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An Announcement from TLR and NPO

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330990115' post='2934223']

You can't dismiss non serious posts AND serious posts. It betrays your biases and merely confirms my personal rules about never giving serious responses to savants like you.

EDIT: I wish we had let you into MK. It would be hilarious to watch you try to post now.

Actually that's not how that works.

You don't get to act like a raging ass and then pretend like you want to sit up at the table so that you can have a laugh and then flip it over.
You've proven quite clearly that you have no interest other than slandering and belittling Roquentin in a manner not fit for this OOC: game /OOC world, so again, I ask you:
Why the hell should anyone care what you have to say, serious or not?

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330990150' post='2934224']
What makes you think I was going to let you be [b]DON[/b] Quixote? I'm still puzzling out which one of the trinity of Schattenmann, Roquentin, and Myth gets to be Don Quixote and which gets to be Sancho. Right now I'm leaning towards Schattenmann as Don Quixote and you and Myth as Sanchos, but I'll keep an open mind.

As long as I get to ride you (llama,) instead of a donkey, cutie.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330990447' post='2934229']
Actually that's not how that works.

You don't get to act like a raging ass and then pretend like you want to sit up at the table so that you can have a laugh and then flip it over.
You've proven quite clearly that you have no interest other than slandering and belittling Roquentin in a manner not fit for this OOC: game /OOC world, so again, I ask you:
Why the hell should anyone care what you have to say, serious or not?
Just because I don't respect a person and I make it known does no make me a 'raging ass'.

I give a cynical and/or insincere response, you cry that I'm not posting seriously. I give a sincere and reasoned response and you claim that I have no credibility. You're infinitely clever.

Nobody needs to care what I say. When it comes to the OWF, I certainly don't.

In 4 years I've never betrayed an ally. Those who have will always get the same treatment from me.

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330988614' post='2934202']
Not a major world event? You don't think that the disbandment of Frostbite and Citadel (two very powerful and influential blocs) as a result of a little 6 day war [b][i](in which your allies didn't seem to be able to defend you)[/i][/b] was a [b]major world event[/b]?

You can blame LM for that.

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That is you personally, but you are a member of the government of the Mushroom Kingdom. It has also been mentioned that GOONS joined in as well in order to cover their asses with C&G.

I'd feel somewhat slighted that I was never told about how much C&G hated me by ODN, but I dunno.

Thrash: it was the best plan possible as opposed to you guys going in for an easy rolling. The issue was it took too long to get people into pm and he had RL stuff too. They basically just wanted you go all in and they could easily grind you down that way. It'd have been worse than the BiPolar outcome if no PM strat was used. The wait also allowed stuff like NSO-IRON to happen.

it's also important to keep in mind that Grub had been telling Crymson that he was against the CB, so it lead to a false impression.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330991265' post='2934236'] You're infinitely clever.[/quote]
It's about time someone has admitted it.
[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330991265' post='2934236']
In 4 years I've never betrayed an ally. Those who have will always get the same treatment from me.
Yes, a raving bunch of lunatics harassing an individual is acceptable because you haven't betrayed an ally.
Unless you're actually claiming Roquentin is somehow allied to Umbrella or MK, your unbelievable defense of your & your kinds actions now and post-facto are pretty terrible.
[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330991265' post='2934236']
Nobody needs to care what I say. When it comes to the OWF, I certainly don't.
Thanks for answering my question of why anyone should/shouldn't take you seriously.

Again, congratulations to NPO.

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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1330991331' post='2934238']
You can blame LM for that.

LM didn't take everyone's balls and put them in a jar. They gave them to him.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330991428' post='2934240']
Thrash: it was the best plan possible as opposed to you guys going in for an easy rolling. The issue was it took too long to get people into pm and he had RL stuff too. They basically just wanted you go all in and they could easily grind you down that way. It'd have been worse than the BiPolar outcome if no PM strat was used. The wait also allowed stuff like NSO-IRON to happen.

ITT Roquentin is incapable of understanding "war" and its outcomes fourth-dimensionally in a social and political universe.

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Like I'm fine with the concept of NPO signing an MDoAP, but not with these guys.

Oh man, Londo. The thing is, as the time went by your side was weakening. The only reason the whole team up with Polar thing didn't work was just because a certain individual wasn't serious about it to begin with. What would have really thrown a spanner in things is if TOP/IRON stayed out or backed the other side. It'd have been hilarious.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330991428' post='2934240']
That is you personally, but you are a member of the government of the Mushroom Kingdom. It has also been mentioned that GOONS joined in as well in order to cover their asses with C&G.

I'd feel somewhat slighted that I was never told about how much C&G hated me by ODN, but I dunno.

Thrash: it was the best plan possible as opposed to you guys going in for an easy rolling. The issue was it took too long to get people into pm and he had RL stuff too.
I never hated you when I was in Athens. I didn't hate you when I became MK gov. I don't hate you now.

I don't think I hate anyone in CN. Respect, however, was something you had and is something you have now lost.

Those who claim to respect you now do not do so because of who you are, they do so because your crusade coincides with their political views. When their goals diverge from yours, you will lose their respect, thus proving that you never really had it in the first place.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1330991854' post='2934248']
I what? Where?

Query. I asked you about it and you said you were in charge. You said everything went through you and that the DoSs only happened because of your absence.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330991882' post='2934249']
Those who claim to respect you now do not do so because of who you are, they do so because your crusade coincides with their political views.

Some others actually care about others regardless of their political orientation. I know it's a novel concept your kind, but it's possible and does exist.

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I don't really care if people want to use me. I welcome them to it because it's mutual aid. I would prefer loyalty in return, but if you squander my loyalty, this is what happens.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330991882' post='2934249']
I never hated you when I was in Athens. I didn't hate you when I became MK gov. I don't hate you now.

I don't think I hate anyone in CN. Respect, however, was something you had and is something you have now lost.

Those who claim to respect you now do not do so because of who you are, they do so because your crusade coincides with their political views. When their goals diverge from yours, you will lose their respect, thus proving that you never really had it in the first place.

I oddly find myself slightly backwards, I respected Roq a lot when he was on the other side, but now, I dunno. It's not that I don't respect him, I think maybe it's the openness of the crusade that gets to me.

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[quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1330992157' post='2934258']
I oddly find myself slightly backwards, I respected Roq a lot when he was on the other side, but now, I dunno. It's not that I don't respect him, I think maybe it's the openness of the crusade that gets to me.

The thing is, Roadie, people are kind of hung up on that. The thing is, it's not like I didn't try to advocate these views in private. The other issue is that public perception is very important, so if I can lure people into making mistakes out here, it's a good thing. I mean, they're just tripping over themselves.

In addition, I like to be straight with my motives and show what I really think.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330992048' post='2934254']
Some others actually care about others regardless of their political orientation. I know it's a novel concept your kind, but it's possible and does exist.

Spoken to someone with his name on the original C&G treaty. Lol. Rsox was caring about unpopular people while you were wallowing in the filth of the Continuum.

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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1330992400' post='2934264']
You should've tried harder.

No one in many govs gives a !@#$ about what MK does, Thrash, so I am opening up the world of politics to the public as a consequence. In addition, I see it as a net benefit for the forums. It is making them more entertaining, no?

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Get back on topic folks. This topic is not about "daddy issues", who is blame for lack of communication and so forth. Failure to be on topic will result in warns.


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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330992429' post='2934265']
Spoken to someone with his name on the original C&G treaty. Lol. Rsox was caring about unpopular people while you were wallowing in the filth of the Continuum.

Amusing to see the role reversal between the two.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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Basically, if they did, Thrash, there would be no additional treaties to people tied to the hip to MK. No upgrade in this instance, no other treaties on the table. No TOP-MK treaty, no MK-ODN treaty, no Doomhouse, no NoR-MK.

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