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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315889143' post='2799634']
I would think Wolfpack is able to speak for themselves and don't need this guy embarrassing them. Makes you wonder why they give a guy in another alliance a gov position like that in their alliance and allow someone with a different AA speak for them.

I'm not WP gov, never claimed to be. You should really stop talking yourself, you're making mindless idiots the world over look really bad.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1315890041' post='2799640']
I'm not WP gov, never claimed to be. You should really stop talking yourself, you're making mindless idiots the world over look really bad.

That's just what you want us to believe. We all know you run WP.

You realize you're arguing with Methrage, right? Just sayin'.

Also, good luck NG. <3

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1315890041' post='2799640']
I'm not WP gov, never claimed to be. You should really stop talking yourself, you're making mindless idiots the world over look really bad.
You did claim to speak for them and won't shut up about this incident or myself. If Wolfpack really has a big problem with me, they can say it to me rather through you as a proxy. If my post makes Wolfpack realize why they shouldn't allow individuals such as yourself pass yourself off as speaking for the alliance, it will be worth it. Even members of CoJ and GOONS both made comments on how your making Wolfpack and Europa look bad with your complaining while trying to speak for Wolfpack, normally they don't agree on much.

I have respect for Wolfpack, but no respect for you. If Wolfpack wants to alter my opinion of them with the type of complaining and wild accusations you're making, they can do it themselves. They don't need you messing around with their reputation by trying to be their public face on this issue, as your dragging out discussion on this by bringing up your own complaints and opinions as if they represent them.

Edited by Methrage
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Methrage, have you ever considers that you are like an angry old man impotently yelling at kids to get off his lawn?
That is honestly what you sound like, you make a fuss about anything, what you don't get is that Chaxie boy here is just provoking you into incoherent yelling, so you don't notice his friends sneaking in your backdoor with a large hard shaft of a shotgun to shoot you with.

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[quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1315891822' post='2799652']
Methrage, have you ever considers that you are like an angry old man impotently yelling at kids to get off his lawn?
That is honestly what you sound like, you make a fuss about anything, what you don't get is that Chaxie boy here is just provoking you into incoherent yelling, so you don't notice his friends sneaking in your backdoor with a large hard shaft of a shotgun to shoot you with.
I don't really care, I ignored it the first many times he made ridiculous posts while claiming to represent Wolfpack, but seems me not responding doesn't mean he won't stop talking about me and claiming to be outraged on behalf of Wolfpack, who isn't complaining at all themselves.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315890498' post='2799646']
You did claim to speak for them and won't shut up about this incident or myself. If Wolfpack really has a big problem with me, they can say it to me rather through you as a proxy. If my post makes Wolfpack realize why they shouldn't allow individuals such as yourself pass yourself off as speaking for the alliance, it will be worth it. Even members of CoJ and GOONS both made comments on how your making Wolfpack and Europa look bad with your complaining while trying to speak for Wolfpack, normally they don't agree on much.

I have respect for Wolfpack, but no respect for you. If Wolfpack wants to alter my opinion of them with the type of complaining and wild accusations you're making, they can do it themselves. They don't need you messing around with their reputation by trying to be their public face on this issue, as your dragging out discussion on this by bringing up your own complaints and opinions as if they represent them.

No one, including everyone, gives a !@#$ about your opinion on any subject.

GOONS loves this guy you hate.

Methrage do yourself a favor and stop posting like your queen told you to.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1315892940' post='2799659']
No one, including everyone, gives a !@#$ about your opinion on any subject.

GOONS loves this guy you hate.
Considering you thought we had a third war and imagined it ending with someone else paying reps for me, which was complete fantasy on your part, I doubt you represent more than yourself in GOONS. Even by GOONS standards your lacking in intelligence and seem to have no idea whats going on around you. Also I don't hate him, for me to hate him I would have to care about him. I was just pointing out how him portraying his personal opinions as the position of Wolfpack isn't helping them any and is just making himself and those he claims to represent look stupid in doing so. Just as you make GOONS look stupid when you claim to speak on behalf of the entire alliance, you should leave that to Sardonic.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1315891822' post='2799652']
Methrage, have you ever considers that you are like an angry old man impotently yelling at kids to get off his lawn?
That is honestly what you sound like, you make a fuss about anything, what you don't get is that Chaxie boy here is just provoking you into incoherent yelling, so you don't notice his friends sneaking in your backdoor with a large hard shaft of a shotgun to shoot you with.

Good post, +insightful. :unsure:

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315892130' post='2799654']
I don't really care, I ignored it the first many times he made ridiculous posts while claiming to represent Wolfpack, but seems me not responding doesn't mean he won't stop talking about me and claiming to be outraged on behalf of Wolfpack, who isn't complaining at all themselves.

Wolfpack will just have to look out for themselves on this issue. We are a little too busy right now to be doing their FA for them on top of everything else. Just sayin. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315893189' post='2799662']
Considering you thought we had a third war and imagined it ending with someone else paying reps for me, which was complete fantasy on your part, I doubt you represent more than yourself in GOONS. Even by GOONS standards your lacking in intelligence and seem to have no idea whats going on around you. Also I don't hate him, for me to hate him I would have to care about him. I was just pointing out how him portraying his personal opinions as the position of Wolfpack isn't helping them any and is just making himself and those he claims to represent look stupid in doing so. Just as you make GOONS look stupid when you claim to speak on behalf of the entire alliance, you should leave that to Sardonic.

GOONS does what I say Methrage. Sardonic comes to me for beauty tips and anything else he needs help with, the only exception being String Theory. It just doesn't make sense.

Again, no need to explain yourself because no one cares. You would be well advised to find a mirror and talk to it instead of posting. At least someone will look you in the eyes then and listen to your every word.

Also GOONS doesn't have standards.

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I think we as a community (shudder) can do better than this.

But I guess I can settle for watching the shell of a person posting feverishly to strain tiny, tiny drops of self-importance out of other people's half-hearted commentary.

I guess this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets a tiny, irrational, and easily dealt with object.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1315915136' post='2799710']
GOONS does what I say Methrage. Sardonic comes to me for beauty tips and anything else he needs help with, the only exception being String Theory. It just doesn't make sense.

Again, no need to explain yourself because no one cares. You would be well advised to find a mirror and talk to it instead of posting. At least someone will look you in the eyes then and listen to your every word.

Also GOONS doesn't have standards.
You've convinced me unless its a post from Sardonic (maybe Beefspari, Timberland or Umar would be worth responding to depending on what they say), that I will stop posting any responses to posts made by GOONS, even if directed at me. I already knew you guys had low standards, so except for the few GOONS I don't consider to be idiots, make as much noise as you want in hopes that I will respond and I won't care. Also when you make posts directed at me, then you just respond to me replying or not replying with making more posts directed at me while telling me not to respond to you if I do, you get added to my block list so I don't waste my time reading your posts anymore. If you don't want to see my posts, you can go ahead and add me to yours as well. Then none of us will need to read what the other one posts. Normally I never block people, but you're the second one to make it to the list. I'd rather GOONS ignore me than follow me around in every thread that involves me with a bunch of contentless posts meant to sidetrack whatever the thread is about.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315917362' post='2799720']
You've convinced me unless its a post from Sardonic (maybe Beefspari, Timberland or Umar would be worth responding to depending on what they say), that I will stop posting any responses to posts made by GOONS, even if directed at me. I already knew you guys had low standards, so except for the few GOONS I don't consider to be idiots, make as much noise as you want in hopes that I will respond and I won't care. Also when you make posts directed at me, then you just respond to me replying or not replying with making more posts directed at me while telling me not to respond to you if I do, you get added to my block list so I don't waste my time reading your posts anymore. If you don't want to see my posts, you can go ahead and add me to yours as well. Then none of us will need to read what the other one posts. Normally I never block people, but you're the second one to make it to the list. I'd rather GOONS ignore me than follow me around in every thread that involves me with a bunch of contentless posts meant to sidetrack whatever the thread is about.

We all consider you to be an idiot, yet totally worthy of replying to! :v: mrwuss hasn't figured out that you're incapable of deciphering complicated methods of interaction such as 'humor' or 'sarcasm', unfortunately, so most of his posts sadly bounce off you like a frisbee thrown to a blind dog. Please, by all means, keep telling us how many of us you've 'put on the block list'. Perpetuate your patheticism, son.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315917362' post='2799720']
You've convinced me unless its a post from Sardonic (maybe Beefspari, Timberland or Umar would be worth responding to depending on what they say), that I will stop posting any responses to posts made by GOONS, even if directed at me. I already knew you guys had low standards, so except for the few GOONS I don't consider to be idiots, make as much noise as you want in hopes that I will respond and I won't care. Also when you make posts directed at me, then you just respond to me replying or not replying with making more posts directed at me while telling me not to respond to you if I do, you get added to my block list so I don't waste my time reading your posts anymore. If you don't want to see my posts, you can go ahead and add me to yours as well. Then none of us will need to read what the other one posts. Normally I never block people, but you're the second one to make it to the list. I'd rather GOONS ignore me than follow me around in every thread that involves me with a bunch of contentless posts meant to sidetrack whatever the thread is about.


But you have awful standards if you think Beefspari is good enough to be read. She only posts stories about animals.

Also this thread is about a contentless topic, so posting contentless posts is on topic.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1315917362' post='2799720']
You've convinced me unless its a post from Sardonic (maybe Beefspari, Timberland or Umar would be worth responding to depending on what they say), that I will stop posting any responses to posts made by GOONS, even if directed at me. I already knew you guys had low standards, so except for the few GOONS I don't consider to be idiots, make as much noise as you want in hopes that I will respond and I won't care. [b]Also when you make posts directed at me, then you just respond to me replying or not replying with making more posts directed at me while telling me not to respond to you if I do[/b], you get added to my block list so I don't waste my time reading your posts anymore. If you don't want to see my posts, you can go ahead and add me to yours as well. Then none of us will need to read what the other one posts. Normally I never block people, but you're the second one to make it to the list.[/quote]

What in god's holy name are you blathering about?

[quote] I'd rather GOONS ignore me than follow me around in every thread that involves me with a bunch of contentless posts meant to sidetrack whatever the thread is about.[/quote]

I just read...

"I'd rather the people I've chosen to pester for months not pay attention when I lash out against them in an attempt to make myself seem like some amazing champion of good, and I'd certainly not like them to point out in front of everyone that I'm kind of an idiot and generally unsuccessful. But if they're going to, I'm going to stick my head in the sand until everyone forgets about it."

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1315793068' post='2798999']
It's not that we wouldn't back WP up in a war. In any other circumstance, I would have let this war happen. Alas, we wanted to see Methrage gone from this world as much as the next guy. I absolutely refuse to start a war with NG that could be seen as anything close to siding with Methy. So if we have to swallow our pride and give 30 million in reps, then so be it. It was a mistake, and that's been established, but it was still a mistake that caused NG damage, and we're sorry about that.[/quote]

Rather clearly it was an error and NG was in a position to shrug it off, ask for minimal reparations and a public apology, max reps, or even simply declare on you. They trended toward the "less forgiving" end of the curve, something that has been noted by others. Unfortunate situation to be sure and it appears you've learned from it. My apologies if my attempt at humor was a bit over the top.

I am known for coming to the defensive of people I think need defending. I've defended Methrage in the past. This time I am not. Part of being a good alliance member is knowing when, even though you'd love to charge to the sound of the guns, to stand fast. Methrage failed that test and now is off [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYB92jGPnlg"]on campaign across La Mancha again[/url]. This is simply one time too many for me. Even Don Quixote regained his sanity at the end, I don't know that Methrage ever will.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1315918236' post='2799726']
But you have awful standards if you think Beefspari is good enough to be read. She only posts stories about animals.

Pass me on some Beefsparian fairytales if you will; there might be a Aid slot involved for your effort. I need some thing that makes sense after wading through 3 threads' worth of Methcolai nonsense.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1315915136' post='2799710']
Sardonic comes to me for beauty tips

Sardonic always has been about just getting the tips.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1315922981' post='2799737']
My apologies if my attempt at humor was a bit over the top.

Look up a few posts and you'll see Nippy saying something about a blind dog or something. That's me, by the way. I'm that blind dog. What I'm trying to say is, I missed your humor because I'm an idiot, and I apologize for that.

[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1315931290' post='2799780']
Chax, why didn't you tell me you were a GOONS puppet?? :mad:

GOONS didn't tell me I could. Why didn't you tell me I was the Invicta Viceroy?

Methrage, my tear machine almost has enough fuel to run for the rest of my life. Can I get a few more? Please?

Ernesto Che Guevara
President of Wolfpack

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