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Global United Nations


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May 20th, 2007. The day GUN was announced to the world.[/center]

During the course of GUN's existence, she saw many changes. GUN rose to unexpected heights within her first few months, but soon become a victim of her own growth and internal issues. Began as a peaceful alliance, GUN faced it's first real conflict when declared upon in June, 2008 by the coalition of BLEU. Less than a month later, GUN surrendered, but the problems plaguing the alliance carried on. The next two years saw forum changes, changes in leadership and structure, and a controversial switch from the Green Sphere to Aqua which elevated tensions between GUN and VE. Throughout these events, membership steadily declined. Plagued by reputation, changes, war, loss in membership, and in-activy, even the efforts of several key loyalists were unable to turn GUN around. Over 3 years after her entrance into the world, on August 5th, 2010, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90232"]GUN was officially disbanded[/url].

It wasn't all bad, though. "GUNners" did manage to forge a couple of solid friendships, including that of her allies in NATO. Many former GUNners reside there today, choosing to call NATO home after GUN. Despite the troubles GUN faced during its former tenure on Bob, remarkable bonds were formed among her loyal members and GUN held a unique distinction among those members that would never be forgotten. To this day, there are former members who still carry GUN remembrance phrases in their Bio. That's the type of camraderie that is rarely found anymore. As one of the two original founders of GUN (then known as Zhaan), I am proud that something I created turned out to be a place many people in the community called home, made lasting friendships, and still holds a special place with them to this day. GUN was created with that dream in mind. Although she faced many conflicts and obstacles, the original Charter, direction of GUN, and bonds of loyalty and friendship among those who formed her set the tone for the unwavering spirit found among many of her members who remained until the end. To those members, I thank you for keeping her spirit alive.

[center]April 2nd, 2011. The day GUN emerged a new alliance with an old vision. One of peace, prosperity, and strength through friendship and co-operation.[/center]

Founded by 3 former GUNners, and a handful of other members who together formed the UNSC banner, the decision was made to change our theme and our course. The protection that was extended to the UNSC by the World Federation has been carried over to the GUN affiliation. In addition, GUN is once more an alliance of the Green Sphere. Anyone interested in joining GUN who is over 4k NS may join without changing their current color sphere. New nations will be required to begin on Green.

[i][b]So what else is different about GUN?[/b][/i]
We hope to have learned enough from past mistakes to re-invent GUN as an alliance worthy of respect and honor. The structure has changed, and the entirety of the contents of the Charter can be viewed by the public on the GUN forums, located at globalunitednations.com. GUN will be led by a Secretary-General, elected every 3 months along with a 3 man Security Council, which in this version will serve as a Senate responsible for confirming the Sec-Gen’s appointments of Ministers, as well as deliberating over changes and direction of the alliance.

GUN will also undertake efforts to bring you the latest news and information on the alliance in a new publication, titled “In Scope”. Over time, we hope to extend the content of this publication to include our take on world affairs.

If you noticed the banner at the top of the announcement, you might have seen that we’ve modified our original UN logo to better represent the alliance:


The crossed guns at the bottom represent our unification in arms and the single star represents the beacon of light that is the vision of GUN.

We encourage you to visit us in our public irc channel, #gun (on coldfront), and request an embassy with us in our forums. We are aware that Bob is tougher and colder than it used to be. Growing a new alliance in this day and age is no small feat. Regardless of what we do or don't achieve in numbers, we will always have our bonds to hold us true and keep our aim steady. We don’t know what the future holds, but with your support, and the dedication of our members, we feel we can achieve any goals we set forth.

o7 GUN!

In honor of the original co-founder of GUN, m[b]glock[/b]wo, wherever you are today, we present you a custom GLOCK:


Edited by Mason
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[quote name='King Charge' timestamp='1301798477' post='2683257']
Very nice to see this! Congrats guys. Do you have a forums link?

The link is globalunitednations.com

Thanks, Gearhead and everyone else for your support. We'll try to make you proud.

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Zhaan, stop it. No, I am serious, enough of your !@#$%^&*.

You created UNSC only to suddenly bail on everyone halfway through, citing OOC reasons (which I frankly don't believe). Why should anyone expect you to do better this time?

You did the exact same thing in BCOM. You left when we were peaking, again citing OOC reasons, only to come back a few weeks later under Skywalker, and then you left [i]again[/i] when you realised BCOM was crumbling- off to form UNSC.

Your behaviour is unbecoming of a GUNner. I fully expect you to hand the reigns to someone better fit to lead GUN.

I am not impressed with this at all.

Edited by Hadrian
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Well it is nice to be A GUNNER again. I thank all of you for the kind words.Hadrian mate one man does not make an alliance is the heart and soul of the team.

Edited by Semperfidelist
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[quote name='Semperfidelist' timestamp='1301831845' post='2683380']
Well it is nice to be A GUNNER again. I thank all of you for the kind words.Hadrian mate one man does not make an alliance is the heart and soul of the team.
Semper, as a close friend it pains me to see you blindly following Zhaan into what is entirely likely to be another failure.

You want my advice? Coup the !@#$%^& and lead GUN yourself.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1301833182' post='2683384']
Semper, as a close friend it pains me to see you blindly following Zhaan into what is entirely likely to be another failure.

You want my advice? Coup the !@#$%^& and lead GUN yourself.

GUN is designed to hold elections for its leadership, so the people get to decide who leads them. I understand how things appear from your side of the table and I've sent you a pm. However, these guys can carry GUN on long after I'm gone if that's their choice. I can assure you I won't take it away from them.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1301821583' post='2683367']
Zhaan, stop it. No, I am serious, enough of your !@#$%^&*.

You created UNSC only to suddenly bail on everyone halfway through, citing OOC reasons (which I frankly don't believe). Why should anyone expect you to do better this time?

BTW, not sure where you're getting your story from, but you're way off base.

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[quote name='Mason' timestamp='1301838843' post='2683400']
GUN is designed to hold elections for its leadership, so the people get to decide who leads them. I understand how things appear from your side of the table and I've sent you a pm. However, these guys can carry GUN on long after I'm gone if that's their choice. I can assure you I won't take it away from them.
It's not about you taking, it's about you giving. You are re-creating this alliance out of some sort of nostalgic spirit, with not even a quarter of the original membership, and yet you have accomplished next to nothing with UNSC. It's like you're just repeating yourself in that sense. And your past record stands- I would not hesitate to make a bet with someone about how short a time it will be until you leave again and come back under a different name.

[quote name='Mason' timestamp='1301839401' post='2683404']
BTW, not sure where you're getting your story from, but you're way off base.
That's funny, because Semper is a good pal of mine and likes to keep me updated on how his alliance is doing. He's also your defence man, quite a high position these days. So I know I'm not as "off-base" as you think.

Don't make me bring in the hard evidence here. You're a good guy, but you're not cut out for leadership.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1301851391' post='2683478']
Don't make me bring in the hard evidence here. You're a good guy, but you're not cut out for leadership.

Haven't read a single thing is this thread but happened to come right to this...

May I ask what qualifies you to make this statement?

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1301851599' post='2683480']
Haven't read a single thing is this thread but happened to come right to this...

May I ask what qualifies you to make this statement?
[/i]Well, I'm actually more than qualified to make that statement. For starters, I have never bailed on my alliance whilst in the highest leadership position, especially not an alliance I created with my own hands (saying that, I have not created my own alliance (unless co-founder counts), nor have I been in the highest leadership position of one. Yet.) and I would not dream of doing such a thing. I also wouldn't use OOC excuses to do such a thing. Additionally, I don't spontaneously leave my former alliance in a mess only to create another alliance and suddenly bring half the members from that alliance over to the new one.

Edited by Hadrian
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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1301853361' post='2683497']
[/i]Well, I'm actually more than qualified to make that statement. For starters, I have never bailed on my alliance whilst in the highest leadership position, especially not an alliance I created with my own hands (saying that, I have not created my own alliance (unless co-founder counts), nor have I been in the highest leadership position of one. Yet.) and I would not dream of doing such a thing. I also wouldn't use OOC excuses to do such a thing. Additionally, I don't spontaneously leave my former alliance in a mess only to create another alliance and suddenly bring half the members from that alliance over to the new one.

Essentially all you said was that you've never done anything to prove you have any leadership traits, yes? Which would not qualify you to say if he is or isn't a very good leader unless you had first hand experience with his leadership capabilities, which you don't have either that I am aware of.

If you want to bag on someone's leadership qualities, please show some of your own first.

With that being said, there does need to be less new alliances made and more effort by players with desire to participate in governments learn and develop within established alliances that have the framework already. Not enough resources anymore to continue to spread them around and not consolodate a bit.

Good luck.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1301857905' post='2683529']
Cue a certain VE member ironically insulting GUN for disbanding then reforming.

And good luck.

I appreciate it. In all honesty, Hadrian's concerns have nothing to do with any past VE affiliation. We were both in Blackstone Commission together. BCOM faced the same issues the UNSC came up against, and I walked away. With the UNSC, it started strong as many new alliances do, and also faded fast...as many new alliances do. I put forth a lot of work into UNSC and after trying to rally and giving specific instruction to my top government, there was no action from the majority of them and this went on for two weeks. I got frustrated, considering there were only 13 of us left, and only 2-3 doing anything, so I declared UNSC disbanded and shut down the forums. I deleted and left. It was the wrong move. After a cooling off period, I came back with a new nation and apologized to those left that I had let down. The ones left apologized as well and we discussed our options...merging, disbanding, keep going as UNSC, or forming a new theme and carry on. Thus, GUN was reborn.

The membership of GUN have my solemn vow that if I decide to throw in the towel, the alliance administration will be turned over to those who wish to carry it on. Our first elections will also be held at the beginning of May. They can decide who they want to lead. I'm fine with any role and I'm just happy to call GUN home once again.

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