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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. This is your best treaty, bears, for it invokes eldritch powers and cannot but inspire mindless terror in all who behold it. Also, NATO are fine people. Ignore the carpers.
  2. The ultimate twist will be that Os is Schatt's Manchurian candidate.* *Note for the easily bewildered: this is in no way a serious suggestion.
  3. Always. You'd all do well to remember.
  4. More elections coming up. We're always having elections. More democracy per square centimetre than any other alliance...
  5. Good things happen when you share an orange. And cake. Sharing cake is good, too.
  6. You're definitely one of his favorite hobbies.
  7. Did Valhalla do anything in particular to offend you, or is it just generalized Valhalla-ness for which you think they should be punished?
  8. Also hello, Mr Schattenmann, how are you? Congratulations on the occasion of your ninth natal day.
  9. This discussion is in this place because it is about OsRavan. It is not about alliance decisions in the last war. STA insisted that ODN not enter on their behalf, as discussed in countless other threads. Why the hell must you derail yet another discussion? Do I have to go change my vote from Junka to you in Bilrow's poll? This thread is specifically about OsRavan, NPO, and TPF.
  10. Please do concentrate on the matter in hand.
  11. Speaking entirely personally, I think the last war was a crock of excrement. Revenge is an excellent CB. I'm just pointing out that "pre-emption" has a precise meaning in international relations theory and law, and it doesn't apply in this case. Of course. I am duty-bound, as an ally of NPO, to wish them a swift victory. You are bound as their opponent to promise them anything but. These are the niceties of public diplomacy in time of war.
  12. This is not a pre-emptive war, which would be getting in an attack first against an impending aggressor. I'm pretty sure NPO had no plans to attack TPF. It is, rather, as TPF have made clear, a war of revenge for the wrongs they believe NPO have done to them. As far as war can be (and war is always hell), it seems like good, clean fun. I wish both warring parties the best. Naturally, I wish our allies in NPO a swift victory. The rest is sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  13. Arguably, triviality on Bob has increased over time, possibly even geometrically.
  14. There's a very orange party with cake and balloons and such in my pub here: http://orangedefense.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=69443- feel free to swing by.
  15. Today marks a decade of ODN's existence. As others here remarked, CN has spawned great community and communities, and that is probably its greatest gift.
  16. Thank you, sir. But now I'm in a bind because, like the rebel, I have one of these parties on ignore, so it hard to form a fair judgment. On the other hand, every time I hit the "view post anyway?" option, I regret it, so that is highly suggestive. I believe I have sufficient data.
  17. We're ten years old today. You should probably join us or something.
  18. Technically, if there is a choice of only two, the question should be "who is worse?" For it to be "worst" one needs a selection of three of more. I demand more choices or fewer word errors.
  19. Twizzler's running in the Senate by-election. We're all doomed. Climb aboard this sinking ship now!
  20. Proximus rejoined. Run away. Actually, lots of old timers have come back. There must be something in the water. Or the whisky.
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