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Dear MHA


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I dislike big, fat alliances that fail to wield their power in any meaningful or interesting way as much as anyone. I understand the sentiment toward MHA and Sparta, though I think this is a lame way to follow through on it, but MHA specifically seems to have seriously pissed some people off and I can't quite figure out why? I've missed a lot. Is it just the Harmlins thing? :s

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[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1324037277' post='2879799']
I dislike big, fat alliances that fail to wield their power in any meaningful or interesting way as much as anyone. I understand the sentiment toward MHA and Sparta, though I think this is a lame way to follow through on it, but MHA specifically seems to have seriously pissed some people off and I can't quite figure out why? I've missed a lot. Is it just the Harmlins thing? :s

It's simply a myth.

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[quote name='unpronounced' timestamp='1324039162' post='2879815']
So this is what the world order post-Karma look like...

What's the difference? (I joined Bob after Karma)

And no speech from Archon?

Well, considering MHA and Sparta have always been on the winning team I think this is actually a genuine departure from history. I'm not hating on them, and on the contrary the MHA membership seems perfectly agreeable on a personal level.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1323842231' post='2877450']
Never has a more meaningless award gone to a more meaningless alliance.

They are allied to Fark. Same as Sparta.

There are a few reasons that are no longer-applicable that would've been more convenient than the truth, but most of them are self-serving and/or lies.
Not sure what the deal with Rusty and a few others is, but you'll have that. There still is that lingering TOP-CnG MHA interaction.

Awful lot of attention for purveying opinion, etc.

My guess is the concentration of force is an attempt to get them to surrender quickly as they believe (whatever your opinion aside,) that they are the easiest lot of the field.

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[quote name='unpronounced' timestamp='1324039162' post='2879815']
So this is what the world order post-Karma look like...

What's the difference? (I joined Bob after Karma)

And no speech from Archon?

I think it was something along the lines of alliances attacking others without reason and for just pure hate reasons, gang banging alliances because they can and so forth. Ohhhhhhh wait, you're talking about pre-Karma? Pretty much the same as now minus disbandment's.

Throw in a few hypocritical !@#$%^&* self serving speeches about making this word a better place and really nothing much has changed.

I love this world and the people within it. They give great entertainment. :wub:

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1324040569' post='2879827']
I think it was something along the lines of alliances attacking others without reason and for just pure hate reasons, gang banging alliances because they can and so forth. Ohhhhhhh wait, you're talking about pre-Karma? Pretty much the same as now minus disbandment's.

Throw in a few hypocritical !@#$%^&* self serving speeches about making this word a better place and really nothing much has changed.

I love this world and the people within it. They give great entertainment. :wub:

What utter crap. Half the alliances stomping this time were stomped by overwhelming force last time. Mine included.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1324041170' post='2879834']
Are you dense or just playing stupid?

Judging by your attack on the person and not the argument, then I guess you could attach that comment to yourself.

Karma: big speech about how the world will change curb stomps and harsh terms and past sins being atoned for yadda yadda.

Now: Alliances declaring from a grudge years ago. Alliances using that to their advantage to gang bang alliances because they can.

Minus disbandment's, nothing has changed only the people that wield the power.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1324041391' post='2879839']
Judging by your attack on the person and not the argument, then I guess you could attach that comment to yourself.

Karma: big speech about how the world will change curb stomps and harsh terms and past sins being atoned for yadda yadda.

Now: Alliances declaring from a grudge years ago. Alliances using that to their advantage to gang bang alliances because they can.

Minus disbandment's, nothing has changed only the people that wield the power.
Literally too stupid to recognize that years-old propaganda may not have been entirely based in fact

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1324041170' post='2879834']
Are you dense or just playing stupid?
that is pretty much what this is though, even if you'd like to spin it otherwise, this world always has those in power using past examples of being curbstomped as a reason to curbstomp, or do you not remember Great War 2 and Pacifica's reasoning for creating WUT?

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1324041633' post='2879841']
Literally too stupid to recognize that years-old propaganda may not have been entirely based in fact

So what your saying is Archon speaks !@#$? Sorry to disappoint you but I have gathered that already.

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[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1324041330' post='2879837']
Oh? One of those "we don't actually have a reason to hate you but it's a good pretense for taking your tech" moves, then? I guess I didn't miss [i]that[/i] much.
A bit of a pun there. Myth (or however the !@#$ the name was written) was an ex-MHA trium.
That being said, you should know by know that the unjust path is back, and doing whatever the hell we decide we want to do.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1324041774' post='2879845']
A bit of a pun there. Myth (or however the !@#$ the name was written) was an ex-MHA trium.
That being said, you should know by know that the unjust path is back, and doing whatever the hell we decide we want to do.
so you're going to declare on Pacifica? that was the plan the first time around, hit both Orders, this time you have NSO as a bonus!

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1324041716' post='2879844']
So what your saying is Archon speaks !@#$? Sorry to disappoint you but I have gathered that already.
Shouldn't you be busy whining to someone?
Actually, scratch that. You should be busy sending us reps.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1324041391' post='2879839']
Judging by your attack on the person and not the argument, then I guess you could attach that comment to yourself.

Karma: big speech about how the world will change curb stomps and harsh terms and past sins being atoned for yadda yadda.

Now: Alliances declaring from a grudge years ago. Alliances using that to their advantage to gang bang alliances because they can.

Minus disbandment's, nothing has changed only the people that wield the power.

Thank you. Your summary is an enlightenment.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1324041774' post='2879845']
A bit of a pun there. Myth (or however the !@#$ the name was written) was an ex-MHA trium.
That being said, you should know by know that the unjust path is back, and doing whatever the hell we decide we want to do.

If that was an accurate reason it kinda makes this DoW awkward, doesn't it?

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