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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. Drai has a very good point, and I'd like to reinforce those words by stating so here.
  2. Wasn't that the Lenin Swish picture? Edit: SolarS, I see you reading this topic.
  3. Trace wrote it. Not my fault. Also, per the OP, please direct all complaints towards Londo.
  4. So here we were, getting ready to open up shop while cleaning to close it down for the night. We work hard to open, do business and close in that 1 minute you know. It isn't easy. So anyways, just as we were doing all our daily tasks, I noticed a small slip of paper sticking out of the suggestion box. Wondering what kind of twit thinks we actually pay attention to anything anyone has to say, I took it out and read it. Turns out it says that the office building across the street is now vacant, and we could move into a larger office if we wanted. Leaping at the opportunity to have more room for activities, like step class or aerobics, or maybe even some karate in the parking garage below, we signed the lease and used Londo's tuition money to put a down payment on the space. However, it turns out that we couldn't afford the rent, so we'd need to find another party to share. After some soul searching, bong hitting and lots of penis jokes, we decided that we could con 75% of the rent out of some real idiots. Once we had this all arranged, the Complaints and Grievances office moved into its new place. And now we're stuck sharing it with the Greenland Republic. Now I have to re-evaluate who are the idiots. WELCOME TO THE PARTY MOTHER $%&@ERS! Also, for the lolz: If you have any complaints please pm and query Londo. Thanks. That is all. Signed: CnG
  5. Was going to avoid all these, but since I posted in the ex-lue topic, I had to post here. Was Don of Family 5. Been in Vanguard since the viceroy.
  6. Kamichi making LUE and NPO teams in Pro Evolution Soccer and then LUE losing in the simulation between the two was pretty funny. A lot of good times were had.
  7. Kinda hard to have GW VI when we haven't had GWIII yet.
  8. NpO and MK. Umbrella is a distant third.
  9. I'm posting in this thread an angry man as [ooc] Brian Fuentes and the Angels just choked away a four run lead, simultaneously ruining the 6 innings of shutout ball thrown by Nick Adenhart who is on my fantasy team, costing me the W for his outing. Thus, in this angered state [/ooc] this new alliance sucks, especially Epiphanus. Also, anybody protecting this alliance sucks. Also, Kronar Applicant AA sucks. Good luck guys, you can thank me later for my blessings. [22:06] <Epiphanus> RN, my DoE is significantly lacking Vanguardians [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> i just got home from class [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> also [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> we hate you [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> so [22:07] <Epiphanus> POST IN IT OR DIE [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> that should be expected [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> also [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> i'm currently watching the Angels choke away a lead [22:07] <rafael_nadal-away> a 4 run lead I posted, happy now?
  10. Good for both alliances if this is what they want. I'm personally happy to see this treaty at a much lower level now, as I never much cared for NATO. I don't think Rok is losing much with this announcement.
  11. I find it highly questionable that all three founders, as well as our leader, are Aussies. I will be launching an internal investigation into this matter.
  12. So the winds change, so my heart swings. $%&@ you. I don't support you any more. Also, you better not be here in the morning.
  13. Vanguard voted, and it was the will of the majority that Stumpy is unfit for his position by virtue of being overqualified. STUMPY FOR SOVEREIGN!
  14. Maybe ya'll don't remember the color sphere polls, in which Orange proved to be the dominant sphere.
  15. I'm honored to have such topics coming from our members. Good work Para.
  16. If Pink Floyd leads to us dying, then it shall be a glorious death.
  17. This is great Stumpy. I didn't know what to expect when you mentioned it, but I'm happy you wrote this.
  18. Congrats to our allies in MK and to the Gramlins for signing with a great alliance like MK.
  19. You haven't seen Vanguard government members (admittedly mainly myself and Revanche) post on these boards too much then I take it?
  20. There is no reason to sad face that.
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