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The GM's Court


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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1348535909' post='3033783']
Both groups don't want to compromise and both groups say their argument using the same style of rhetoric.

In other words: Get off your !@#$@#$ high horse.
[/quote]Um, that's not strictly true...[i]several[/i] people in the preplanning camp recognized the flaws but wanted reform instead. I was one of them.

[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1348539012' post='3033807']
I petition the GMs to require all posts within this court begin with "My Dear Gentleman," or "My Dear Lady". All of our conversations would seem so much more civilized, no?
[/quote]Hahah, I'd get behind that.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1348540117' post='3033817']
Dear Sir,

Shove it up your ass.
[/quote] :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1348535909' post='3033783']
Both groups don't want to compromise and both groups say their argument using the same style of rhetoric.

In other words: Get off your !@#$@#$ high horse.
Entirely not true. The vast majority of the preplanning crowd were very much in favour of compromise. The anti preplanning crowd may have missed this while they were busy screaming '$%&@ PREPLANNING' every five seconds.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1348562854' post='3033914']
I didn't miss it at all, I just see no reason to compromise. Rape ain't right son, neither is preplanning.
[/quote]Once in passing was enough...but enough with those comparisons, please.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1348562854' post='3033914']
I didn't miss it at all, I just see no reason to compromise. Rape ain't right son, neither is preplanning.
And this unwillingness to compromise is why you vote for Romney. :v:

(Sorry, I'll get out.)

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1348539012' post='3033807']
I petition the GMs to require all posts within this court begin with "My Dear Gentleman," or "My Dear Lady". All of our conversations would seem so much more civilized, no?

You must start every post with "My dearest Elizabeth," and then begin by telling how the war between the states has personally affected you.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1348575788' post='3033934']
So there you go, it's a total democracy, you guys decide when you want the argument to end.
Sarah's right. We're here for spy rolls and to enforce current laws. If you want to make one up or drop one, it's on you guys.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while since I used this.

>I make several massive posts, the latest mentioning in a private conversation in a secret compound on the moon how my new ruler will try to keep Tianxia from expanding much further into space (Click #1).
>Less than 60 minutes later, Triyun writes 2 lines about his stuff expanding, keeping it deliberately vague and unknowable just how much exactly he is building or how many people he actually has (Click #2).

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106348&st=180#entry3041230"]Click #1[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110416&st=60#entry3041245"]Click #2[/url]

I would like to lodge a complaint about this, Ladies and Gent. For I believe that that post might break the IC/OOC barrier so many of us like to try to keep while also showing lacklustre effort for a region of RP that [i]should[/i] in my opinion be RPd heavily, simply [i]because[/i] there's no regulations about it, [i]because[/i] it's optionally recognised.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350209424' post='3041283']
Been a while since I used this.

>I make several massive posts, the latest mentioning in a private conversation in a secret compound on the moon how my new ruler will try to keep Tianxia from expanding much further into space (Click #1).
>Less than 60 minutes later, Triyun writes 2 lines about his stuff expanding, keeping it deliberately vague and unknowable just how much exactly he is building or how many people he actually has (Click #2).

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106348&st=180#entry3041230"]Click #1[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110416&st=60#entry3041245"]Click #2[/url]

I would like to lodge a complaint about this, Ladies and Gent. For I believe that that post might break the IC/OOC barrier so many of us like to try to keep while also showing lacklustre effort for a region of RP that [i]should[/i] in my opinion be RPd heavily, simply [i]because[/i] there's no regulations about it, [i]because[/i] it's optionally recognised.

You need to prove there was intentional breaking of the line, because it is in character for Triyun to expand his effort. On your second argument you yourself have already said why it's without merit. [b]In your opinion[/b], space rp is optionally canon so by definition everything is sufficient.

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Having talked this over with Kankou and Shammy, we've come to the conclusion that since space is an Optional RP, firstly the GMs cannot regulate what is acceptable or non-acceptable in a post. Lynneth, if you have a problem with Triyun's post you should speak to him directly about it and try to work things out between yourselves. If you come to a point where both of you disagree and cannot move forward in the RP without disagreement, please come to us and we can step in as a mediator. However, right now there is nothing to rule because Space RP is option. You alone cannot create regulation for that RP, as it's open to everyone, so what is acceptable to you is not mandatory for everyone else.

My advise, work things out between yourselves and continue on with the story.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1350232073' post='3041324']
Having talked this over with Kankou and Shammy, we've come to the conclusion that since space is an Optional RP, firstly the GMs cannot regulate what is acceptable or non-acceptable in a post. Lynneth, if you have a problem with Triyun's post you should speak to him directly about it and try to work things out between yourselves. If you come to a point where both of you disagree and cannot move forward in the RP without disagreement, please come to us and we can step in as a mediator. However, right now there is nothing to rule because Space RP is option. You alone cannot create regulation for that RP, as it's open to everyone, so what is acceptable to you is not mandatory for everyone else.

My advise, work things out between yourselves and continue on with the story.
I have previously talked to Triyun about space stuff, and he, in very clear words, told me the following.

[quote][20:46] <Triyun> and I'm not going to type much
[20:46] <Triyun> of the boring stuff up
[20:47] <Triyun> and if you don't like that
[20:47] <Triyun> than tough !@#$ for you
[20:47] <Triyun> I'm not going to write more up
[20:47] <Triyun> because its boring
[20:47] <Triyun> if I want to do a boring write up I'll do it for something other than a game[/quote]
While these logs are approximately from april, I very much doubt that Triyun's stance on this has changed much.

Fake edit:
Not to mention, what if this happened on the planet, not in space? Am I going to be treated differently because I have most of my territory moved into space? If this had happened on Earth, it'd be a definite violation I'm sure, but in space it isn't? Double standards, much?

Edited by Lynneth
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To be honest, it's perfectly within Triyun's right to do whatever he wants in regards to space. I do that kind of crap all the time with economic stuff - does that mean Kankou should bring up a problem with one of my eco-RP posts? Not really. People have different styles of RP for different things, they can be as vague or specific as they want or feel is warranted.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350232621' post='3041326']
I have previously talked to Triyun about space stuff, and he, in very clear words, told me the following.

While these logs are approximately from april, I very much doubt that Triyun's stance on this has changed much.

Fake edit:
Not to mention, what if this happened on the planet, not in space? Am I going to be treated differently because I have most of my territory moved into space? If this had happened on Earth, it'd be a definite violation I'm sure, but in space it isn't? Double standards, much?

You're already being treated differently, your stuff in space is immune to attack.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1350234195' post='3041339']
You're already being treated differently, your stuff in space is immune to attack.
Except this only is the case because 'optional', which I maintain is ridiculous. Space should be part of CNRP as much as the rest down on the planet, with the same rules, if adjusted to the different medium to maintain stability and fairness as well as quality of RP. It can be done, I know that.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350234465' post='3041341']
Except this only is the case because 'optional', which I maintain is ridiculous. Space should be part of CNRP as much as the rest down on the planet, with the same rules, if adjusted to the different medium to maintain stability and fairness as well as quality of RP. It can be done, I know that.

Start downsizing your populations then if you want it in the realm of canon cnrp.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1350235030' post='3041343']
Start downsizing your populations then if you want it in the realm of canon cnrp.
One would think that after a century (IC) and 3 years (RL) of investing time into something, it would be of considerable size.
I still maintain that, if Triyun had done this on Earth in response to an action I did on Earth, it would've been called out by someone else, faster than I did here. It's hypocrisy that space RP seems to be worth less than planetary RP "because it's non-canon".

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1350235295' post='3041344']
One would think that after a century (IC) and 3 years (RL) of investing time into something, it would be of considerable size.
I still maintain that, if Triyun had done this on Earth in response to an action I did on Earth, it would've been called out by someone else, faster than I did here. It's hypocrisy that space RP seems to be worth less than planetary RP "because it's non-canon".

Everyone on Earth was going to be called out if they rp'd anything faster than 1 year a month. You did 3 a month.

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