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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1300515794' post='2669988']
By that same token, you seem to take gratification in insulting people and making things unenjoyable over said text based game because they don't conform to your own views of the world.

Seems a bit hypocritical for you to call out someone, when it seems like you're now only using CNRP to spite people you don't like.

Aww someones upset he was called out.

*Head pat*

One day you can grow up and be as real as me, young one.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300515895' post='2669990']
Aww someones upset he was called out.

*Head pat*

One day you can grow up and be as real as me, young one.


If anyone ever becomes has real has you they would have to sprout wings and fly...

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300515575' post='2669984']
Yeah you wanted to avoid me, So you begged my OOCly for a Treaty. I was honestly one of the only reasons you came into CNRP seeing as I asked Adzzz to help you into CNRP. Then I gave you no more guidance unto my bloc. I lead Africa for a short pieriod. Then when I left it fell apart, Hmmm.. Because my RP sucked right? No. Because cowards like you scurried in to follow the world. Back then I was well respected so you had no "reason" to avoid me. Your only attempting to hide your cowardice of getting rolled in a text based game. Pretty sad, Imo.

Lol yea i did ask you for help when i started, but i did not beg you for a treaty, nor were you the only reason i came into RP. I came into CNRP because I enjoy role playing and Adzzz told me about it. And things fell apart because you and your allies made poorly thought out choices. I wasn't even actively involved in the war. Really, its quite sad that you would assume all of what you said is true, when thats not what happened, and its also even worse that you would assume that cowardice is the reason for not siding with someone. I wanted my nation to be more connected to socialism/communism, hence the The [i]People's[/i] Republic of Africa. I planned that out before I even approached you for help. What other excuses do you have?

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1300515754' post='2669987']
Molly's Goat is a legitimately recognized entity in CNRP. Sargun in no way has any control over the quantum leaping time travelling goat that is impervious to everything. He can try and claim he does, but he simply doesn't.

I'm going to have to re-submit Molly's Goat's membership at this time.

In an OoC context, i would like to reaffirm that The PRA does recognize Molly's Goat as a legitimate entity. :awesome:

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1300516201' post='2669999']
I got the best image to sum up this thread, just dug it out of my collection on my hard drive;


That is all, kthnxbai

curses to you shammy, i was about to post that!

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Rotavele, please, please stop creating such asinine threads. Who are you trying to convince with all this mudslinging? You are no rebel, you are no maverick. You are a joke.

You really want to rebel against the established tranches of CNRP? Do it through RP. CNRP is a community RP, if you do not like this community what the hell are you still doing here? Or have you received some contract from someone to be an absolute nuisance to everyone? This is what, the fourth rage thread you have started here in less than a week?

I am not speaking this as a GM. I am not speaking this as a friend. I am speaking as a person who values CNRP community for its good and bad, stop these stupidities.

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Am I eligible?

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300514917' post='2669968']
Yes, Im the one who ran to Red Dawn to protect me, and Im the one who runs to Triyun and Sargun when my feelings are hurt. That is me. And I have allies.

Ok but in reality im the realest one in this whole RP. Im the one who has stood against the conformists and followers of the world many of times. Alongside my buddy Fizzy. Hes the only one who makes his own opinions. In my eyes hes one of the best RPers as he can handle IC drama without taking it OOCly. His tears are made of steel and yours, well they are water.

Also I take offense to this. If you perhaps have read any of the Angelika von Hapsburg RPs taking place in North America. You might find that you are not alone in this crusade. You would see Rota that perhaps if you opened your eyes a bit more, concentrated less on how 'picked' on you are, in the High School Sense, and buckled down, subtly and slowly, a reactionary movement might have a chance. Instead, everyone wants to say they're a reactionary and a rebel and all they do is either write articles, write OOC threads, or whatever.

Rebellion and Revolution are more than words and actions, especially on here, they're about sitting down and crafting a story. A story that will be fun for the 'Empire' and the 'Rebellion.

But then again, all your posts might be satire, you might love Triyun and hate Fizzy. idk.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300514917' post='2669968']
Future Global Domination, Metagame, Horrible RPing, and failure at english.


Unfortunately you cannot lead a charge into Australia, As your only a follower and conformist, You lack the name of Sargun, Triyun, or any other oldie. Therefore your appeal at membership has been denied.


Yes, Im the one who ran to Red Dawn to protect me, and Im the one who runs to Triyun and Sargun when my feelings are hurt. That is me. And I have allies.

Ok but in reality im the realest one in this whole RP. Im the one who has stood against the conformists and followers of the world many of times. [b]Alongside my buddy Fizzy. Hes the only one who makes his own opinions. In my eyes hes one of the best RPers as he can handle IC drama without taking it OOCly. His tears are made of steel and yours, well they are water.[/b][/quote]


Although wouldn't tears of steel hurt? I think they would. That's why I'm always crying steel.

I want to join.

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My one and only comment here.
Fizzy crosses of OOC line more times than I can count on both hands in the space of a week. He is still butthurt of being rolled out of the Ivory Coast by whining about the lolwar, when infact, he just lacked the know how to stop our advance. He cannot handle ICly drama and he always puts it down to OOC. HOWEVER.

Fizzy just grits his teeth and gets on with moving forward to something new and he tries again.
Rota, look, all you do is whine, make these hate/whine threads and ramble on about how you have it oh so hard in the community.

Just man up and keep your head down for a while, you were doing fine till you shot your mouth of over the Australian activities. And now when people shoot you down over it, you make a thread like this.

Stop playing the victim and either just play it cool or leave the community, I can safely say that most of the community doesn't want you here, yet they still recognise you as part of the community.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300555772' post='2670279']
My one and only comment here.
Fizzy crosses of OOC line more times than I can count on both hands in the space of a week. He is still butthurt of being rolled out of the Ivory Coast by whining about the lolwar, when infact, he just lacked the know how to stop our advance. He cannot handle ICly drama and he always puts it down to OOC. HOWEVER.

Fizzy just grits his teeth and gets on with moving forward to something new and he tries again.
Rota, look, all you do is whine, make these hate/whine threads and ramble on about how you have it oh so hard in the community.

Just man up and keep your head down for a while, you were doing fine till you shot your mouth of over the Australian activities. And now when people shoot you down over it, you make a thread like this.

Stop playing the victim and either just play it cool or leave the community, I can safely say that most of the community doesn't want you here, yet they still recognise you as part of the community.

I cannot handle loltech. I don't mind a war that I lose, I just hate it where there is absolutely NOTHING I can do to even get a casualty on your side.

When the artillery missed and my SAMs were immediately destroyed(lolhow), It made me very angry. BUT, I didn't care too much until everyone just went straight to the lolplanes thing. Which, ones again makes me angry. But I cooled off.

I've gotten over it all. The only person who I truly do not like is dotCom. Of course, OoCly he's being better than he used to be, but ICly I'm not sure If my future nations will ever take Xinyan seriously.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300555772' post='2670279']
either just play it cool or leave the community

One of the great parts of CNRP is that I can Roleplay how I want, As long as its Roleplay. All your doing is saying "Be like us" but in reality im on my own path.

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Promise broken.

Playing it your own way. The way your playing doesn't conform to community standards.

Whilst you have a nation on the map or interact with CNRP on anyway, how you treat other players bears massively on how they treat you.

If you were RPing a non CNRP role-play but in the fantasy section, it's all good because there is no unwanted interaction between players.

If you wanna play your own way, that's fine, but don't play it your own way under the guise of CNRP. We are a community and we conform to community induced standards wether you like it or not.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300560647' post='2670329']
Promise broken.

Playing it your own way. The way your playing doesn't conform to community standards.

Whilst you have a nation on the map or interact with CNRP on anyway, how you treat other players bears massively on how they treat you.

If you were RPing a non CNRP role-play but in the fantasy section, it's all good because there is no unwanted interaction between players.

If you wanna play your own way, that's fine, but don't play it your own way under the guise of CNRP. We are a community and we conform to community induced standards wether you like it or not.

And what are these community standards? CNRP is already so incredibly 1-2 person RPs. Him playing by himself would be no different.

The majority of threads on the front page are: CLassified/Private/etc. You cannot join in. It is an RP between two people or just one person solely RPing. At least ROtavele takes it towards the entire community. Everyone else just signs a huge treaty web that is impossible to break, and sits around doing there own little stuff. There's no RP anymore. It's purely "no you cant do that, only I'm rping here."

Seriously, we need an alliance to rival Red Dawn, or something. Less of this everyone vs one person crap, and more world tensions. Rota at least tries.

And yes, I would like to make this alliance but it seems I'm too much of a joke to do anything. If I tried, I would just get rolled.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300560647' post='2670329']
Promise broken.

Playing it your own way. The way your playing doesn't conform to community standards.

Whilst you have a nation on the map or interact with CNRP on anyway, how you treat other players bears massively on how they treat you.

If you were RPing a non CNRP role-play but in the fantasy section, it's all good because there is no unwanted interaction between players.

If you wanna play your own way, that's fine, but don't play it your own way under the guise of CNRP. We are a community and we conform to community induced standards wether you like it or not.

As far as we can speak of community standards Rota hasn't broken any, she conforms to the cnrp guidelines and we do allow space for people to go their own way. They will just face more opposition.

[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1300561530' post='2670335']
And what are these community standards? CNRP is already so incredibly 1-2 person RPs. Him playing by himself would be no different.

The majority of threads on the front page are: CLassified/Private/etc. You cannot join in. It is an RP between two people or just one person solely RPing. At least ROtavele takes it towards the entire community. Everyone else just signs a huge treaty web that is impossible to break, and sits around doing there own little stuff. There's no RP anymore. It's purely "no you cant do that, only I'm rping here."

Seriously, we need an alliance to rival Red Dawn, or something. Less of this everyone vs one person crap, and more world tensions. Rota at least tries.

And yes, I would like to make this alliance but it seems I'm too much of a joke to do anything. If I tried, I would just get rolled.

Ignoring Red Dawn has lost its dominant position for a bit however if you want to form a rival to it, do it. But don't whine ooc about how evil we are playing our politics well. Plot yourself, make a bloc, grow the bloc, etc. Do it IC and it could be a very fun rp however this ooc whining about IC politics is silly.

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