourselves had offered, but you are of course entitled to your own version of it. What it comes down to now however is that we're all enjoying ourselves on the field while the rest of the world yaps on and does nothing.

We never offer to pay any reps larger than 3Million. I was aiming for white peace, but I guess a 3 Millions to show our good gesture is necessary.

We never agreed on the 150 or 177 millions ... And I think I made it very clear to everyone.

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1334414714' post='2953132']
We never offer to pay any reps larger than 3Million. I was aiming for white peace, but I guess a 3 Millions to show our good gesture is necessary.

We never agreed on the 150 or 177 millions ... And I think I made it very clear to everyone.

Apologies if that was not Kaskus, it may have been mongols. I know I read it somewhere here that it was an original amount that was offered by a party to GOONS, but I'm willing to admit my mistake on that matter if this was not the case.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1334414881' post='2953133']
Apologies if that was not Kaskus, it may have been mongols. I know I read it somewhere here that it was an original amount that was offered by a party to GOONS, but I'm willing to admit my mistake on that matter if this was not the case.

You are no wrong. Now I get what you refer too.

Yes, Smurf asked sardonic to lower down the reps as much as possible. At that time it was around 177 million, and Smurf asked for 150 millions. I am sure though that he made it clear that he is not authorized to agree on that amount. He is getting it down as much as possible so that he can convinced the rest of Kaskus and Mongols to accept the peace.

Ah, that is how you think we are unreasonable. Now I understand you. But really, Smurf only asked to lower down so that he can offered it to us. He never implied that we would take it. It is rather, he stand as the middle man, trying to make the ends meet. Hope this clear things up.

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1334415350' post='2953139']
You are no wrong. Now I get what you refer too.

Yes, Smurf asked sardonic to lower down the reps as much as possible. At that time it was around 177 million, and Smurf asked for 150 millions. I am sure though that he made it clear that he is not authorized to agree on that amount. He is getting it down as much as possible so that he can convinced the rest of Kaskus and Mongols to accept the peace.

Ah, that is how you think we are unreasonable. Now I understand you. But really, Smurf only asked to lower down so that he can offered it to us. He never implied that we would take it. It is rather, he stand as the middle man, trying to make the ends meet. Hope this clear things up.

Miscommunication happens to us all, but thanks for the elaboration.

Hope to see this conflict end soon with an amicable agreement. If anything, you've gained my respect for your tenacity to stick to what you believe.

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[quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1334326823' post='2952176']
I dont understand why people need to stagger GantanX. He is not that good in war.

And 1 more thing, please dont send kids to fight me.

Perhaps if you put up more than token resistance, we'd take you more seriously

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1334415600' post='2953143']
Miscommunication happens to us all, but thanks for the elaboration.

Hope to see this conflict end soon with an amicable agreement. If anything, you've gained my respect for your tenacity to stick to what you believe.
Rather than punishing them with reparations maybe it would be wiser to make them your friends. As Omni stated before, this war could end immediately by simply lowering the reparations. Lowering the reps should not be seen as GOONS/PB losing. Lowering the reps is the means to the goal of PBs entrance - end the war. GOONS will rebuild with 180mil reps or with 50mil reps. Neither amount will cover the losses taken by VE nations. Ending the war now by lowering the reps will save VE and others millions more than being stubborn about the reps simply so that GOONS can have their reps.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1334418240' post='2953161']
Rather than punishing them with reparations maybe it would be wiser to make them your friends. As Omni stated before, this war could end immediately by simply lowering the reparations. Lowering the reps should not be seen as GOONS/PB losing. Lowering the reps is the means to the goal of PBs entrance - end the war. GOONS will rebuild with 180mil reps or with 50mil reps. Neither amount will cover the losses taken by VE nations. Ending the war now by lowering the reps will save VE and others millions more than being stubborn about the reps simply so that GOONS can have their reps.

Tan and myself are already friends despite being on opposite sides of this conflict, thank you for your concern however.

As for the losses taken by VE it is irrelevant, what's important to us is that we are helping our ally.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1334418240' post='2953161']
Rather than punishing them with reparations maybe it would be wiser to make them your friends. As Omni stated before, this war could end immediately by simply lowering the reparations. Lowering the reps should not be seen as GOONS/PB losing. Lowering the reps is the means to the goal of PBs entrance - end the war. GOONS will rebuild with 180mil reps or with 50mil reps. Neither amount will cover the losses taken by VE nations. Ending the war now by lowering the reps will save VE and others millions more than being stubborn about the reps simply so that GOONS can have their reps.
The reps were lowered to a number Kaskus previously indicated would be mutually acceptable. That offer was then rejected by Kaskus. GOONS should not chase the moving goalposts of a statistically demolished enemy. To do so would condone the bad faith in which Kaskus has approached negotiations. That is an unacceptable outcome.

Kaskus and MONGOLS can either meet the number set in the OP or stay at war. The negotiation games are over.

Edited by Ardus
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That's pretty bad. Having to activate a bloc treaty to fight off two miniscule alliances. Who is Minister of Defense over there at GOONS? If you are gonna piss off small alliances, at least be able to defeat them alone.

I mean, come on. This has to be embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1334420773' post='2953174']
That's pretty bad. Having to activate a bloc treaty to fight off two miniscule alliances. Who is Minister of Defense over there at GOONS? If you are gonna piss off small alliances, at least be able to defeat them alone.

I mean, come on. This has to be embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.
Miniscule? There are quite a few Kaskus nations with WRCs and most likely sufficient war chests. It's ignorant to view them as up start alliances with no wonders; they are not. I said it before and I will say it again: Many alliances would have the same trouble defeating Kaskus and Mongols.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1334422394' post='2953187']
Miniscule? There are quite a few Kaskus nations with WRCs and most likely sufficient war chests. It's ignorant to view them as up start alliances with no wonders; they are not. I said it before and I will say it again: Many alliances would have the same trouble defeating Kaskus and Mongols.
Kaskus and Mongols have 12 WRC's, and GOONS have 12. GOONS has five times the NS and membership, not to mention all the war aid they could need. I don't see how that would require calling in a bloc treaty, unless you are incredibly inefficient at fighting.

You start a war, you better finish it, not run to activate a bloc treaty. That's a quick way to make enemies and lose any and all reputation as a warrior alliance. As we all know, GOONS have many enemies, and you've given them ammo in a PR war, and have made just about nobody afraid of your battlefield strength.

Not just a war embarrassment, but a PR embarrassment as well. It's not like I'm anti-GOONS either, I like those guys.

Edited by Starfox101
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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1334422890' post='2953192']
yes and im sure that those goon nations with wrc's are in exactly the right range to fight those MONkus nations with wrc's
And the Umbrella, VE, and NG nations are? With the numerical advantage, and money from MK, they still should have still had no problem dispatching of those 12 nations on their way down.

There's no way to spin this.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1334422762' post='2953191']
Kaskus and Mongols have 12 WRC's, and GOONS have 12. GOONS has five times the NS and membership, not to mention all the war aid they could need. I don't see how that would require calling in a bloc treaty, unless you are incredibly inefficient at fighting.

You start a war, you better finish it, not run to activate a bloc treaty. That's a quick way to make enemies and lose any and all reputation as a warrior alliance. As we all know, GOONS have many enemies, and you've given them ammo in a PR war, and have made just about nobody afraid of your battlefield strength.

Not just a war embarrassment, but a PR embarrassment as well. It's not like I'm anti-GOONS either, I like those guys.
Calling in a bloc treaty especially the bloc that was called in...it is a great luxury that many alliances would love to have. GOONS has many enemies for sure but don't be naive to think that there will be alliances knocking at their door to take them down because of this war. No alliance is strong alone. GOONS battlefield strength will be what it has always been and many alliances can match them on the battlefield, but only a handful can match them when it comes to political strength and those few are allied to them. I don't see what GOONS should be embarrassed about here; I agree to disagree with you.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1334423035' post='2953193']
And the Umbrella, VE, and NG nations are? With the numerical advantage, and money from MK, they still should have still had no problem dispatching of those 12 nations on their way down.

There's no way to spin this.
Still as obtuse as ever I see. Your opening point was that they have equal numbers of WRC's. Those WRC's aren't helping GOONS if they can't be used to engage the enemy. Nations with full military wonders will suffer far less damage than those without. Yes GOONS could keep fighting, it doesn't make military sense for them to keep throwing their low tier nations at those wondered up nations when they can bring in PB in order to continually cycle in fresh nations and wear them down over time. HTH!

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1334422762' post='2953191']
Kaskus and Mongols have 12 WRC's, and GOONS have 12. GOONS has five times the NS and membership, not to mention all the war aid they could need. I don't see how that would require calling in a bloc treaty, unless you are incredibly inefficient at fighting.

You start a war, you better finish it, not run to activate a bloc treaty. That's a quick way to make enemies and lose any and all reputation as a warrior alliance. As we all know, GOONS have many enemies, and you've given them ammo in a PR war, and have made just about nobody afraid of your battlefield strength.

Not just a war embarrassment, but a PR embarrassment as well. It's not like I'm anti-GOONS either, I like those guys.

They had already called in Umbrella to see off one guy

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