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Conference of the Americas


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After some months of preparation, California was ready for send out the following invitations to all nations in the Western Hemisphere. All would be personally hand-delivered to each nation's foreign embassy at California's expense, thus keeping it private for now. They waited for the replies.



The Republic of California extends to your nation's leadership the invitation of a conference on issues facing the Western Hemisphere. We seek to promote greater well-being and diplomacy between all nations of the Americas at this conference hosted by us. We would be honored with your presence here.

The times have changed since the last meeting of the Forum hosted in New York sometime ago, and the issues have changed as well. New nations have been brought up to the scene, and maybe you haven't gotten to know them. Discuss and meet with us here in California to state your issues, and seek common allies amongst the crop of nations, both old and new.!

We look forward to seeing you here. Reply at your earliest convenience.

[i]Conference of the Americas Committee[/i][/quote]

All delegates would be arriving at Drogheda International Airport amongst very tight security. Security convoys and hotel arrangements were to be arranged via several teams of Californian Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Californian Interior and Immigration Security (CIIS). Much of Downtown Drogheda would be a local headache as long as the conference went on at the Transamerica Tower.

The Californian delegation consisted of President Colin Farren, Secretary of State Kevin O'Malley, Undersecretary of Defense Kent Gillin, and Secretary of Commerce Hally Patterson. Each with the capacity to address specific issues when foreign delegates approached the Californians.

Moderation of the meeting would be dealt with by Vice President Colelain, a man experienced with holding countless legislative meetings and Robert's Rules of Order, although he thought Robert's rules were probably unnecessary here.

OOC: You can reply and show up in one post.

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Once again, Michael was called into action to visit North America on a pan American conference. He took his seat, placed his briefcase on the floor and pulled out a smoke and waited for the meeting to begin. His standard black suit, white shirt and black tie was once again complimented by a small Umbrella vage over his left breast pocket. Since his last meeting he had developed a beard. Whilst shaven on the neck, his face was neatly groomed and combed.

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Since President Arnuld Californian and Foreign Minister Jordur Stromfjord was currently in a meeting in Lisbon, Athenian Federation, Deputy Foreign Minister Rufus Mueller was to attend the meeting.

[center][img]http://mode.glamourparis.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/james-denton.jpg[/img][/center][i][center]Deputy Foreign Minister Rufus Mueller[/center][/i]
Upon arrival, the tall Greenlander man would promptly greet President Farren, Secretary of State O'Malley, Defense Undersecretary Gillin, and Secretary of Commerce Patterson, and the Umbrella representative before taking a seat.

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The newly-christened Atlantic Confederacy would be in attendance of the event as well, responding with its own lineup of dignitaries for the conference. President Martin "Marty" Gibbs, fresh from the impromptu negotiations which ended up forming the Trilateral Commission. Although apprehensive about the implications of signing such a treaty, and the possible changes it could bring to the heavily idealistic Confederacy, as well as the recent annexation by the Confederacy of a large tract of North America, Gibbs was optimistic for this summit. Accompanying the middle-aged president would be his Quebecois-born and raised Secretary of State, Edward Ouellette, fresh from his own escapades of meeting with Grand Papua.

Upon arrival at Drogheda, the delegation from the Atlantic Confederacy, which also included almost the entire staff the Confederacy State Department's American Affairs Bureau, which was a policy team that specialized in the American Foreign Affairs and Politics. Security of the delegation would be left up to plainclothes operatives from Joint Task Force Sierra, as well as the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service, which would liaison with California's local and national authorities on event security for their delegation.

Gibbs and Ouellette would arrive together at the Transamerica Tower, and would begin speaking with all of the delegations that had already arrived, as well as exchanging pleasantries with their Californian allies.

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Upon reception of the invitation much discussion was to be had in the Republic of Pará as to whether or not to attend the conference. On the one hand, many government officers and secondary directors in the Cabinet wished to maintain Pará's stance in regards to foreign affairs--one that focused solely on South America and, for the time being, placed little priority on reaching out diplomatically to nations of the world. On the other hand, there was a vocal number, Premier Vieira and many of the primary directors amongst them, who supported Paráense attendance, at the very least in the capacity of an observer, at this conference. The ultimate decision rested with the Premier, and she determined it to be in the nation's best interests that she herself go to the Conference of the Americas--representing, true though it was, a fledgling nation, but when, she felt, that was destined to do great things in the interests of South America and its people.

And so it was that on a temperate April afternoon, Isabel Vieira, Premier of the Republic of Pará, disembarked from a small, unassuming little plane at Drogheda International Airport, her 6'3 figure, clad in a simple but stately uniform, nevertheless cutting an interesting form amongst the stringent security of Drogheda's airport. She bore with her no security detail--she felt it would be a most unfortunate choice for a newcomer to the international stage such as herself to imply that the security the hosting nation itself would be supplying was inadequate for her. Instead, alone she embarked unto the security convoy provided to her by California, journeying to the Transamerica Tower to partake in the conference.

Upon arrival, she took her seat in the nearest available spot at the conference table, and observed the other delegates and leaders as they went about their business. The more prominent leaders she could recognise--including, of course, the President of California himself--though many others were foreign faces to her. [I]In more ways than one,[/I] she couldn't help but add amusedly at the wide array of different names and ethnic origins.

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Foreign Minister Kehenna would be in attendance, representing the Imperium at the conference, with his military aide Lieutenant Kylee Kelley-Anisimovna at his side in her black-and-silver Imperial Army regalia.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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As a newly North American nation via Bear Island(s) ProcinctiaÂ’s government-in-exile will be attending this [i]Conference of the Americas[/i].

Professor Rei Meekitjuk-Ugyuk will represent Procinctia-In-Exile during these proceedings.

Professor Rei Meekitjuk-Ugyuk, Procinctian Government-In-Exile[/center]

Edited by Generalissimo
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President Bronson would attend the conference with about a dozen staff and security personnel. Arriving in an Air Force E-4 they made their way to the location of the event where the security team and most of the staff would remain outside. Bronson entered with an aide and proceeded inside to attend the conference. Hopefully this would go better than the last conference he attended.

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As a representant of the Vicidalian lands the government was rather unsure whom to send. Or wether to send anyone at all. But once it was deemed better to attent such a meeting, alone because Vicidalians living in the Western Hemisphere, made some coordination with the American neighbours necessary, there was a smale conflict, wether to send a Vicidalian person, as they were representing the Vicidalian people better, or a French person, as it was not clear wether people would like Vicidalians more than French, not to mention that Vicidalia on its own wouldn't do much. And so, a compromise was made, to send Marie Anne d'Orleans-Autriche-Este, the French Gouverneur de la Nouvelle-Vicidalia, accompanied by Charlotte, Duchesse de Dunois, Comtesse de Nouvelle Châteaudun.

The orders from Paris were rather clear, not to cause problems, not to attract too much attention and to just further the French policies regarding North America. Marie Anne was already in the region and high enough to be sent to the meeting for the French part, while Charlotte, though a controversial choice, had proven some worth in the past, had quite a high standing within Vicidalia and as she lately had asked for more diplomatic missions to redeem herself, France took this chance of a meeting where France and Vicidalia would not play a large part in it, where a Charlotte could not ruin too much if it went wrong. Though, nothing should go wrong anyway. Additionally, the state funded her a pair of glasses and a basque cap, so she had some improvised disguise.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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Representing the Empire would be Premier Wei Hai along with the First Ministers of the People's Republic of the Pacific (including Hawaii and all other Pacific Islands in the Western Hemisphere) and the First Minister of the Imperium of Fort Beihai (representing the holdings of the Empire in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands).

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President Colin Farren and Secretary of State Kevin O'Malley would in the first floor lobby of the the Transamerica Tower. The conference room itself was a towards the top of the building, overlooking the Drogheda skyline. Both men would give more generic greetings to those they didn't know, and more detailed ones to those they knew. Guarding the elevator entrance were several California Diplomatic Security Service agents, brandishing Kimber SMGs. As usual, foreign security detachments were not allowed beyond the elevator point. At the top of the elevator were Undersecretary of Defense Gillin and Commerce Secretary Patterson. Vice President Coleain was busy preparing final touches to the conference agenda and rules.

Next to the CDSS agents were volunteer Sergeants-At-Arms that were at usual federal Californian legislative functions, here to keep civil order to the meeting. More Sergeants-At-Arms were present at the conference room, authorized to keep various delegations to act civil. They were tasked to the job to the point of kicking out delegations either briefly or permanently at their discretion. If permanently, it would be an embarrassing, straight escort to Drogheda International Airport amongst a public audience.

Following closely behind was Texas Secretary of State Matt Damon, and O'Malley gave a firm handshake to Mr. Damon. "Matt. Thanks for coming to the conference, I promise you this will be better than the forum in New York. Plus, the drinks are on me this time."

Then the large Atlantic Confederacy delegation followed behind Matt Damon, as Farren mused quietly to O'Malley, "Aren't they committed..."

"Indeed, sir." replied O'Malley.

Both men would President Gibbs and Secretary of State Edward Ouellette. O'Malley stated, "Hello friends, welcome to Drogheda. The conference is up the elevators. We'll be counting on your group to provide stability during these talks."

The Mexican delegation, Julian Ventura, showed up and O'Malley commented, "Welcome Mr. Ventura to the conference. California is interested in some initial relational discussions with Mexico in a private meeting sometime."

Greeting Councillor D'Aoust of the CAU was President Farren, "Good day Councillor. Our two nations haven't talked much, but we hope to make some headway with you here."

One of California's oldest allies, the Northern Imperium, sent a familiar face, Foreign Minister Kehenna. Secretary O'Malley was there to greet him, "How's it going old friend? It's definitely been some years since New York, but hopefully, this will make up for that."

For now, the last of the line was the Tianxia representatives, President Farren and Secretary O'Malley greeted them. "Well, we weren't honestly expecting you, but your nation has so many interests here, it's reasonable you're here. Besides, could dispel possible anti-foreign talk that could creep in here. I know some of the economic considerations by other American nations could benefit with your group here as well," Farren spoke. "O'Malley, stay here for a bit, there might be some others that might be late to the meeting. Show them up if they get here."

"Yes, sir." O'Malley replied. It was noted that all of North America was in attendance, while a few South American nations were notably absent still.


[b][i][u]Initial Remarks, Rules and Conference Agenda[/u][/i][/b]

Vice President Coleain was in an attached room, next to the amphitheater like conference room, finishing up on the conference rules and agenda. The accompanying powerpoint and papers in front of him were scribbled and had lots of crossed out words. While he was good at moderation, he organization was beneath perfection. He looked at his Citizen Eco-drive watch, noting the time and furiously finish his notes. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Coleain annoyingly.

"Sorry sir, most of the delegates have arrived, including Tianxia. We already have some questioning their attandance." replied his aide nervously.

"That's fine Mark. Good to know, I've already have sometime to say about that. Just don't let it get too crazy in there." answered Coleain.

"You got it." concluded Mark as he closed the door.

[i]Well, it's showtime.[/i] thought Coleain. [i]Here's to it being better than that ill-fated American Forum[/i] imaginably toasting a glass to himself. He took his hand to the door handle and walked out to the podium. By this time, President Farren was in the room talking to some of the delegates up here.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please find your respective seating. We have a few things to touch on before we kick off this conference. First, let me introduce the host of this conference, Californian President Colin Farren." stated Coleain.

President Farren stood up from where the official Californian delegation spot was and walked up the podium and began his short address, "Welcome everyone to the Conference of the Americas. It's been quite awhile since there was a gathering of American nations in one place and it seems like it was time to do so. Many of you know the political landscape of both continents have changed much with the collapse of Canada and the departure of the Lunar Republic to the stars. There are many new nations out here, among us today that seek greater relationship with more established nations on the Western Hemisphere.

I know that some among us of the older and established nation here in attendance are looking to expand commerce and/or military cooperation between each other. There will be some time for that here initially, hopefully to bear fruition soon back with your respective representatives back home.

There are definitely some asking why we have in attendance here today, representatives of Tianxia and French Vicidalia, representatives that are not native to the Americas, but hold land here. I wanted them here today to dispel any talk of anti-colonialism here at this conference and instead see them as partners of a greater part of stability for the Western Hemisphere. I know the ill-will towards Tianxia is well noted, even amongst my own nation's citizens, we look at the greater picture. There maybe a day where we might not need Tianxia as a force of stability, but today is not this day. Their influence over the affairs of the Americas in general is undeniably great, and most American products find their way to the Far East. Tianxia's presence here today is to signal that, as well as give a greater input on what their future is towards the Western Hemisphere.

I beseech you all to open your minds, generate great ideas and work together for the future of this Hemisphere. Let's get to work and get things going between all of us. Once again, thank you all for coming."

"Thank you Mister President," approved Vice President Coleain, clapping. "As you can tell, from the President's speech of the non-American representatives here today. It's pretty plain to see they are here due to their influence in American affairs and I don't expect them to be leaving. Get to know them, learn about what they desire to see these continents to become. [u] Now, this conference is having some rules to govern the proceedings of this conference. Failure to follow the rules will get your delegation kicked out either temporarily or permanently. Enforcement of these rules will be swift and dealt with by volunteer Californian Sergeants-At-Arms. A permanent ban will be your representatives being driven back to the airport and flown back to your home country. So, onto the rules of the conference, [b]these rules are non-negotiable.[/b][/u]

[*]All discussions will be civil and on topic
[*]There will be no harassing of non-American representatives
[*]Refrain from promoting any piece of paper that no one is obviously willing to sign
[*]If any nation here have existing grievances against another here in attendance, keep it civil and state only during the time allotted for stating such grievances
[*]There is a conference agenda, off topic bantering of any kind will get you kicked out.

Coleain paused for a few seconds, taking a drink of water before continuing, "Now, with that out of the way. This conference has a rough agenda that we currently seek. However, we're entertaining the motion of slight editing of the agenda to those who think we missed something. We see the following that needs discussion.
[*]Economic cooperation
[*]Defensive cooperation
[*]Pan-American cooperation
[*]Future consideration of the Western Hemisphere
[*]Current Grievances
[*]Free, private meeting time (w/ individual nations)
[*]End of Conference

The first two on the list is very broad; however, the two topics are more for dialogue of getting out there whom wants to seek better relations with others on an individual or regional level. Pan-American cooperation is a discussion on a macro-picture of greater cooperation between all of us here. Then onto what we seek individually in our respective regions and views for the Western Hemisphere for the future. We've put into a brief time on anyone having grievances here today against one another to be put away possibly here this very week. Towards the end, we hope that you take some time to talk to some of the nations you haven't talked with in private and make initial moves to develop relations. (OOC: In which will hopefully move to another thread). Any questions on the agenda?"

Edited by Tanis777
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((Sorry for being late in this, crazy family affairs as of late))

Representing the people of The Free Kingdom of Edean - Triumvir Androcles would be in attendance to the event. Originally, Triumvir Gildas was meant to go, but on account of sudden illness, he was forced to refrain from the event. Even still, Vivian promised to be on his best behavior and in many ways, this was a crowning moment that would likely mark his last action as Triumvirate as news of various parties cris-crossed the wires and chattering events across Edean.

After a short flight from Mistwood Citadel north, Vivian arrived at the airport for the Conference of the Americas, somewhat held back on account of stormy weather in South America. He was however, only fashionably late, even if he wasn't entirely accustomed to formal business attire which was required of him for the event. Apologizing for being partially late, Vivian would seek to move in quietly to take a place in the back rows of conference, as he felt like a student tardy to class, ears somewhat lower in humiliation and tail pulled back against his legs as if trying to hide the new-found shame of being 'different'. It was awkward enough being outside of Edean and the stark contrast in species made him feel very much far from home and extensively aware of the fact that most of the world did not share the demographics of Edean. He was hopeful however, that this would not cause much in the way of discrimination or harm to the goals Edean wished to achieve in the conference - and goals he himself personally sought as a representative of the Vesari.

Edited by Zarfef
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While initially unsure on whether or not to attend the decision was made it might be best for cooperation with American powers and continued peace to do so. If nothing else it would at least allow Athens to defend itself. Elias Martinez, Imperial Administrator of the Atlantic Autonomous Region that included all the American posessions would arrive with minimal escort consisting mainly of aides.

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Edward Coleain spoke again, "I take everyone's silence as approval of the agenda. Thank you Minister Kehenna for your clarification towards the conference's agenda. We will now discuss the first topic of discussion, economic cooperation amongst various members here today. The discussion is now open to the floor. Remember, stay on topic." Vice President Coleain pointed to the several Sergeant-At-Arms briefly waving throughout the room.

Hally Patterson rose her hand before the conference to speak first, in which Coleain recognized her.

"Secretary Patterson is recognized for 5 minutes." answered Coleain.

"Secretary of Commerce for California, Hally Patterson. Greetings fellow representatives. I am very glad to see many of you here today in attendance to discuss the various issues facing us in recent times. California has been here awhile on the North American scene and could be well considered now amongst a force of stability in North America. As news of the collapse of Pravus Ingruo forwarding into our regional headlines up here, this conference is needed more than ever. We have many new faces here today, growing from what was former nations that dominated the American landscape. The rise of new nations have lead to changing economic conditions throughout the Americas.

California has lagged behind with the flurry of new, independent nations that have sprung up around us, and we seek greater ties with Mexico and the Central American Union to expand the current conditions between our markets and reach to further markets. I know, we've made many private strides before on an individual basis, but there seems to be a time where greater, more streamlined trade can be made for us between nations of North America. California offers a wide range of products and streamlined access to markets in the Far East.

I know the topic of a large bloc economic group for America has been brought up several times before, I know among the more established nations, it's doable under the right terms.

I would like to make some time to extend economic partnership talks to valuable South America assets and resources that are strongly desired here in this nation. I hope you take the time to consider this in your speeches or privately after this conference ends. Thank you."

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((If we ask to be recognized every time by the secretary, it's going to take forever to RP anything and rather redundant - I'm going assume recognition then to avoid this - but if that's unacceptable, maybe something else that deals with this?))

After a short intermission of nods, including Vivians, he too raised his hand - the issue being discussed being one of a critical nature to Edean on account of recent South American turmoil. Upon gaining recognition to speak, he rose up and began his own views on the subject.

"I cannot speak for all peoples within South America, but I know that the cry for greater freedom in trade has been noted time and time again within Edean - the EEF's recent nosedive has made this an ever greater issue. While freedom of trade without fear of tariffs or other economic hindrances is built into the constitution of Edean itself - it would be more beneficial if we could in turn trade with our neighbors ourselves without economic, species or other unnecessary hindrance. We would be eager to agree to allow other nations to receive products and services from Edean without our companies being charged tariffs - eh which in turn (as Gildas informs me) forces companies to charge higher prices for their goods when exported to maintain the same product - and that somehow etoh drives down demand and reduces the overall economy for all. I'm kind of a bit fuzzy on this you see, but if we could agree to allow our businesses to interact in matters of business without infringement upon their profits, that could mean more jobs and a better quality of life for all of our citizens."

"To this end however, even though I am certain that many of us are willing and eager to take this step, we are also hindered by current wars that are far too frequently ravaging the lands of North and South America, with both of our continents experiencing separate vast nuclear conflicts. While the discussion of this is best relegated to the military segment of this conference - there are economic consequences too, which act as artificial trade barriers. I would like to recommend that any such agreement also includes lanes of travel that are considered DMZ commercial trafficking lanes through our nations in the event of war, so that non-militaristic trade can continue un-interrupted over land should a regional conflict arise. Likewise, if lanes of air-traffic could also be coordinated with special beacons notifying both sides of the commercial nature of the transports on IFF frequencies - that would also prove helpful. Overall though, we would be happy to take down any barriers that stop our people's from trading goods within the legal confines of those nations involved. Thank you."

Vivian then wrapped his tail back between the seat and sat down calmly as he awaited the responses from other sovereign people's and their representatives.

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC:Missed this sorry.

John Smith took his seat at the meeting, with the hope that this one wouldnt end up like the last mess. "Apologies for being late, I had a rather important vote in the council."He began reading over transcripts to get familiar with what is to happen and what has happened so far.

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