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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. YOU ARE A DAY EARLY! Congrats guys. Love the looks of this. I'm sure we'll have no problems striking up a formal friendship under this name.
  2. Thank you. It's better to just come right out with the truth, rather than making up ridiculous stories.
  3. No no no, the NPO forced you to disband, and that's the end of it.
  4. Congrats. Though I may not much care for you, TPF, I do like Zenith and I'm glad you're not selling them out.
  5. With your past exchange, I can now say that this topic is complete in my view Magicninja. Stumpy? He's too busy...sucking.
  6. It sucks to have to cancel treaties, but I can't truly say I'm sad to see this one go (shocking, I know ).
  7. Ha, we did go Scorched Earth Policy on the original treaty. This is a great moment in CN history.
  8. Since we're not a top 40 alliance, I had to go through and all the ones I cared about myself. Total Wonders: #37 Total Military Wonders: #19 Avg Wonders Per Member: #5 Avg Military Wonders Per Member: #4 Avg Econ Wonders Per Member: #8 Wonders Per 10k NS: #7 Wonders Per 1k Infra: #6 % Members with SDI: #4 % Members with MP: #7 % Members with WRC: #4 Pure Wonder Counts: -FSS: Tied for #9 -AADN: Tied for #11 -FAFB: #16 -HDNMS: #6 -MP: Tied for #28 -Pentagons: Tied for #18 -WRC: #9 -SDI: Tied for #24 -DRA: Tied for #27 For not being a top 40 alliance we sure do rank up there highly in these counts, even some of the total #'s counts. Though, I guess we're not a top 40 alliance because of our total NS. :lol: Nice stats Aza.
  9. I would never accept these terms if I were Zenith. If KM is a member of their alliance, then he should be allowed to run for gov't just as any other normal member would be able to. Not to mention the fact that I would have just spent 60 mil on somebody who can never truly apply his talents to the alliance. Congrats on your agreement guys, regardless of my opinion of it.
  10. There's no real proof here offered that KM ordered a zi for an ooc reason, thus I can in no way support an ooc punishment, such as forced deletion.
  11. The correct nomenclature is Diet NPO. The only real colony was The Brown Colony. Gotta get the terms right.
  12. If you drunken post like that consistently, I'll make you my deputy. :lol:
  13. I am boycotting this. Two horrible alliances upgrading a horrible treaty. Rafa does not approve. you both.
  14. QTUN actually prefers right wing military dictatorships. Republicans are just too liberal these days, ya know?
  15. Congrats to our allies at GR. Seems you guys proposed at the "right time".
  16. This gov't has problems written all over it. Thaliak is a rabblerouser.
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