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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. This was the only one mentioned to us. If Echelon wants us to protect their other protectorates, I don't see much reason why I wouldn't agree to it.
  2. Both Aurora Borealis and Vanguard have held treaties extending a ways back with Echelon. It is with these relationships built up that we are proud to announce the joint protectorate of ICENI. ICENI was formerly protected by Echelon, however, due to their imminent surrender, Echelon asked us to protect ICENI for them. Obviously, we obliged. ICENI has the full weight of Vanguard and Aurora Borealis behind them, as of the posting of this announcement. Sigs: We all agreed, and I didn't bother getting them to post.
  3. Athens, because if recruitment fails, they'll just eat your alliance anyways.
  4. This is embarrassing. I was hoping CnG would be doing this.
  5. You guys should mass pm ODN, to check to see if they still don't have a spine either.
  6. Way to go GOP. That must have been a mighty show of resolve in order to get an apology from NSO. I refuse to believe Ivan has turned into a lulz leader, and the neutrals, so far, and the world, so far, have both failed his boundary test.
  7. This is what you chose NSO? Over a fun 2 week skirmish with CnG? This is downright sickening. On a more serious note, kinda a lulz move, but I hope you get beaten down by the neutrals for even more lulz.
  8. Bad argument. Our allies, for the most part, don't/didn't try to pull the same BS stuff. Also, we're better at preventing our allies from doing things like that, since most of us wouldn't support them in their ventures of doing so.
  9. Yes, we put a one month limit to get 90% of those above 4k infra out of peace mode, discounting nations who are being nation sat. This easily allows nations who aren't what we consider alliance active, but check once every 20 days just to keep their nation alive, to be able to comply with these terms. These people were all able to get to peace mode one way or another at one time or another, and one month is plenty for them to get back to war mode. We lowered the minimum level of reps to what you wanted, iirc 25k tech a month, down from 50k. As far as being back to war if you don't meet one of the terms. We've already said we'll handle things on a case by case basis. Of course, if something comes out to where it's obvious NPO is deliberately not meeting the terms, we will consider them a breach of the terms, and going back to war is an option to deal with it, just as adding on to the reps numbers is an option to deal with it.
  10. *sigh* And emotions once again ruin a topic better served by plain logic.
  11. They turned down the terms because one month wasn't acceptable to them to get 90% of their nations over 4k infra out of peace mode. They argued people were away on vacation and whatnot due to it being summer. So we included a clause that nations being nationsat weren't apart of the nations needing to come out. Considering that nations that don't check in every 20 days are deleted, that means every nation still existing in the extra 10 days past the 20 day mark, up to the one month end, is active enough to switch to war mode. There's a reason we're insisting on two weeks of war, in that it is much more effective at dispersing money, tech, infra, just general strength than reps. To even begin to touch reps without the war clause would be absolutely astronomical. We know the figures of their warchests, and despite being in peace mode all this time, most of their peace mode nations are turning a profit still, thus adding to their warchests.
  12. We've already conceded, a lot. We conceded a full round of war, which would have had them collect in nuke anarchy, down to two cycles. We also lowered the min per month reps payment. We've done plenty of conceding, and our current offer is as low as we're willing to go. Edit: Also, this proposal has a longer proposed lifespan than our terms should take.
  13. I approve of this DoE. Also, remember to be wary of the Extraterrestrial Penis in Catronos. >_>
  14. Hopefully they decide to drop CnG when they commence the review.
  15. Then you're just as bad as he is. If you have plans of doing anything though, you might just turn out to be worse.
  16. Will you actually be doing anything as Sec Gen?
  17. This is disastrous. Arsenal as Sec Gen?
  18. Wait wait wait, you merged and didn't even get rsox out of gov't? This merge fails.
  19. If I can retain dual gov't citizenships, I will submit my application. BECAUSE I JUST HAVE TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS Fake edit: I see you RossGarner, reading this. Your application is necessary.
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