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Everything posted by Epiphanus

  1. It's so funny to see \m/ fighting for their good buddies in polaris. I'm sure STA is also thrilled to see MM leading this pathetic alliance.
  2. [quote name='MayorTim' timestamp='1295939404' post='2599366'] Pacifica has never faced such insurmountable odds. Truly, we are all doomed. Oh, wait. When will you people learn that you just can't beat us? [/quote] I can't tell if you are just towing the party line, or if you really are just an ignorant simpleton.
  3. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295574825' post='2587523'] This is the best one here, but not for the reasons you thought. [/quote] Definitely, it's one of my favorites.
  4. [quote name='Edifice' timestamp='1295361624' post='2581294'] I was under the impression that the Polar flipping during BiPolar was more out of soreness stemming from WotC than a desire to save one's skin. [/quote] No, they flipped because it was either that, or we were going to pound them for quite a while. They decided they'd test their luck with TOP instead of Umbrella and Kronos, GOD and VE too I guess.
  5. They should get the \m/ treatment, tbqh. Tech farm or nothing.
  6. OP makes a good post and a good point about an inherent flaw in the game mechanics. People read what alliance makes said post. Baawing ensues. But really, why do we even need a limit? If alliance score is what an alliance is ranked on, shouldn't it also be the sole factor to determine which alliances are sanctioned?
  7. This is ridiculous. You decided that you didn't like how the other thread was going so you elected yourself to create this ~Academy~. Why not just do it like we've always done it. Someone who is biased towards the whole thing really should be running it </sarcasm> Maybe you should take a step back from the whole thing SCY and let someone else run the show. Someone who isn't totally biased.
  8. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1289708831' post='2512519'] $9m?! lots of damages or someones getting greedy [/quote] You are a little late to the party. Could have at least been fashionable.
  9. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289311528' post='2507965'] Except that you are wrong. MK spoke with two members of government and were told that the nation was not a member and that NSO would not be paying their demands. They then went to RV after refusing to negotiate and demanded the same thing without options. That isn't a negotiation by any definition. RV had already read the transcript of the previous conversation when entering the logged talks so he was aware of the MK position from the start. Plus, thanks for noticing that I never bother with the subtle crap. Too little straight talk here these days for my tastes. [/quote] You couldn't be more wrong with your "here's how it happened." If you are going to bother to post, at least get your facts straight.
  10. [quote name='Ashok' timestamp='1289285250' post='2507530'] We do 5x5 matrices for sledding good sir. Sorry if that hurts your head to try to comprehend. [/quote] And yet the intricacies of unmasking a "ghost" are too much for you to fathom. You'll have to excuse our suspicions.
  11. [quote name='Snowbeast' timestamp='1288982514' post='2503055'] Where is Comrade LJ_Scott's flag? [/quote] I wanted to be the one to say this What do you tell people who ask about these flags?
  12. [quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1288410719' post='2496888'] The orange caek i*is shot* [/quote] I sent my attack teams after you. Os get to bed
  13. [center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y9/MAR-Peeves/Mkflag.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/vcFVx.png[/img] [b]The OsRavan Can Finally Leave His House Accords[/b][/center] [b]Preamble[/b] Recognizing our strong friendship, our common dedication to success, and to of course ensure the safety of both alliances from external attacks, the Orange Defense Network and the Mushroom Kingdom agree to these terms of mutual defense. [b]Article I[/b] Both signatories recognize that this pact is not a merger of the two alliances, and that both alliances will retain their full and complete sovereignty. Neither signatory shall take any action that could potentially infringe on the sovereignty of the other. [b]Article II[/b] Both signatories recognize the importance of strong and constant communication both during war and in peace and will remain in contact through IRC, on forums, and/or through another means of communication. If either signatory receives information detailing a threat towards the other (direct aggression, threat of war, espionage, etc), they are obliged to inform them immediately. [b]Article III[/b] Any direct attack on either signatory should be seen as an attack on both, and thus initiating the mobilization of both signatories' armed forces (this includes espionage and rogue attacks). Both signatories are obliged to provide military and financial aid to the other if requested. The respective parties are not obliged to offer assistance should either signatory alliance become involved in a conflict via other treaties with other alliances or blocs. Either signatory alliance may offer assistance in such an event but any assistance would be voluntary. [b]Article IV[/b] If one party finds itself as an instigator in a conflict, the other party may join in if they feel the cause is valid, and the conduct just. Otherwise they may refuse services. [b]Article V[/b] Neither signatory will take actions that could potentially damage the other. Neither will provide aid or sanctuary to any enemy of the other signatory despite their relationship with that enemy. Neither will engage in attacks, either through military or espionage, against the other and will work to resolve any disputes that may from time to time emerge between their respective members. [b]Article VI[/b] If either signatory wishes to terminate these accords, they must provide the other with at least 48 hours notice, at which time both signatories will enter into discussions to determine if reasons for termination can be resolved. If they cannot, the termination of the accords will proceed 48 hours from the date of announcement. Any violation of these accords is grounds for immediate termination, but discussion to resolve the problem is strongly encouraged. [b]Signed,[/b] [b]For the Mushroom Kingdom[/b] King: Archon Prince: lebubu Lord High Vanguard: Teh 1337 Guy Lord High Envoy: Epiphanus Lord High Treasurer: Infinite Citadel Lord High Communicator: potato Lord High Inductor: Imperator [b]For the Orange Defense Network[/b] Secretary-General: OsRavan Assistant Secretary-General: Arsenal Secretary of Defense: itsEze Secretary of State: Joracy Secretary of Economics: Zsandmann Secretary of the Interior: Max Cristof Senate XXXVII: Azelie, Dylan Lusk, Istus, Lucius Aerilius, Twazzlepop
  14. [center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y9/MAR-Peeves/Mkflag.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/42LZ4.jpg[/img] [b]The =LOST= Takes MK Back, Treaty[/b][/center] [b]Preamble[/b] The Mushroom Kingdom (hereafter MK) and the League of Shadows Treaty (hereafter =LOST=) are friends closer than any other, we share our enemies and fight together. We show this document to the world as evidence of that bond. [b]Article I - Non-Aggression[/b] MK and =LOST= are obligated to refrain from any act of violence, aggressive action, and/or any attack on each other individually or jointly with other powers. [b]Article II - Intel[/b] MK and =LOST= will not spy on each other and will immediately inform each other if anyone has hostile intentions on the other. And will share all relevant information required by either. [b]Article III - Defense[/b] MK and =LOST= recognize that should an armed attack on either party's nations and/or territories is dangerous to the peace of both alliances. The assisting party will act to meet the common danger in accordance to its charter/constitutional process. MK and =LOST= will maintain open communication with one another to decide the best suitable action to take when the defense of one of the parties is in any need of assistance. [b]Article V - Optional Aggression[/b] Whenever any nation, alliance, or union of alliances poses a clear and present danger to the signatories of this pact and is designated a threat by leadership of the signatories, all members of the signatory alliances—unless bound by treaty to non-aggression or neutrality—shall have the option to jointly respond. Such response shall only be sufficient to contain and eliminate the perceived threat and deter future threats. [b]Article V - Chaining[/b] MK and =LOST= are not obliged to offer assistance should either signatory alliance become involved in a conflict via other treaties with other alliances or blocs. Either signatory alliance may offer assistance in such an event but any assistance would be voluntary. [b]Article VI - Cancellation[/b] Should either of the undersigned alliances wish to withdraw from this pact notice of their intent to cancel must be provided in private 7 days prior to the cancellation, during which time all provisions of this document will remain in effect. [b]Signed for LOST:[/b] [img]http://i51.tinypic.com/osc2uf.jpg[/img] [b]Signed for the Mushroom Kingdom[/b] King: Archon Prince: Lebubu Lord High Vanguard: Teh 1337 Guy Lord High Envoy: Epiphanus Lord High Treasurer: Infinite Citadel Lord High Communicator: Potato Lord High Inductor: Imperator
  15. Getting rid of shamed is [b]always[/b] a good idea.
  16. While this doesn't change the stagnation, I look forward to seeing whoever wins.
  17. [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1286766438' post='2480989'] Eh, can't force something my friend. If this is how they feel, so be it. I am sure there were many things said and done in between. [/quote] If you read my time line on page 2 (or 3). That really is literally the schedule of events.
  18. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1286766349' post='2480987'] Well, this is off to a good start. I look forward to UPN's next well-thought-out move. [/quote] Attack GOONS seems to be next on their to-do list.
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