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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1286415375' post='2477616'] When you're being cheered by Legion, Invicta, NSO, and TIO and at the same time jeered by Athens you know you've done something wrong. [/quote]You used to us, I am disappoint :colbert:
  2. Urgh, another alliance with the "United States" theme to it. They usually don't last long. That comment has nothing to do with the people involved, just that idea has not worked out for anyone that I know of.
  3. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1286397638' post='2477388'] TIO fails, I'm afraid to say... at not disbanding [/quote] You fail at attempting humour, that became a double negative you fool.
  4. lol... I just saw your new sig, I am amused

  5. [quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1286375885' post='2477155'] I had hoped this was going to be a disbandment notice. [/quote] So did I, but all I got was success, so you'll just have to deal with that
  6. [quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1286364182' post='2477060'] Damn skippy! (Come on, admit it... how many times has someone tried to make a joke out of that?) [/quote] Not really, although it does get very annoying having my highlights go off when someone says it on IRC
  7. [center][img]http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u190/TiagoJeronimo/TIOFLAG2.png[/img][/center] Good evening slaves to the almighty admin. I've come today to bring you all terrible news. The Imperial Order has survived for 6 months on this harsh world. We've had a despicable leader in our early life, but luckily he handed the reins to somebody a little bit more sane. All is currently well. We've seen many talented players join us our ranks, with only a few who couldn't handle our atrocities. I'm happy to say that I've not regretted founding this vile cluster of misfits, and will look forward to seeing out another 6 months. tl;dr Bernkastel has failed to destroy us before we reached the period of 6 months of existence. P.S, I might as well make note here that the afore mentioned sane leader is temporarily away in a foreign land, [ooc]Fencing in Australia, good luck to him,[/ooc] and left me in charge for the week. Let the insanity resume. o/ TIO.
  8. I really hope something actually happens this time, don't let us down FAN
  9. [quote name='bzelger' timestamp='1286132324' post='2473272'] Those items were all good news. It was unfathomable to me that you would let either of those into government. [/quote] Personally, I do not regret their time in government at all. Sure a few alliances *hated* us for making such actions, but they proved to be some of the most valuable people we've had in our gov throughout existence. Personality wise, once you get to know them, they're great friends as well. They both have a well earned rest, until they decide to overthrow me..
  10. Hm, I'll be the third TIOer to make a post here Are there any thoughts as to the recent gov change TIO has made? (MvP and Bern stepping down, Sentinal and myself stepping up)
  11. [quote name='Boywunda' timestamp='1285738013' post='2467835'] How are GOONS the bullies, when we're the ones getting declared on? [/quote] Exactly the way ChairmanHal described it, try re reading what he said.
  12. [quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285737301' post='2467791'] Well you see, our upper-mid tear is running out of attack slots. We've got 20-odd nuclear nations to deal with at the moment, you see. And momma always told me, never let a good warslot go unused. [/quote] Will they all be issuing their own Declarations of war? Also, for an alliance of 280 members, surely you have the nations available to take out an alliance of 11 members on your own.
  13. I can see more of GOONS allies hitting Ninjas than I can see actual GOONS hitting them. Their plan of defence is cry to mummy first, then swing punches later.
  14. Dragging the retired out of their homes, poor show Imperia, poor show...
  15. More Imperialists Don't let us down like IBA did
  16. You guys are all so lame... A note to anyone who reads this, come hang out in #TIO 11/10 people agree, #TIO is far better to hang out than #TKTB
  17. Congrats my turtle friends! Its about time you joined the 1m club o/ James o/ Jewel o/ WasDrogan o/ DogsofWar
  18. Glad Tulak is in, but you replaced the wrong king... Hopefully Tulak can change my (and several others with the same thoughts and reasoning) opinion of Sparta.
  19. I thought IBA would last a little longer than that, I guess I was wrong. You have let Imperialism down Pierce. Hang your head in shame.
  20. [quote name='We be Not Alone' timestamp='1284841895' post='2457431'] IBA we don't need more blue. Disband. [/quote] ye can never have enough blue.
  21. Your signature makes me eyes beg for mercy That said, a good announcement all round.
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